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Who do you think won the first GOP debate?

Total Votes: 36,398

  • sam g. - 9 years ago

    This country wasn't built by politcians it was built by hard working people and businessmen looking to make money. If we still believe these career politicians will lead us to the promise land we will die as a nation. Asshole politicians get out of the way and let the real Americans make our country great again.

  • autonomous - 9 years ago

    The Fox anti-news debate was a farce. Not only were the moderators farcical, they unabashedly boosted their favorite candidate, Donald Trump. not only is Fox News the epitome of the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse, Trump stands in the same light in the Republican primary. Trump is the 2016 election's version of the Romney offering of the last cycle and the McCain in 2004, when the Republicans gifted us with Barach Husain. God knows who they will give us in 2016; undoubtedly another communist sympathizer.

  • Tammy - 9 years ago

    Fox News is a disgrace to this country. As far as Donald Trump goes, love him or hate him, you gotta admit the man has balls.

  • Harlene Lee - 9 years ago

    Kelly was totally biased against Donald Trump. I have been a faithful Democrat for over forty-five years and I am a Woman! I'm voting for Trump for President of our united States. We desperately need a very strong decisive leader and Trump is the ONLY Person that can fill the office of President for our United States of America, this upcoming 2016 National Election. It doesn't matter what negative propaganda is thrown at Trump; WE WILL SUPPORT HIM AND CAST OUR VOTES FOR HIM! I am a retired Nurse. Our politicians had better wake up. Us in the middle class are fed up! Respectfully H Lee

  • Harlene Lee - 9 years ago

    Kelly was totally biased against Donald Trump. I have been a faithful Democrat for over forty-five years and I am a Woman! I'm voting for Trump for President of our united States. We desperately need a very strong decisive leader and Trump is the ONLY Person that can fill the office of President for our United States of America, this upcoming 2116 National Election. It doesn't matter what negative propaganda is thrown at Trump; WE WILL SUPPORT HIM AND CAST OUR VOTES FOR HIM! I am a retired Nurse. Our politicians had better wake up. Us in the middle class are fed up! Respectfully H Lee

  • Ron - 9 years ago

    Carson was a man among boys! Trump showed his TRUE self and everyone else spent the time at each others throat! Dr. Ben Carson, the ONLY man for the job!

  • Patty - 9 years ago

    Hmm...I couldn't find my comment from last night...
    They ignored Cruz....he didn't get equal time...the moderators were focused too much on attacking Trump&boosting Jeb. When Cruz speaks he's honest, straight forward, confident and principled. I think Trump lost, along with Rand....Trump showed he's thin skinned. Rand came out desperate for attention and angry. Christie was too angry also...Kasich and Huckabee had some strong responses but Huckabee had his chance and Kasich doesn't seem confident enough. Carson is methodical and had some good responses but he doesn't have the passion. He'd be good for surgeon general. Walker and Rubio did well but I don't think they stood out. Surprisingly the Frank Luntz group saw Cruz as presidential and smart despite his lack of questions. I think the earlier debate was more fair and gave everyone more equal time. Carly did best in that group and should move up. Overall, I think she'll move up in polls, along with Huckabee and Cruz...Paul, Trump and Christie will go down...along with Perry and many others in the first group. The rest just didn't seem very significant or stand out.

  • Mongo - 9 years ago

    I think trump won hands down. All news stations don't like trump cause he's not one of the good old boys. A lot of young people I know that can't afford cable said there voting for trump no matter what. They are tired of all the lies from pollititions who do nothing but talk. Same thing from newspapers and tv networks.

  • Meyer Thomas - 9 years ago

    I'm an independent that typically votes Democratic, but sometimes I vote Republican. I found it very disturbing to see Kelly clearly attack Trump. Even though every post-debate poll I’ve read shows Trump the clear winner, it seems odd so many articles from various publications and news outlets are declaring Trump lost the debate. Many of these anti-Trump web articles declaring he lost are adjacent to the poll indicating he won. In scanning the typically more liberal leaning news shows (ABC, MSNBC, etc.), I noticed increased Trump bashing. I have to wonder about their motives. Are these “professionals” worried that Trump might actually beat the other Republicans and Hillary? Mr. Trump, you have my vote whether you run as a Republican or Democrat.

