Why not put Pablo at first and Hanley back at 3rd? Or if you like Shaw, whom I am a big fan of, trade Pablo. I Feel like we would rather have Hanleys power. Pablo hasn't been that great for us either and I was never a fan of his signing from the get-go.
John - 9 years ago
Just go ahead and eat the contract just like they did with Craig (another of the great Cherington moves) and DFA him and let him work things out in Pawtucket if they can't find a taker for his "services". Henry won't miss the money.
MG - 9 years ago
Just trade the bad contracts Ramirez to Padres for Shields. Ramirez has not hit well since he came back from the DL after hurting his shoulder in May. A change for both could be beneficial for each player and team.
Sox outfield of Bradley, Castillo, and Betts is one of the best in the Majors. Now that Bradley and Castillo are playing regularly they have been producing. Keep Shaw at 1st and Panda at 3rd.
Bruce - 9 years ago
Give him a one way ticket back to DR
Willy - 9 years ago
I swear people are crazy... the whole idea of trying Hanley at 1st is to increase what little trade value he has. I highly doubt they actually envision him staying there or on the team. People need to relax, wait n see what Dave can do. My hope is he moves Hanley even if we have to eat half his salary.
Andy - 9 years ago
Hi, I don't know what are you guys talking about! we should deal Hanley AND Sandoval! they both suck!
Jon - 9 years ago
I think the Red Sox are better off moving Sandoval to 1B and HanRam to 3B. Sandoval has been horrible at 3B so it's not like it could get much worse. Sandoval will have to change positions eventually, why delay it any longer?
Bradford - 9 years ago
Include a player or prospect(s) of value with Hram to remove the financial burden. Bucholtz 13m option + his team friendly 13m option for 2017 w/ 500k buyout has value to other clubs. The awesome thing is I think most of Red Sox nation is super excited about Betts, Bradley and Castillo covering the outfield, Boegarts at SS and one of either Vasquez or Swilhart teaming up with Hannigan behind the plate. We have a deep farm system (poker chips) and with these young guys showing immense progress covering 5 positions all making the minimum except Castilla @ 10m per year. Dombrowski is a smart wheeler and dealer. I was a season tix holder thru the first two World Series and I am really looking forward to this new regime this offseason and how Dombrowski with absolute roster power utilizes the assets that Cherington fostered. I suspect Dombrowski will utilize a ton of "poker chips" to enhance the weaknesses in the rotation and bullpen. I would trade half our farm system for Chris Sale and the other half for Sonny Gray and fill in the gaps with spending some $$. Whatever does happen please keep JBJ ! Put him in the 9 spot for the next 10 yrs in RF and if he hits anything above .240 it's a bonus. His defense is a game changer and Keeps us fans entertained more than any other player on the roster. Watching him catch and throw for me is more entertaining than an Ortiz bomb !
Trevor - 9 years ago
Move Ramirez to 2b and Pedroia to LF. Pedrioa's body is breaking down and LF would be less physically taxing. Ramirez will be bad defensively anywhere 2b should minimize the damage, at least a little.
Sam - 9 years ago
Move Hanley to third, Sandoval to first. Hanley may never be a league-average defender anywhere, but he'll be less bad at third than he was in left or than Sandoval has been this year, and get some value from his strong arm that would be wasted at first. Similarly, Sandoval won't have much range but should present a big fat target at first base, much like Mo Vaughn, and is still athletic enough to learn positioning and the rest from Butterfield. His lack of mobility is less of a detriment there.
jm - 9 years ago
Hanley Ramirez is a poor excuse for an athlete and strictly a hitter - although he goes on the DL every time he fouls a ball off his foot. Seattle seems to love hitters that cant play the field.
Sam Chiacchia - 9 years ago
Trade him to a team badly in need of hitting, like the Mets or Padres. For the padres get shields bad contract for bad contract. But from the mets possibly do a deal of hanley and a low-level prospect or jon niese. The mets need rotation room and hitters in a lot of places, except the outfield mostly
Ray - 9 years ago
Move Hanley to 3B where he wasn't "too bad" in LA and move Panda to first, where he has played previously.
