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What Episode Types Do you Like Most?

Total Votes: 14,117

  • Logan Reilly - 9 years ago

    Why is there no "All of the above" option?

  • KitZune - 9 years ago

    Wanted to throw in that while Slice of life episodes are my favourite ones, I don't think there's a choice on this list I wouldn't pick as an episode type I like. What I like about the series is that it maintains having a balance between different types of episodes. Some are silly, some are serious and gritty, some are light hearted and fluffy. Most of the episodes are very enjoyable.

  • Squeaky_Belle - 9 years ago

    So like what Some Pony said, if there was an option where "simple" could be replaced with "complex", I would've chosen that instead. Always have been a fan of exploring the characters a lot further than the everyday friendship problem. :)

  • Squeaky_Belle - 9 years ago

    You see I would've picked Slice of Life Simple Ponyville Friendship Problem but I really like episodes that are just plain funny or have deeper characterisation of certain ponies too.

    As much as I like the average Friendship Problem, I think I would like them especially more if they had some deeper exploration into the ponies like some of the episodes do. (I'm an obvious fan of Scootaloo dealing with her flying problem. :P) While I'll admit that bringing back some of the same issues is getting a little too repetitive I always seem to see a lot of potential in them and will almost automatically love the episode. :)

    And then there's just some times where I think inserting a really funny episode is kind of necessary once in a while! :D Kind of reminds me how happy this show is making people feel.

  • weweweeee - 9 years ago

    non and all of them... i'd like a balanced, creative and unique set of episodes that can be memorable. I know how much i'm asking, but that's what i'd like to see.

  • Unicalken - 9 years ago

    @TinyKittenKisses the reason as to why nostalgia critic didnt add my little pony in the cool cartoon shows video is because he is biased, which is okay, everyone is a little biased in some way or other. He only put some of the cartoons he likes to watch himself on there, and MLP isn't something he watches. For the rest you said, eh, it's a matter of taste and opinion. I personally think something new is brought to the table whenever the character has to go through something or other. I see the castle episode as Twilight and Spike moving on from what they once had, what was dear to them, and learning what is most importent about it all, the memories left behind. If it was boring with nothing new to it for you then it was just boring and with nothing new to it for you and you should just skip the episode all together, but as a person who has watched this show for a little more than three years now, I gotta say, one of my favorite things about this show are the different episodes. I am not talking about Steven Universe or Gravity Falls with the way they like to have a little mix in their episodes, I am talking about that MLP has every kind of genre episode that is allowed to be in a kids cartoon. Every type of episode has been handled beautifully atleast once in this show and everything I like to watch in my shows is being showed all in the same little pony cartoon. That's one of the things I personally love about this show and the reason as to why I chose other, because I would have chosen all of them if I could.

  • Some Pony - 9 years ago

    How about Slice of Life complex friendship problem? Like Fluttershy626 said, "More focused to personalities of characters, depth, development", with a good amount of physical/mental and emotional elements, either as core or accent?

    Those episodes feel richer, and leave more detailed impressions to think about, plus they provide more shared references usable as examples in discussions. The writing and continuity might be more difficult, though.

  • Rockpath5 - 9 years ago

    It's good to see the appreciation for slice of life episodes.

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    What about Comedic Slice of Life? :/ I like all kinds of episodes though.

  • TinyKittenKisses - 9 years ago

    @Mojo if the slice of life would have interesting new stuff about characters would be ok, for example i really want to see the one about fluttershy 's brother and im sure that will be slice of life.
    But in most slices of life nothing we already dont know happens, like the castle episode its like UGH we get it you have different tastes! for 5 seasons

  • Francis the brony - 9 years ago

    Other -> Don't watch the show

  • Mojo - 9 years ago

    Also I guess I would have to vote Slice of Life, even when it comes to fan stuff I prefer Slice of Life stuff, since it rarely goes off into the edgy tryhard shit lots of other fan stuff does. but truly my favorite episode type is: RARITY EPISODE.

  • Mojo - 9 years ago

    I have to laugh at the guy bashing Slice of Life episodes, this entire SERIES is a Slice of Life Series, even most of the adventure episodes are more slice of life than anything else anyway (like Rarity Takes Manehattan? New Location yes, but the story is a pure Character Focused Slice of Life thing).

  • cheezedoodle - 9 years ago

    Musical episode seems like an odd option, because any type of episode could be a musically-oriented.

  • BoiledShrimp - 9 years ago

    I voted other for "All of the Above". I do rather enjoy a variety when it comes to episode content.

  • SubrosianDimitri - 9 years ago

    Character interactions are the reason I like this show so much, so episodes focusing on those are the ones I like the most. And that usually equates to a friendship problem (or a monster attack), slice of life episode.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    Definitely Slice of life / Friendship problem episodes. But also musical related. I love emotional stories, especially. More focused to personalities of characters, depth, development, with some flashbacks. Exactly like "Amending fences" was. I love the connection with the older episodes. But "emotions" is what I'm always expecting.