  • Doug - 9 years ago

    Very Embarrassing FOX. The debate looked like a hit piece on Trump from the very get go. They singled him out from the very beginning. When they asked him questions, many were personal attacks not policy questions. And the only person they gave extra time for a follow up hit question (from Chris) was directed at Trump. Megan and Chris kept trying to get the candidates to fight each other... shame on Fox News!!!
    It was not a FAIR or BALANCED debate. And then to see Kelly cry after she attacked Trump and fired back at her... really!!! Megan Kelly, Bret and Chris did a LOUSY job!!!

  • RL - 9 years ago

    Jim, I agree with you. Ben Carson is probably the only honest person of the bunch and really has a deep concern for the American public. Too many of the regular politicians are in it for their great benefits and perks that they get and egos. Wish the American public would get the type of healthcare they get for life. We all should demand that regardless of what office they run for, President, Senate, House, Gov, etc they can only be in that role for a max of 2 terms. Also when they leave office they don't continue with the ridiculous retirement and benefit plans they get for life. They just become a normal American citizen like the rest of us. For Trump, it sounds like he has many of you all fooled. Read some background on Trump and see how he has bought up company's and then fired much of the workforce to be able to turn a larger profit. He has always been about making money to line his pockets. I think this election should become a sit-com because I laugh at it every day.

  • Joan - 9 years ago

    Megan Kelly has succeeded in singlehandedly destroying any regard people had for her. She was vicious, condescending, disrespectful, unprofessional, silly, she must think she is funny and show no professionalism whatsoever. She is done in my book and I have no interest in her show. I will start watching more Hannity.

  • M - 9 years ago

    This was an absolute joke Fox! Megan American people are not all sheep we see your disgraceful useless comments. Trump is honest and straight forward that is what we need not fake people talking shit behind doors.. This world is brutal and considering that our soldiers are still being killed and heads being chopped off. Woman over seas do not have rights in many countrys and woman are upset that he made a joke? Good god people he is human like everyone else and reminds me of teddy rosevelt! Its really simple we need smart motivated people that want to come here legally Im tired of paying all these taxes. We need jobs and prices to go down and finally to get out of debt does no one realize that bushes,clintons and now obama did not deacrese debt only made it bigger its time we have a busniss man. Everyone is worried he will start wars hello ? The war never stopped its still going on!? Second if not Trump then boby jendal it just sucks beacuse no one tells Trump what to say. However other Gop have to apease other people who are paying for them.

  • Broncothor - 9 years ago

    I have always been a Megan Kelly fan. No more. The question she asked was unprofessional, irrelevant, targeted, and outright embarrassing. Trump has called many people names as he calls it as he sees it. While women are included on that list, so are men, and every other demographic. Trump judges people, not races or gender. With all of the time Fox news had to come up with meaningful questions, I cannot believe that choose to go after Trump in this manner, with the little blonde girl asking about women on their knees. She even discussed this with her colleagues beforehand, asking them to stay out of it if Trump attacked her, proving she was just trying to provoke him rather than test his knowledge for the position. Fox News, who I listen to almost every day of the week, should be embarrassed and Megan Kelly should be ashamed. She looked ridiculous and petty.

  • Frank - 9 years ago

    Megyn Kelly was an embarrassing clown. Her attempts at humor fell flat (why was she trying to be funny at a debate?). Obviously, Chris Wallace is owned by the Republican establishment. Brett Baier was the only professional on the panel. I did not like the format, too many debaters, some with 1 or 2 % in the polls. And the panel had too much face time. I wanted to see and hear the candidates not the panel. I went into the debate open minded, several candidates did well (NOT the stiff Jeb Bush). In my opinion, Donald Trump won. He has the ability to take a punch in a hostile crowd. He fears no question, no opponent, and certainly no journalist. The latest attempt to take him out has backfired big time.

