Hooves or No Hooves?


  • Kibate - 9 years ago

    This question on this website(EQD) is really pointless.
    I did say no hooves though, i always thought MLP would be better if it were about humans than ponies. (which is probably the reason why i have started to draw so much MLP stuff since the first equestria girls movie was released)

  • Calico - 9 years ago

    Was this asking about realistic, distinct hooves vs. MLP-style, blended-in hooves (no hooves)? Because obviously, the latter is better.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    I thought the poll was asking if you like pony art with hooves or show style with marshmallow hooves.

  • OGB 64 - 9 years ago

    If this means what I think it means...
    Come on. Really!? Hooves is the one with the most votes!?
    Why does No hooves have so few? Ugh.
    At least most people just voter for What....
    Hands are better. Hands down. (hah)

  • triq267 - 9 years ago


    I believe the two of them are not anti-bronies, rather they are complaining that this poll is in reference to the /mlp/ board on 4chan.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Hooves, because a pony without hooves would be a very sad pony.

  • Medecine Cat - 9 years ago

    Suction cups, like squid? Only not slimy, of course!

    And hey, Avia and Mojo - we're all having fun! What about you?

  • cheezedoodle - 9 years ago

    Way to troll the fans, seth. 42% "What" is about what I expected.

  • SkelePone - 9 years ago

    Anti-Bronies commenting on an obvious Brony poll. Why?
    Yes I'm looking at you Mojo and Avia.

  • Mojo - 9 years ago

    Get this /mlp/ shit out of here.

  • DarkLordFlufflecorn - 9 years ago

    Why not both? ;P

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago


    You mean Spike. Sunset Shimmer is a fucking pony just like the mane six.

  • Naosoubr - 9 years ago

    Well, if hooves work just like in the show then they aren't much different from hands are they? I'll go for it !

  • Ren - 9 years ago

    No hooves. Without my hands my life would be over. I was born human, so I want to stay human because my interests required hands.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    Hooves 100%! They're cuter than human hands

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago


  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    What a silly question. How can you brohoof without hooves? Silly!

  • Ethaes - 9 years ago


  • Ryoga_hibiki - 9 years ago

    We need a fourth option, a "who cares?".

  • Avia - 9 years ago

    > no hooves

    You guys are sick.

  • Unagi - 9 years ago

    Either! But the real question, is what about fetlocks?

  • jim61773 - 9 years ago

    Lyra took over my mouse and hit the "no hooves" vote button. Sorry.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    unless youre sunset shimmer
    whose lack of hooves just happens to trump all hooves

  • OneOverTwo - 9 years ago

    Where's the both option?

  • Khan - 9 years ago

    I like my coffee like I like my women, with hooves.

  • Greg - 9 years ago

    That is all

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago


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