  • TinyKittenKisses - 9 years ago

    @PinkieBrony aw ok , but that was my first reply :( i just started arguing

  • PinkieBrony - 9 years ago

    sorry I'm tired of arguing. I would like to just agree to disagree. maybe i'll take the time to put together a proper argument later.

  • Xonxt - 9 years ago

    I chose "other", as I actually prefer lore-heavy episodes, with lots of backsrory and character development.

  • TinyKittenKisses - 9 years ago

    @PinkieBrony Riconato is right when he said i prefer episodes like griffinstone and yakyakistan, but now people is so used to slice of life episode where NOTHING happens, that if the series takes this "action" turn everyone will bash it as something negative.
    and even if people hold them dear i call them awful and boring cause they ruin my show, it doesnt has (enough) magical locations and they have TWO adventures per season, that is very frustrating for me. and 90% of episodes are slice of life so of course people chooses them, but in real life slice of life episodes is what make others confirm "this is for little girls" :(

  • Alicornify - 9 years ago

    I was caught between musical and slice of life, but I went with slice of life, because as much as I like more music based episodes, I can't imagine having more than one or two a season, whereas slice of life I can't get enough of!

  • don - 9 years ago

    Any episode that has good content. With a dash of Sparity....Still looking for Raritys Spike plushy.

  • PinkieBrony - 9 years ago

    oops my bad. I was wrong. sorry. thanks for the correction.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    If the episode is well written and has the great interactions and dialogue we've come to expect, it doesn't matter what kind of episode it is.

  • Riconator - 9 years ago

    "I'm sorry if I'm being rude I don't mean to be, but I don't like it when someone says that a person didn't say something when they clearly did."
    Sorry if you misinterpreted my comment. I was saying that you implied in your previous comment to him that there's nothing wrong preferring slice of life over "action. But he didn't actually say that and really stated in his comment that he thinks it's better when the show has "adventures", not "action" like you said. I was simply correcting your mistake.

    I agree with you on everything else though. He came off as being irritable.

  • PinkieBrony - 9 years ago

    "Slice of life?? those are awful and boring!! i, whats wrong with you people," this is what he said and saying "what is wrong with you people" implies that he does think there is something wrong about having that opinion so yes that is exactly what he said. I'm sorry if I'm being rude I don't mean to be, but I don't like it when someone says that a person didn't say something when they clearly did. I do agree with you I really love the direction they are taking with season 5. it's great that they can do more world building and solve friendship problems at the same time. The problem with this poll is that you can only pick your favorite. since there are no combo options, mine is the slice of life aspect of the show so that is what I picked. I don't want just one type of episode. I want all the different ones in all the different combinations throughout the seasons. I'm sure most of the people who picked the slice of life option picked it only because it's their favorite type of episode not because they wouldn't like any other type or combo. after all there's nothing wrong with mixing it up a little.

  • Riconator - 9 years ago

    "There's nothing wrong with Preferring slice of life instead of action."
    He didn't say that. He wondering why people prefer the simple Ponyville slice of life episodes instead of the newer type of episodes like "Rarity Takes Manehatten" or "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone" where you get to explore a cool new location of Equestria and learn/solve a new friendship problem at the same time.

    I agree with him and like the direction season 5 has taken so far with the steady increase of new locations like Yakyakistan and Griffonstone while maintaining the status quo. Show has to evolve and expand at some point, nostalgia or otherwise.

  • PinkieBrony - 9 years ago

    @TinyKittenKisses There's nothing wrong with Preferring slice of life instead of action. in fact it should be expected to be a majority since that is what the majority of the episodes of the show is about. lots of people value that kind of storytelling and that is really what my little pony has been all about from the beginning. don't get me wrong though I LOVE action episodes, and I think it's really cool when they do it. I just prefer the slice of life style, and I really don't think its very nice of you to be bashing on other people because of their opinion, and calling something people hold dear "awful and boring". also I don't care what nostalgia critic thinks and I'm sure most people would agree, so I don't get the purpose of bringing him up at all. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as harsh or judgmental I just don't like people bashing on someone's opinion.

  • ???? - 9 years ago

    try beyond equestria

  • TinyKittenKisses - 9 years ago

    Slice of life?? those are awful and boring!! i, whats wrong with you people, ts better when they have adventures, thats why nostalgia critic didnt add my little pony in the cool cartoon shows that adults like too.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    I don't like the silly episodes, nor am I a fan of musicals in general, despite how great those episodes were. I like adventure slice of life, best demonstrated by The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. ^.^

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