  • Michael Carter - 9 years ago

    I'm not for Trump, but even I can see how Megan Kelly went after him. Unprofessional, unethical, and shameful. I guess Jeb's her pick. Shame on you Megan. Disgraceful. I was a fan, but I really am having 2nd thoughts on her. Go Cruz! I think he easily won this, hands down! I picked Marc Rubio in 2nd.

  • Crystal - 9 years ago

    Meagan Kelley needs to say she is sorry to Trump. What? Was she paid to down grade him? I did not see her making these questions to others. Well, looks like Trump corrected her political correctness. Oh about the woman on her knees, Trump said what most men think to themselves. At least, he is honest and human, so boo you meagan. I am a woman. Meagan must be in seismic mode.

  • Phil Giralte - 9 years ago

    Trump all the way baby! We don't need an intelligent composed thoughtful man to tackle the worlds worst problems, just an insult hurling business man that gets things done! Look what politicians have done to this nation. This poll proves the intelligence of the constituency of the GOP and God save our great nation from the insidious evil of dis-information and biased media king makers.

  • Cheryl McVaney - 9 years ago

    Megan Kelly you should be ashamed..I have watched Fox news every night for years. You lost my respect with your treatment of Donald Trump. I took great pleasure in deleting your show from my dvr after the debate. Not only did you try to debate Donald Trump yourself you have had guests on your show that are Trump haters repeatedly (not fair and balanced at all). Thank God for Bill O'reilly, he is the only person who predicted Rand Paul would go after Trump which was fair game, not even Bill O'reilly predicted you would go after Mr. Trump.

  • mike merola - 9 years ago

    WOW let me say i like fox news and been watching for years . Megan is one of my favorite . BUT what the hell happen. People we know we need to win this election it is so so important and why are you guys ( commentator ) trying to demolish the party and players running. Why are you trying to have them plot against each other. Megan i really liked you ALOT i think you have better show an more intelligence then O'Reilly. BUT WHAT WERE YOU THINKING LAST NIGHT. You guys were handing the democrats a plate of torn up front runners when our worst guy would be better than there best. Fox News Keep it up you guys are just as bad as the politicians in DC. and by the way I love fox news i watch it every day an sometimes my wife say we just watch this one change the channel meaning i watch sometime twice a day. Megan your show is the best BUT WHAT HAPPEN, P.S I want to vote for trump just because what he said about rosie ... HAHAHAHAHAHA
    Mike Phoenix Arizona

  • Don - 9 years ago

    Obama & congress has allowed approximately 1 trillion dollars a year in additional debt per year.
    We are now at 18 trillion & still accumulating debt. That is credit not money it's debt !
    What do you think would happen to the US dollar if we print 18 trillion dollars to satisfy the debt ?
    Trump is most qualified to lead the country because he has the most experience declaring bankruptcy & making ignorant arrogant comments. He states the problems but very few practical solutions.
    For those of you that think I don't care about US citizens well do the citizens of most bankrupt countries live IE: Argentina & Greece.
    No respect for debt does not end well !

  • Joe - 9 years ago

    Just came here to vote in this poll for Trump even though I am not a Republican because Fox News was very unfair to him. I hate injustice. Now I really hope Trump embarrasses all those fox "moderators" , especially Kelly.

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    WOW, FOX deleted my comment from last night, where I said FOX should be ashamed. They threw lobs to Christie to emphasize his prosecuting terrorists, they threw the same lobs at Huckabee (Former FOX show host), Kasich (Former Fox show stand in) - it was just disgusting, but a prior commenter was right. They don;t want Trump, FOX already picked the candidate they want to be the nominee, its the same BS, maybe worse, than they did to RON PAUL. The only difference is TRUMP hits back because he isn;t constrained to vein politically correct, and that was one of his best points of the night. Kelly tried to embarrass him, them SHE TRIED TO DEBATE him herself with her snide quips back at Trump during the women's rights issue.

