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Should the province help pay for Snowtember damages?


  • Peter - 9 years ago

    Calgary should be on their own for that. Everyone clean up their own mess in front of their own house. Quit whining about everything

  • MaryAnn - 9 years ago

    First of all Mr Nenshi should not be so dramatic, it appeared as a tantrum expecting the province to roll over. We lost 4 trees and were hoping spring would of restored them and unfortunately they went to the landfill. The landfill is capitalizing on the trees/shrubs up to $40.00/load and I am only one household.

  • Ted - 9 years ago

    Snow in Alberta isn't a disaster. It happens all the time. A city should pay for its own broken trees and landscaping.

  • Noah - 9 years ago

    The NDP would normally throw gobs of money at a problem like this. The fact they aren't tells me the provinces finances are in a worse mess than I thought & even dem socialists have to draw the line somewhere. As far as our steamed mayor throwing a hissy fit what else is new. I especially like how it's always the same thread with the left - Bad snowstorm ? Climate change. Too hot ? Climate change. Way too cold ? Climate change. Can't find a parking spot at the mall ? Ya I know it's climate change. Let me say this about that: With the rainy day fund the City of Calgary has built up by overtaxing us sitting at nearly a half a billion dollars please Shut the Hell Up

  • Jay - 9 years ago

    Just saw his tantrum on the news and he is a complete embarrassment to the citizens of Calgary. Blaming the snow on climate change is idiotic. Nenshi will say or do anything for the mighty dollar. Time for change.

  • Jen - 9 years ago

    While I am a huge fan of our mayor, he can not be shocked that the province will not cover the damage caused by last septembers snow storm. The province is right, the fund is to help in a disaster such as the 2013 floods. A disaster, not trees being broken. I love those old trees but we can not expect the province to pitch in financially for that.

  • Manfred - 9 years ago

    What does it matter. We pay taxes to Prov. and City and country and the money for this still comes out of my pocket.

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