FCH - 9 years ago
what about hanley for pujols?! ... arte moreno's just crazy enough
gregg - 9 years ago
move Panda to first, HanRam to third.
susan cole - 9 years ago
BTW has anyone gathered the stats on the occasions Ramirez has been the DH? I suspect he hits when all he has to do is bat....if not in Boston then sell him elsewhere as a power hitter at the DH position.
susan cole - 9 years ago
Do whatever it takes to trade, give away, whatever, Ramirez. Bite the bullet! The redsox have arguably the best outfield in the major leagues with Betts, Castillo, and Bradley, Jr. If Travis Shaw can keep hitting, leave him at first and keep Sandoval only if he commits to getting fit. He's a talented guy who is challenged by his weight and general lack of fitness. That requirement should have been in any contract he was offered -- one more major mistake!
Paul - 9 years ago
I agree with Robert swallow the money and get rid of him
He doesn't give an honest effort and he's been a cancer everywhere he's been
William - 9 years ago
Laugh at the Red Sox for signing 2 stiffs.101 years since the last steroid free WS,
Terrence - 9 years ago
Cut your losses and future losses by eating the majority of the contract. Move him to another AL club that needs a DH and be thankful for the bag of balls you get in return.
paul - 9 years ago
as far I know,big poppy is on the last year of his contract....logical move is to make hanram a dh....
Steve - 9 years ago
move him to third and put Sandoval at first. He has had minimal experience on the other side of the diamond, but some experience is better than none at all
Scott - 9 years ago
What on earth were the Sox seeing and thinking that NO ONE else saw this offseason to give Panda and Hanley these contracts? I thought for a min that Ruben Amaro, Jr was running club. He was already known to be a cancer in clubhouse and gave no effort and you're going to overpay him to learn an even harder position, and in front of a giant, green wall no less? They have to accept the fact that it's a horrible contract and try their best to get someone else to take most of it. Blue Jays were able to do it with Reyes and they got an upgrade with Tulo. Now, they had to take on another big contract (Tulo's) and give up several prospects to do it, but I think that's about the only formula that will mitigate this disaster. Otherwise, they'll have to eat most of the contract and get marginal return. Maybe an owner with more dollars than sense (e.g. Arte Moreno) will bite. Either way, wasting another year playing "how many positions on the field can Hanley not play" is NOT the answer.
robert - 9 years ago
Swallow the money and contract, and give him an unconditional release from the redsox.
Rick Trent - 9 years ago
Dombroski is the only good move Boston made in the last 12 months. And we don't want Panda back, we have one of the better 3rd basemen in the league.
Neoncactus - 9 years ago
Move Hanley to third and Sandoval to first base. Sandoval is better equipped to make a position change and Hanley doesn't have experience at first base.
Kevin - 9 years ago
Trade Pandoval back to the Giants and move trade Hanley to someone who wants a DH.
Big Dangler - 9 years ago
Josh, Big Poopy already said he doesn't want to play firstbase. Redsox's have a bunch of selfish, one-sided players. What happened to team work?
John I - 9 years ago
package one of Hanram or panda with DeAza and a prospect and trade for a lesser prospect to either the Angels or Giants (both need offense and could over pay now with the playoffs on the line) in a pure $$$ dump ala 2012 Crawford et al. trade. The other one can play 1b/ 3b/part time DH next year and move to dh when Papi retires.
Mark - 9 years ago
Trade him to the Padres for Melvin Upton Jr. Padres need infielders and Upton is still a decent fielding outfielder.
Paul - 9 years ago
Ship him to Pawtucket. He has no work ethic, so let him make the big bucks riding a bus. There isn't any team that would take his contract, we're stuck eating it
Bad, bad contract. Hes been an A-Hole everywhere hes been. What were the genius talent evaluators seeing in this selfish individual.
Maybe the Red Sox could bring in Manny Ramirez to counsel Hanley. He saw the light, after his career was over.
Joe - 9 years ago
Move Hanley to third and move Panda to First Base, Panda has more experience at First base than Hanley does and Hanley has played half a year at third
Ed - 9 years ago
Trade Ortiz, who still has trade value, and make Ramirez the permanent DH. He's younger and given his poor self-discipline, all he would have to concentrate on batting which he clearly wants to do.
Drew - 9 years ago
Move him to third and move Sandoval to first.
