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Which Spokesperson is creppier?

Total Votes: 342
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  • Ken Sirhan - 7 years ago

    10/24/17 @ 2359 - Having just seen a Captain Obvious spot in 1 of my DVRed shows, I was spurred to look up just who the greying beanpole is, & was presented with both a raft of information on him as well as this Extremely Interesting poll question. I don't find Mr. Brandon to be "creepy" but instead increasingly unfunny as the creativity of the spots has diminished with [ad] age, suffering from ROL ["testing on laurels"] syndrome, akin to how for SO many years Honda and [more so] Toyota weren't compelled to making the Accord and [gagg] Camry better-looking and a more interesting driving experience because their reliability is what carried the sales day for the longest. Now for the 1st time in its entire 31-year existence Toyota has finally dredged up a seriously eyecatching [gagg] Camry, though it of course still has dimensional shortcomings, & with the 28-year grudge I've held for that longtime homely car, I acknowledge "it's about time!" she got a significant beauty makeover, but still I don't go into Fair Juliet Swooneth mode over it. What has puzzled me in these hotel-site wars, aside from why there aren't any DESTINATION advertisements instead of this overconcentration on Fleabag Hilton promos, is the cancerously swift spread of ads for whatever-the-hell-a-"Trivago" is featuring some now overexposed character who @ 1st sight impressed me as, on a Crisis Point deadline to deliver, the creators of this crap had snatched some white-collar homeless crackhead from his den under a railroad bridge &, after barely cleaning him up, shoved him in front of the cameras to horrify the eyes and ears of the national public. I was very happy that this writer shared my observations of this person, including that REVOLTING voice he has, which his muttering just 4 words [in what sounds like a pasted-in dub from the 1st spot] - "for the best price" - sends me into transports of anger, disgust & Foul Language. That's why when that non-magic mushroom sprouts up I immediately do a Veer Off away from it, though I note the transformation of that Olde Crackhead [in like a reversal of an icehead's mugshot history from cute to corrupted] from "disheveled" to corporate-drone clean, as a bit of financial rehab can accomplish. But the person himself along with those ads is as interesting as an '86 to '17 [gagg] Camry, which is what gives the Captain in his promos such a resounding 93-59 score on the Creepy scale, him being so widely regarded here as the lesser. The way things are going, however, it appears that, like similarly the diseased proliferation of ambulance-chaser commercials, the Olde Crackhead with his snoringly dull looks & a voice that gives Keith Morrison of NBC serious competition in the ugly department - the 2 of them could be used to make Gitmo/Ghraib torture techniques look prehistoric in comparison - we'll be subjected to the grinding grating presence of that individual for A Long Time To Come. I'm sure hoping for a permanent change a whole lot sooner!

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