  • Beverly - 9 years ago

    I agree with Jeff and Jane. I think the support Trump is getting is purely reactionary. Yes we are tired of slick politicians with no clear objective in reestablishing our country to the great nation we once were. But trump is a baffoon with zero experience in leading in government. He is crude, loud and far from anyone I would ever want to represent the country I love. I fear all Trump will do is make the Republican Party a joke.

  • GS - 9 years ago

    I'm with Trump, Fox News and Rosie are FAT PIGs and nobody wants BIASED asses in the public I. You have nothing but nasty remarks all the time...
    DEATH TO IRAN(the middle east, China and Russia)...Barack OBumer and the Bush family ruined this country you ASS. We need an IRON fist Trump that doesn't put up with shack-up these dictatorship leaders and their countries. Pull all military out of all other countries. Secure them in USA, our cities and borders, protecting USA citizens (not illegals and crying for help countries). STOP all the money USA gives away for free....Everyone will see how all these foreign powers start to beg at our doorstep for mercy. WE WILL BE STRONG AND THE MOST POWERFUL USA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! We will SELF SUSTAIN>WE NEED NOTHING from any other country (CHINA?RUSSIA?IRAN?MIDDLE EAST? NOPE) PUTIN in your ASS
    FOR THOSE THAT SAW THE DEBATE... I have written Fox News and Megan Kelly. I am posting what i wrote here. You are welcome to copy and paste it, use it as your own and post it wherever you choose......
    "This so called debate was a joke. It was very clear from the start that they had one agenda-I have never seen a debate run like this. Megan Kelly was pathetic. Your first question was about social issues. We the people want to talk about the real issues not Hollywood battles. You and others on Fox News go on the air daily and manipulate the American People.
    The fact is YOU have chosen your candidate and now its up to you to manipulate the outcome to put your Candidate in office. We the people have been lied to, manipulated, and abused for almost 8 years. Do you think we cannot see what you are doing? After obama regime we are experts at traitors, haters, liars, deceivers and tyrants. In your flemsy attempt to discredit Mr. Trump you took away any and all morals, values and ethics of what little you still had left.
    You are trying to manipulate us to vote for YOUR candidate and its NOT going to happen. We do not want a GOP boyz club member. We do not want a Candidate that is bought and paid for. We do not want a Politically correct puppet. And we sure as heck do not want Fox News or any other Mainstream Media to tell us what we need, must have, or what is best for us.
    The questions you asked Mr. Trump were clearly your attempt to sway this election in the direction you at Fox want it to go. Your attempts to influence voters in this way is telling the American people they are easily fooled, not intelligent enough to make the right decision on their own and that you are a better judge as to whom should be in the White House.
    We are tired of Politicians and we are sick of the atrocities, abominations and vile acts that we as a nation have faced these last 7 years. To gain the trust of the American people will be very difficult after the egregious actions of the Obamanites and the media in the White House.
    I quit watching Fox News when Obama was elected. I sure will never watch it again after tonight's debate. I am asking for a CALL TO ACTION.... To boycott, protest, sell stock, of Fox News. All mainstream media cannot be trusted. Their cowardly attempts to engineer and exploit their power to deliver the truth to the American People has been compromised by degenerate so called journalist that no longer deserve that title.
    Our country is in trouble. We are at war not only with our leaders but an ideology. We are murdering 1.21 babies yearly, over 53 million in total, We have had 27 terror attacks since obama took office, 66 fatalities, 365 injured where obama named only 3 as terrorism on American soil.
    2316 Military soldiers have died in war in Afghanistan, 20,051 wounded, and 1173 civilians contractors murdered. And this is just some of the atrocities since obama regime.
    We now have Gay marriage, Christians being slaughtered around the world to genocide, Common Core indoctrinating our children. We have our military being demoralized and Veterans treated like parasites. We have God being tak

  • JMaraH - 9 years ago

    Why does it feel like Trump is a plant to make sure Clinton is elected?

