What do you think of the Ashley Madison data leak?


  • Whisper - 9 years ago

    Sex is supposed to be exciting, adventurous and enjoyable... for all of those with broken hearts, what do you expect? For example... lol. If whatever you just ate for dinner isn't 'hittin the spot'-- your gonna find something else to eat. If your bored watching TV-- your gonna change the channel. If you don't like some aspect of your life-- your gonna change it. Bottom line is if your heart is settled into a monogamous, committed relationship then its all about communication. Better speak up. Don't take it for granted.

  • Lees - 9 years ago

    These chesters deserve all they get....I'm a wife whose ex husband used the site. To have several affairs....him and others that have no morals need to suffer the outcome. Deal with your relations issues and communicate to your partner. This has broken my marriage and I wonder how many more families and children will suffer.

  • Francine - 9 years ago

    Who cares? What goes between 2 consenting adults is between them and their conscience!!! It is none of my business.....there are worst thing in life/the world than prying into someone's bedroom! Just hoping that they had a good time! Just let be!

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