Jesse Walter - 9 years ago
Panda hasn't played well this year or in the past to deserve his contract. It will also be easier to move him since he's cheaper and less injury prone. Move Hanley to third where he is somewhat comfortable and hope to have more production and more defensive runs saved.
Bob - 9 years ago
You would have to eat much of his contract anyway. I would suggest he be a DH against left handlers, and Ortiz the DH for right handlers. This would be for one year when Ortiz retires, and then becomes the full time DH
Josh - 9 years ago
I think moving Hanley to 1B is their best option, given their outfield youth and depth... That said, Hanley's work ethic is despicable, and I could see him negatively affecting the entire infield as a result... If it comes to that, playing Ortiz at first might HAVE to be the end result... he'll have horrible range but he'll at least know what he's doing and actually give it his best, even though his upside as a fielder pales in comparison to Hanley.
Fred - 9 years ago
The Red Sox and Ramirez deserve each other. As a Dodger fan I watched him for 18-months give 50% on a good day and hope that the Dodgers would pay him the big bucks. To pay him $22 mil for the next three years is a joke and so was the notion that playing him in LF was going to work out was just stupid. To put a sub-par defensive player who doesn't want to get any better and has made his 100's of million of dollars is a bad idea for the Red Sox but great for every other team that hits against them.
Randall - 9 years ago
Move Panda to 1B and Ramirez to 3B.
Colin Rudolph - 9 years ago
He shows no effort in left field, he doesn't take responsibility for the fact that he hasn't gotten any better, and he's not hitting well enough to justify his contract. If they can't find a team to trade him away to, I say just release him. They'll be getting about the same amount of production, and they are winning more with him out of the line-up
Colin Rudolph - 9 years ago
He shows no effort in left field, he doesn't take responsibility for the fact that he hasn't gotten any better, and he's not hitting well enough to justify his contract. If they can't find a team to trade him away to, I say just release him. They'll be getting about the same amount of production, and they are winning more with him out of the line-up
Nick - 9 years ago
Move on from Ortiz, and make Hanley a full-time DH.
Brenden - 9 years ago
The last thing the Sox need to do is move Ramirez to a new position all over again after doing that in the first place. This is the first year he has ever played LF professionally. Let him work on his craft in the winter and give him another year to prove he can do it.
Why not put Pablo at first and Hanley back at 3rd? Or if you like Shaw, whom I am a big fan of, trade Pablo. I Feel like we would rather have Hanleys power. Pablo hasn't been that great for us either and I was never a fan of his signing from the get-go.
Just go ahead and eat the contract just like they did with Craig (another of the great Cherington moves) and DFA him and let him work things out in Pawtucket if they can't find a taker for his "services". Henry won't miss the money.
Just trade the bad contracts Ramirez to Padres for Shields. Ramirez has not hit well since he came back from the DL after hurting his shoulder in May. A change for both could be beneficial for each player and team.
Sox outfield of Bradley, Castillo, and Betts is one of the best in the Majors. Now that Bradley and Castillo are playing regularly they have been producing. Keep Shaw at 1st and Panda at 3rd.
Give him a one way ticket back to DR
I swear people are crazy... the whole idea of trying Hanley at 1st is to increase what little trade value he has. I highly doubt they actually envision him staying there or on the team. People need to relax, wait n see what Dave can do. My hope is he moves Hanley even if we have to eat half his salary.
Hi, I don't know what are you guys talking about! we should deal Hanley AND Sandoval! they both suck!
I think the Red Sox are better off moving Sandoval to 1B and HanRam to 3B. Sandoval has been horrible at 3B so it's not like it could get much worse. Sandoval will have to change positions eventually, why delay it any longer?
Include a player or prospect(s) of value with Hram to remove the financial burden. Bucholtz 13m option + his team friendly 13m option for 2017 w/ 500k buyout has value to other clubs. The awesome thing is I think most of Red Sox nation is super excited about Betts, Bradley and Castillo covering the outfield, Boegarts at SS and one of either Vasquez or Swilhart teaming up with Hannigan behind the plate. We have a deep farm system (poker chips) and with these young guys showing immense progress covering 5 positions all making the minimum except Castilla @ 10m per year. Dombrowski is a smart wheeler and dealer. I was a season tix holder thru the first two World Series and I am really looking forward to this new regime this offseason and how Dombrowski with absolute roster power utilizes the assets that Cherington fostered. I suspect Dombrowski will utilize a ton of "poker chips" to enhance the weaknesses in the rotation and bullpen. I would trade half our farm system for Chris Sale and the other half for Sonny Gray and fill in the gaps with spending some $$. Whatever does happen please keep JBJ ! Put him in the 9 spot for the next 10 yrs in RF and if he hits anything above .240 it's a bonus. His defense is a game changer and Keeps us fans entertained more than any other player on the roster. Watching him catch and throw for me is more entertaining than an Ortiz bomb !
