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Did I embarrass her?


  • Shari - 9 years ago

    When you follow your do the right thing! Never Second Guess your Heart or Actions; we need more caring people in this world :)

  • Priscilla - 9 years ago

    Yes it may have been embarrassing for her but I believe you did the right thing. It must've been embarrassing for her kids have to watch her choose which items to put back (I'm sure she needed all of them) but what won't be embarrassing is when she can explain to them that there are still good people in this world. Good going Sarah Pepper! Love the show!

  • Carla - 9 years ago

    It wouldn't do any good to ask because if given the choice, she might've been too proud to accept. Having to return items at the register is embarrassing anyway; as a single mom, I feel her pain. You probably lessened the blow by allowing her to get out of there more quickly.

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