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Do you think Parliament deadlock will hurt the economy?

Total Votes: 1,412

  • pradeep shukla - 9 years ago

    congress party is making it's last ditch effort to save itself.So they are working like hooligans in parliament to make us believe that the issue they are shying away from debate is real one.i would advise them to go in Sunday class to learn behavior and manner before joining parliament on Monday and should pitch for debate in parliament so that whole country could know truth of issues they are raising and also congress must participate in development of country by letting parliament run smoothly.after making a sin to be-fool country for 65 years and trying to rule us through poverty and cast based politics they have got a last chance to improve it other wise in next election they will have a figure of 14 in place 44.

  • Nitesh - 9 years ago

    centre government should take some steps to save image and reputition and come out of this deadlock

  • SHASHI - 9 years ago

    Lack of education is the real culprit. Our members are literate but not educated. Unfortunately country is run by one family for last 60 years. Even though people have tried for a change, shadow of family on system and chaotic condition being created in the parliament does not allow other party functioning well. The only solution is to prohibit family rule in the country. Members must be paid hour they work and only to those who participate in discussions.

  • Sandeep Joshi - 9 years ago

    Dear Friends,

    The running of parliament should be made mandatory in the interest of Nation and any attempt against that should be made as criminal offense. Any difference of opinion should be resolved through discussion and voting by Parliament opinion of both houses together post discussion.

    With Regards,

  • cpmc - 9 years ago

    Please also make a poll to pinpoint the culprit of this problem.

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