  • jeff - 9 years ago

    The person who won the debate last night was left off the voting poll - the only female on stage! Rubio was 2nd in my opinion. Be careful what you wish for - Trump stands as the least likely candidate to defeat a democrat if he receives the GOP nomination data suggests. As much as I appreciate his candor and anti-politician persona he is far from presidential and I would be embarrassed to have him represent the best country in the world - we can do much better. He needs to disappear quickly so the GOP can win this country back and convince the undecided our ticket is the best option. Bravado may work as a CEO but not sustainable as President - his water runs shallow. Plenty of smart conservatives to consider as we saw last night. Our last chance to win this country back is in this election - become a Europe II is not a place I want to live and we are on the precipice.

  • jeff - 9 years ago

    The person who won the debate last night was left off the voting poll - the only female on stage! Rubio was 2nd in my opinion. Be careful what you wish for - Trump stands as the least likely candidate to defeat a democrat if he receives the GOP nomination data suggests. As much as I appreciate his candor and anti-politician persona he is far from presidential and I would be embarrassed to have him represent the best country in the world - we can do much better. He needs to disappear quickly so the GOP can win this country back and convince the undecided our ticket is the best option. Bravado may work as a CEO but not sustainable as President - his water runs shallow. Plenty of smart conservatives to consider as we saw last night. Our last chance to win this country back is in this election - become a Europe II is not a place I want to live and we are on the precipice.

  • Rocky - 9 years ago

    Trump stood out despite being targeted by the questions. He was not afraid to challenge the establishment

  • jeff - 9 years ago

    The person who won the debate last night was left off the voting poll - the only female on stage! Rubio was 2nd in my opinion. Be careful what you wish for - Trump stands as the least likely candidate to defeat a democrat if he receives the GOP nomination data suggests. As much as I appreciate his candor and anti-politician persona he is far from presidential and I would be embarrassed to have him represent the best country in the world - we can do much better. He needs to disappear quickly so the GOP can win this country back and convince the undecided our ticket is the best option. Bravado may work as a CEO but not sustainable as President - his water runs shallow. Plenty of smart conservatives to consider as we saw last night. Our last chance to win this country back is in this election - become a Europe II is not a place I want to live and we are on the precipice.

  • Cesar - 9 years ago

    Trump knows how the systems really work, not like politicians who only know to please their donators, go Trump!!!

  • Jane - 9 years ago

    What has our country come to that would seriously consider someone like Trump for president? I am hoping that Trumps results in the polls are being skewed by democrats who want a Republican candidate who is really just a Democrat in sheep's clothing. Regardless of the bias of the interviewers, Trump's attitude and answers clearly show he views this race as though it was just another reality show. All he did was tell us the problems we already know we have and point out the fault in others. His arrogamce clearly supercedes his ability to think and act responsibly. Do we really want someone like Trump to represent our country? America needs president who worships someone other than himself. We already have that and it is not working!

  • Tee - 9 years ago

    I am a registered Democrat who votes independent. I have from time to time voted for Republicans who I feel have the best interest of our country at heart. I found the debate last night very disturbing. Although I am not sure that I could vote for Donald Trump for President, I thought that the moderators of the debate last night went out of their way to discredit him. Based on the post- debate polls that I have seen thus far, it appears that backfired.

  • ITDASO - 9 years ago

    i bet you'll never hear this poll on fox, Fox should be ashamed of the hit they tried to do to Trump. well i wasn't for him but i am now

  • HN - 9 years ago

    Point in case, Jim, you are one of those uninformed people. If you spent half as much time and energy to research and prove your claims about Trump as you did writing your novel down below, you would know that Trump is the only logical choice. Trumps' ability to legally manipulate the law in his favor, illustrates a weak system and his ability to out smart it. He is a smart businessman and America needs him.

