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Do you think Donald Trump should pledge to support the Republican nominee?

Total Votes: 1,253

  • jonnot - 9 years ago

    I wouldn't pledge MY support to an unknown Republican nominee, why would I expect Donald Trump to be forced to do so.

  • irene - 9 years ago

    my husband and I would leave the Republican party. The Rino's do NOT represent US.

  • Rick Phelps - 9 years ago

    Trump should announce that if he is allowed to go thru the primary process as it stands now, and doesn't win the contest(s), he will abide. But, if the RNC starts changing the rules to keep him from winning legitimately, he will definitely run as a third party candidate.

  • jack - 9 years ago

    So you dummies that think Trump should run as an independent. Idiots abound.

    I am not crazy about the establishment... Of course I think Trump has only one purpose... bring up valid issues...

    I do think in the end he will hurt us more than he helped us.

  • Marian - 9 years ago

    The Republican party lied to us when they pledge to represent us ...
    If they turn their back on Trump, I will follow
    No more Rhino Establishment Repubs , I'm over it

    Trump can wear black gloves and run as the rent is too danm high and still get my vote

  • Geoff Kenmuir - 9 years ago

    The GOP Establishment should pledge to support the candidate who wins the most primaries. The voter gets to choose the nominee, not the RNC.

  • Rod Stanton - 9 years ago

    Were this the pre 1988 GOP my answer would be the opposite. But in 1989 the Republican Party made a hard left turn. And every year thereafter has become more progressive; and more dishonest!

  • Paul Wimberly - 9 years ago

    Screw the Republican establishment.

  • Jim Hayes - 9 years ago

    TRUMP IN 2016. I am sick and tired of politicians playing politics. Vote for Trump in 2016.

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