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Rate Gov. Sarah Palin speech

Total Votes: 224

  • TC Baer - 16 years ago

    Congratulations on delivering a phenomenal speech Vice President candidate Palin!

    Your plain truth words should appeal to all sides of the political spectrum. What I saw and heard were grand statements of truth and action, with believable and down to earth appeal. So many have been blinded by the light of Obama's "change" rhetoric, that they've failed to ask the harder questions about actual leadership, actual change, and actual plans for the future. The sermon routine gets old, even for those of us that humbly acknowledge, "we're Republicans voting for Obama".

    The party line Democrats have to be shaking in their boots. A surprise speech from a REAL woman VP candidate, a re-energized Republican base, a large number of men and women supporting real change in the form of Sarah Palin.

    The funny irony of Obama and the Democratic National Convention, is the huberis of a platform marketed as "Change", delivered by all the Washington beltway big-wigs. It all looked so "Business as Usual". There wasn't change. There was Obama making celebrity entrances on cue. The Clinton grandstanding, complete with Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea parades... ...I'm still appalled that Democrats would market this as anything close to Change.

    Obama is a good leader. McCain is a good leader. Biden is one of the longest standing congressman in government, for the "great state of Delaware". Palin, although a new face, has run a state of great importance to the US economy. Despite what anyone says, I believe Palin is representative of the leadership and change that America needs. Biden is the old guard, he is the antithesis of what Americans are demanding in Washington.

    Thanks you Sarah Palin for re-energizing me and the rest of the American people that were hoping for an exciting race and a candidate that doesn't talk down their nose with a sermon reminiscent of a preacher on Sunday. We all know how they live their lives....

  • Mark Kittell - 16 years ago

    After Sarah Palin's statement that "There is only one candidate in this election fighting for you" I just shut off the TV. I had enough of brazen mistatements and outright lies for one evening. Obviously "you" meant members of the White People's Party, aka the Republican Party, although I wonder who she meant that "one candidate" is.

    In between the annoying, rude speech mannerisms in the same vein as the gut-churning spectacle of other white people trashing a black man in the most disgusting manner, Palin spoke as if she wasn't aware of media revelations that called into question her "maverick" status. She talked about battling the "good old boys" and ethics reform, yet she is being investigated over unethical actions in the "good old boy" vein in the firing of the public safety commissioner. She says she stood up to oil companies, yet neglected to mention she is seeking to weaken the Endangered Species Act to facilitate drilling in ANWR. More outrageously, she claimed to oppose earmarks, yet media reports say she repeatedly sought--and received--them.

    Palin repeated the same tired "all is well" mantra if we continue the same tired Republican policies. As usual, she tied Democrats to the record deficits of the past eight years, despite the fact that it came under a Republican presidency with a mainly Republican congressional majority. Palin continued the expected mistating of Barack Obama's policy objectives; Obama said he is going to cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans; Palin apparently thinks the upper 5 percent all the only people that matter. And of course the fear and paranoia factor has its way. Interestingly, Palin had little to say about her social positions, including abortion; after all, there were all those disgruntled Hillary voters to fool.

    All-in-all, it was a mean-spirited performance likely to satisfy Republicans, bigots and Obama haters.

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