  • HN - 9 years ago

    I am definitely voting for Trump. He is a great businessman and that is what the country needs. The world is run by money whether people want to admit it or not and he clearly knows what he is doing in that department. And yes, shame on Fox News for trying to make it appear as if he performed poorly. The media relies on uniformed people to promote their own agenda. Awesome job Trump!

  • Jose - 9 years ago

    I still support Trump! Shame on Fox news. They did not even try to hide their bias. It was clear as day for all to see.

  • Trump2016 - 9 years ago

    That Kelly file after couldn't have been more anti Trump. I'm glad to see some many smart people who realize what all media tries to do. We're going to Trump them and it's going to be a shift in politics we need in this country. Trumps got the nomination in the bag, the more any media tries to push him down, the more he's going to shine in the eyes of the voters.

  • Jim - 9 years ago

    Why is everyone worshiping Trump? He's just another big rich guy who's never actually lived like an average person. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and despite what some people here want to believe, he did NOT actually grow his business from the ground up. Daddy Trump started the business that his son now owns, and when Daddy Trump stepped down, his son stepped up to take a business that was already worth millions of dollars. Not to mention the fact that Trump nearly ran his business into bankruptcy FOUR TIMES! Sure, he talks a big game, but he's the modern-day version of JP Morgan: a big rich bully who will only enact policy that'll favor his rich buddies. Yes, Megyn Kelly's comments to him were directed to attack him, but rightfully so. Trump IS sexist, notice how he cut off Megyn Kelly before she could even finish her sentence? He didn't interrupt Brett Baier or Chris Wallace, just Megyn Kelly. Clearly, Trump is impatient, and doesn't like being questioned, nor does he like it when his hypocrisy is thrown back in his face. He's never had to listen to anyone in his entire life but himself, because he has more money than God. Trump is used to yelling, "YOU'RE FIRED!" anytime, and every time somebody questions him. Notice how pissed he gets when he somebody like Megyn Kelly asks him about his sexist twitter posts? We don't need a sexist, insensitive prick in office. And quite frankly, we shouldn't have to have one in office. Also, please note how he sits back and DOES NOT PLEDGE his support to the Republican Party, and how he threatens them to go third-party or even SUPPORT the Hilldebeast with all of his money if he's denied the nomination! He's not sincere at all. His comments on immigration were abysmal, he's ignorant enough to believe that all illegal immigration comes from Mexico; NEWSFLASH, it doesn't! I love how Rubio completely refuted what he said by stating the facts, most illegals come from Central American countries such as Honduras and Guatemala, not from Mexico. Do I agree with his stance on securing on the border? Sure I do, we don't need anymore women in this country getting killed by illegal immigrants. However, I can't help but think that Trump is a racist who buys into stereotypes. He's also greedy as all hell; he's got billions of dollars to his name, and he uses that money to bully other people into submission, that's his way of getting attention, that's his method of control. I don't like him in the least bit, and God help us if the election is between him and the Hilldebeast. If you want to see a real man, look at Ben Carson; a self-made doctor with extensive experience, someone who has worked with, and for many different types of people, somebody who understands foreign policy, somebody who's worked for a living, and somebody who understands what people actually need. And hey, he's a doctor who opposes Obamacare, how perfect is that? Now, I don't want to make this a race issue, but, Carson's also a man who, despite being an African American, doesn't sit back and constantly pull the race card to manipulate people like the left does to gain voters. In fact, I'd love to see the liberals flip out and start showing their true colors if he gets the nomination. The "Uncle Tom" comments would be endless, and frankly, his nomination would PROVE that the left uses race to manipulate people. Back to Trump, I'll at least give him some credit for being honest, and for holding his ground despite attacks from his own party. However, I don't truly believe he's sincere and I don't think he really cares about the United States, I truly believe that he just wants to feed his ego, and nothing more. Anyway, I know that I'll probably receive hate for this comment, but it's what I truly believe, and frankly, I respect the opinions of others. IF Trump gets the nomination, I'd support him over the Hilldebeast, because frankly, Trump would probably do less damage to this country.

