Do you think the signs are offensive or just in good fun?


  • Kemp Parrish - 9 years ago

    Recalling the oath I took when joining Sigma Nu in the early 90's this is clearly a violation of that oath. I would expect this from some other groups, but not my brothers in Sigma Nu. Frankly, I am embarassed

  • This chick - 9 years ago

    I agree it's just a joke and was obviously meant that way. These kinds of jokes happen everywhere they really are harmless. As a female daughter and mother I do not find this offensive. Not one bit. Get over it!

  • Female college graduate from the 80's - 9 years ago

    If they had made it look like a legitimate freshman check in location it would be creepy and wrong because there might be some actual danger.

    But c'mon people! It was spray painted sheets hanging off the balcony on an off campus house. No expectations of legitimacy at all. So its just funny.

    I am female and have daughters and sons in college..its just funny.

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