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What is the Best Season Opener So far?

Total Votes: 14,847

  • Breegullbeak - 9 years ago

    I don't understand how anyone could chose Cutie Map over Return of Harmony. Return of Harmony is the only two parter to be in two parts. The week gap between the beginning and the end is something that only one other two part episode ever got close to replicating, and that was the Royal Wedding. Cutie Map was dull and slow paced like the equally underwhelming crystal empire.

  • roboTurkey - 9 years ago

    Gosh... Such a hard pick here. lol For me it was a really close tie between The Return of Harmony and The Cutie Map, but the more I thought about it I really think The Cutie Map was a better episode (and very intriguing) because of the subject material. Communism being tackled in a kids show was really an unexpected turn for me. lol I really think they could have done sooooooo much more with it, but they did a good job anyway considering they had an hour to play with.

  • Jessy Wing - 9 years ago

    It has to be princess twily cause it was the only thing in my life that I had a special (or normal) reaction

  • name - 9 years ago

    Gotta go with season 1's opener. It laid out the entire foundation and premise for the show, from the basic background mythology to the main players. Plus it was pretty epic--AND it was epic before the show staff knew epic would be accepted by audiences for pastel ponies, which made it all the more daring. No opener since has done nearly so much.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Badly Drawn? Communism is a cult , A deadly system that crushes opposition , stifles growth , kills it's own. Even China is letting communism die in favor of capitalism.

    forced equality isn't.

  • DiscordLordOfChaos - 9 years ago

    I am not surprised that Return of Harmony is winning in this one because of discord being in it and all. I personally really loved this season opener than any other. I feel it was really well done and don't get me wrong I really like the other ones as well. All of them are good.

  • Medicine Cat - 9 years ago

    I think The Cutie Map is it if for no other reason than that it's unique in the series. It manages to walk the line of having a genuine, "real world", creepiness factor while managing to hold it down to a PG comfort level.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Don't start that again. The episode was about a cult, not communism. That “Communist” countries (all of which have so far failed to actually implement what they espouse) resemble cults is their own problem.

  • Venseyness - 9 years ago

    For me it was between The Cutie Map and Return of Harmony. Went with return of harmony in the end. Seems I have conformist taste. Eh, whatever, discord's great, and starlight was the smartest villain (though the dazzlings are almost up there).

  • Someone - 9 years ago

    In addition to my comment:

    The Cutie Map was in my opinion nothing but the capitalism offending the communism.
    I also live in a capitalism country, but that does not mean they should do this.
    Is that what you want to teach children? To just offend something you don't know the slightest thing about?

  • Someone - 9 years ago

    All but the Cutie Map. Don't get me wrong I liked the episode, but the story line was a little weak in my opinion, I expect an almost unbeatable villain in a season opener or end (or just a really good plot.
    Spike could have noticed that the ponies had been away for too long, he could even have asked Princess Celestia for help.
    But instead the mane 6 were trapped in a cottage, thanks to a filly.

    Anyway, I voted Friendship is Magic, but it was a really difficult descision.

    I do not intend to offend anyone, this is just my opinion.

  • The Thruth - 9 years ago

    " It's only when someone states their opinion in an aggressive and/or 'holier-than-thou' tone that it becomes a problem, as some people here have already managed to do. (*coughTheTruthcoughnobodycough*)"
    Meh, seeing how nothing happened I think I tried too hard.
    The way you ended your comment made me think you weren't serious.
    Anyways it manages to start a flamewar because you basically say "hey, it isn't THAT good cuz I say so", but let be honest, even if you say IMO/IMHO or you give your reasons anyone who strongly disagrees, a flamer and/or a troll will try to start an argument.

    Also, flamewars can be fun.

  • Konami - 9 years ago

    @Trash Nah, you just stated your opinion, nothing wrong with that. It's only when someone states their opinion in an aggressive and/or 'holier-than-thou' tone that it becomes a problem, as some people here have already managed to do. (*coughTheTruthcoughnobodycough*)
    I do honestly find myself surprised at the number of people who seem to be disgruntled with the show in general, yet still frequent EQD often enough to be able to leave a comment decrying the last three years of the show the second a new poll comes out. Who knows, people can be weird.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    So everyone STILL hates Season 3? Okay. X3

  • Trash - 9 years ago

    @The Truth,
    it wasn't intentional. X3 I was just stating my opinion, but whenever someone does that, it usually leads to a flame war...derp.

  • SISHFASH - 9 years ago

    the crystal empire was really boring, so boring in fact i even accidentally skipped over part 2 and didnt notice it for about the rest of the season

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    @Badly Drawn Turtle
    "Twilight Sparkle has bad pacing in my eyes"

    Hey, that pacing of hers netted her Fifth place in the Running of the Leaves!

    Oh, wait- you were talking about the episode...

  • The Truth - 9 years ago

    @Trash why would you start a flamewar?
    Everyone knows that Friendship is Magic is the best opener and since Faust left, the show has become fanfiction-tier because Meghan or miss "everyone wants to be a pwetty pwincess" wants to turn it in something more serious or epic with Twilicorn as the main character when the show is supposed to be just a cutesy slice of life. Also anyone who disagrees is factually wrong and delusional.

  • jim61773 - 9 years ago

    well, FIM set up the whole premise of the series. But TROH had the Goddamn Discord in it.

    I'll be surprised if The CRYYYYYYSTAAAAL Empire makes it into the top three.

  • kalliman - 9 years ago

    Friendship is Magic, so much feels when Twilight thought she had to leave her friends and Celestia orders her to stay with them. I was in tears.

  • nobody - 9 years ago

    I kinda figured everyone would be all over Discord's cock. At least it's not as pathetic as voting for any of the last three seasons.

  • Trash - 9 years ago

    Why does everyone like the Cutie Map? It wasn't even that good.
    //starts a flame war

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Return of Harmony is the best overall.

    Friendship is Magic was done before the characters were fully set; The Crystal Empire has a mediocre villain, Princess Twilight Sparkle has bad pacing in my eyes, and although The Cutie Map is well done, it skirts too close to real world problems for me to really enjoy it.

  • Lt. M'Ress - 9 years ago

    It's between The Return of Harmony and Friendship is magic for me. The first and last episodes of the seasons aren't among my favorites though.

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago

    It sure as hell isn't the Cutie Map for me. That whole thing was just a reminder of everything I DON'T like about the show.

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