  • Karl Reagan - 9 years ago

    Kelly is biased.So is Lutz and Kraut. Fox stacked the after debate deck of commenters. Fox is a stacked deck going against Trump The above poll proves it Fox is stacking every word said against Trump. The Fox crew is biased. The people they invite on remind me of a Las Vegas dog show. The Fox News dog show, Fox raises the hoop and the trained puppies jump. Stirewalt finally honest. Thanks Chris. Look at the poll above , Fox and realize you better stop your bias ways , we see through you Fox. You let DNC head commie comment...No wonder Trump does not promise a no third party run. Shame on Fox. YOU try to DECIDE FOR US..BUT AMERICA SEES THROUGH YOU FOX...STOP IT..

  • mercantilist - 9 years ago

    If Bush did not 100 million or more in contributions, the results would force him to go away. He really does not represent the Republican base - only the Chamber of Commerce and LaRaza (but they will vote Democratic).

  • Dalvin - 9 years ago

    Trump was the star. A fighter who stands up to the establishment. Stood up to the establishments media Fox News.

  • Jimmy - 9 years ago

    I have to say I stick with Trump. Fox did a obvious attack job on Trump and he stood his ground with absolutely intentional questions aimed directly to discredit him with the republican base and with women voters. On top of that its time to move past politically correct behavior and address the issues. I have no faith in the established republicans that use statistics to polish their political failures and blame past politicians. I do not trust establishment politicians and have absolutely no faith in Rand Paul because he flipped and stabbed his own father in the back. You haters need to wake up. For decades we have listened to politicians on both sides talk the talk then do exactly what the lobbyists paid them to do once in office. Its time to listen to someone that is not an active politician and has too much money to be bought out. Someone thats actually going in to bring on change. Unlike the last politician that promised us hope and change then sold us out to his corperate masters for book deals and appearances on The daily show.

  • jeff vanderpol - 9 years ago

    The fact is America is behaving like never before. WE have politicians who actually think it is a good idea to make a deal with people who hate us and chant "death to america," who are responsible for many horrible atrocities, and we know that we know they hate us...and we give them $150Bn when we are broke and the license to get nuclear. Are we completely out of our minds? Trump is right. Politicians are either very very stupid or very very dishonest and disingenuous. Either way, it's time for them to go. It's time for someone "other than" a politician. to run our great country. Otherwise I am afraid, we may not have much of a country left.

  • CJ - 9 years ago

    Wow seriously just shows the ignorance that people still are voting trump after this debate. I understand he speaks his mind which is refreshing but you can't say some of the things he said as president of the USA. He also dodged every question thrown at him, regardless whether it was a good question or not. IMO I thought Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich established themselves with Carson as a dark horse

  • regina - 9 years ago

    The first two questions Kelly gave Trump were totally out of line and not questions for a potential GOP nominee. Shame on Fox and Kelly with such tabloid type questions. I thought they shot their selves in the foot with those questions. I still support Trump!

  • Geri Smith - 9 years ago

    I wasn't sure about Trump at first, but after the hit job by Fox on him, he's my pick. He stood up to their bull.

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    The real winner was comedy. This was like an extrnded SNL skit. Loved the craziness.

  • femalevote - 9 years ago

    The real loser tonight was Kelly. America doesn't need another politician for president. I don't care who the greater public speaker is. I want a government by the people and Donald Trump has more real world experience and success than anyone on either side of the isle.

  • George - 9 years ago

    Go get em Trump, crush all of those paid for politicians. We are sick and tired of losers running our country.

  • Mano - 9 years ago

    Even though they discriminated Trump and tried to insult him but Trump is Trump, he came out singlehandedly and clearly showed his true self with broad vision.

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