When Did You Start Watching My Little Pony?


  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    I started to watch when I couldn't pretend anymore to not see in on internet.

  • M'Ress - 9 years ago

    I started during the summer of 2011. I was spending a ton of time on the Internet, and I started seeing pictures from the show on Memebase.

  • Hat - 9 years ago

    I plan to start watching in 2016.

  • Anna - 9 years ago

    I watched G3 when I was little.

  • Giratina3501 - 9 years ago

    It was August 18, 2013 around 1 Am. I was watch SkyDoesMinecraft's "Mine Little Pony" mod review. On the side I saw a video from the My Little Bloopers series (it was the one featuring The Return of Harmony Part 1 if you can find this video please tell me the link). I clicked on it and had no idea what was going on in it. 1:48 Am. I started watching the first episode, and then watched another, and another and so on. I binged watched all three season and the Equestria Girls movie in 4 days after that.

  • Lagarto - 9 years ago

    For me, it all started early this year with a college assignment. I needed to take vectors from a photo, so I searched for tutorials in YouTube. One thumbnail with a cute colorful horse-thing captured my attention. I had seen pony related post in 9gag before, so after the tutorial the curiosity overcame me. I watched the first episode... the rest is history.

  • lordelliott - 9 years ago

    It looks like there's a declining trend, but I wonder if that has more to do with new people not finding this site yet? Is EQD's user base stagnating with just the 2011/2012 crowd?

  • Solecks - 9 years ago

    Oh yeah, the last episode back then was Sweet and elite d.

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    Voting G1, since I had a Beta cassette that was frequently rewatched with the first two TV specials (Midnight Castle and Escape from Katrina) and I saw My Little Pony: The Movie at some point. But I never actually got into any of the proper "series" until season 3 of G4, the week "Magic Duel" aired.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    My first episode was The Mysterious Mare Do Well (Minus the intro sequence. The little things I remember…), on a July morning in 2012, followed by Sweet and Elite and Secret of My Excess. This was facilitated by it being a lazy morning of channel surfing, but I give most of the credit of not flipping to something else to my older sister, who had (wo)manned a booth at Bronycon 2012, advertising for her college's fantasy convention. This involved preparation before going in, which she discussed with us, so when I watched those episodes, I was already a little bit aware of the fandom. (Also, The Living Tombstone's remix of Eurobeat Brony's Disord was played around the house a few times. That helped.)
    What ensued was several days of binge-watching the first two seasons on Netflix (already conveniently favorited from my sister's research) followed by searching the Internet for when the third season might happen. This quickly turned into reading fanfics, and I was pulled into Bronydom Proper.

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    19 January 2011, sometime in the late PM.

  • Nefarty - 9 years ago

    At the very, very end of 2013. Just a few days before New Years, if I'm remembering correctly.

  • passing through - 9 years ago

    Surprising to see how many started close to the beginning of FiM still sticking around to take the poll. Would've thought most who joined early would've left in disgust by now.

  • Chrissy - 9 years ago

    @Royal Brisk: It's not considered G2, people just tend to mistake it as such. My Little Pony Tales released in 1992, six years before the G2 line even existed. MLPT is G1.

  • Royal Brisk - 9 years ago

    @Chrissy The My Little Pony Tales in the 90s where they were all kinda teenager based is widely considered G2 for the animated version of MLP

  • Xonxt - 9 years ago

    Like many other people, I stumbled across someone posting pictures of strange but cute pastel ponies on 4chan in late 2010. I was interested, because the style was cute and adorable and decided to watch an episode or two on youtube. When I woke up from a trance, I already watched more than 6 episodes of the first season and was waiting for more to come out :D.

  • lordelliott - 9 years ago

    I'm not sure I voted for the right year. It's been awhile.

  • Trash - 9 years ago

    I literally watched all the generations. xD I adored Gen 3 when I was young.

  • Chrissy - 9 years ago

    @Royal Brisk: There are no G2 cartoons, that generation only had the toys. Only G1, G3 and G4 has cartoons.

  • Royal Brisk - 9 years ago

    Seen just about every episode of MLP. Watch G1-2 when I was young since it was still on TV. Watched G3 with my younger sister. When G4 came around I made sure my youngest sister (20 years younger) watched it.

  • Feather Brush - 9 years ago

    I got into it on a Saturday evening. (Air date for Rainbow Falls episode) I was looking around on Netflix for something good, until I saw something that caught my full attention. It was Equestria Girls that got my attention. At first I was weirded out by the cover of the movie, but after a few minutes a new thought popped into my head, "if they can do this, then it must be something special right?" I watched Equestria Girls and enjoyed it. After that I decided to give it a try and started to watch the first episode of MLP. At the end of the first episode, it had my full decided attention. From then on I proceeded to binge watch the entire series over the week, right before the next episode aired. So yes, EG was responsible for me entering the fandom. I love telling people that because they always give me that look of shock. It was especially funny when doing it at Bronycon this year.

    I actually was aware of the show before, but never paid any attention. Ponies literally invaded the old chat site I use to go to and on YouTube. Funny fact, the first fan pony video I ever watched was Childern of the Night. (During the month it was released)

  • Groudon199 - 9 years ago

    Short version:

    Friend messaged me on PSN in June '11 saying to watch all "mlp fim" episodes on YT and I'm "a real man" if I do. Searched that, saw it was MLP (which I was aware of from the 2000s commercials), immediately closed the tab. Beginning of January '12, I was seeing MLP images in forum avatars, so I decided to just watch the first episode. By the end, I was eager to start the 2nd. Finished season 1 in a week, then started on season 2 a couple weeks later. Was caught up the day "The Last Roundup" aired.

  • Anna - 9 years ago

    I watched both G1 series from when I was little, then G4. Never watched G3 before.

  • Magic - 9 years ago

    I know I watched some of the previous gens. though I don't know which. I had some MLPs as a kid, but they mysteriously disappeared. I picked up the new gen sometime during season 2 whilst browsing youtube though, it was a pleasant surprise.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    I started watching right when Over A Barrel aired. I binge watched MLP after I saw a few memes on the internet of the ponies, and instantly loved the art style. I only stopped because the show was still airing. :3

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