Move Ramirez to 2b and Pedroia to LF. Pedrioa's body is breaking down and LF would be less physically taxing. Ramirez will be bad defensively anywhere 2b should minimize the damage, at least a little.
Move Hanley to third, Sandoval to first. Hanley may never be a league-average defender anywhere, but he'll be less bad at third than he was in left or than Sandoval has been this year, and get some value from his strong arm that would be wasted at first. Similarly, Sandoval won't have much range but should present a big fat target at first base, much like Mo Vaughn, and is still athletic enough to learn positioning and the rest from Butterfield. His lack of mobility is less of a detriment there.
Hanley Ramirez is a poor excuse for an athlete and strictly a hitter - although he goes on the DL every time he fouls a ball off his foot. Seattle seems to love hitters that cant play the field.
Trade him to a team badly in need of hitting, like the Mets or Padres. For the padres get shields bad contract for bad contract. But from the mets possibly do a deal of hanley and a low-level prospect or jon niese. The mets need rotation room and hitters in a lot of places, except the outfield mostly
Move Hanley to 3B where he wasn't "too bad" in LA and move Panda to first, where he has played previously.
what about hanley for pujols?! ... arte moreno's just crazy enough
move Panda to first, HanRam to third.
BTW has anyone gathered the stats on the occasions Ramirez has been the DH? I suspect he hits when all he has to do is bat....if not in Boston then sell him elsewhere as a power hitter at the DH position.
Do whatever it takes to trade, give away, whatever, Ramirez. Bite the bullet! The redsox have arguably the best outfield in the major leagues with Betts, Castillo, and Bradley, Jr. If Travis Shaw can keep hitting, leave him at first and keep Sandoval only if he commits to getting fit. He's a talented guy who is challenged by his weight and general lack of fitness. That requirement should have been in any contract he was offered -- one more major mistake!
I agree with Robert swallow the money and get rid of him
He doesn't give an honest effort and he's been a cancer everywhere he's been
Laugh at the Red Sox for signing 2 stiffs.101 years since the last steroid free WS,
Cut your losses and future losses by eating the majority of the contract. Move him to another AL club that needs a DH and be thankful for the bag of balls you get in return.
as far I know,big poppy is on the last year of his contract....logical move is to make hanram a dh....
move him to third and put Sandoval at first. He has had minimal experience on the other side of the diamond, but some experience is better than none at all
What on earth were the Sox seeing and thinking that NO ONE else saw this offseason to give Panda and Hanley these contracts? I thought for a min that Ruben Amaro, Jr was running club. He was already known to be a cancer in clubhouse and gave no effort and you're going to overpay him to learn an even harder position, and in front of a giant, green wall no less? They have to accept the fact that it's a horrible contract and try their best to get someone else to take most of it. Blue Jays were able to do it with Reyes and they got an upgrade with Tulo. Now, they had to take on another big contract (Tulo's) and give up several prospects to do it, but I think that's about the only formula that will mitigate this disaster. Otherwise, they'll have to eat most of the contract and get marginal return. Maybe an owner with more dollars than sense (e.g. Arte Moreno) will bite. Either way, wasting another year playing "how many positions on the field can Hanley not play" is NOT the answer.
Swallow the money and contract, and give him an unconditional release from the redsox.
Dombroski is the only good move Boston made in the last 12 months. And we don't want Panda back, we have one of the better 3rd basemen in the league.
Move Hanley to third and Sandoval to first base. Sandoval is better equipped to make a position change and Hanley doesn't have experience at first base.
Trade Pandoval back to the Giants and move trade Hanley to someone who wants a DH.
Josh, Big Poopy already said he doesn't want to play firstbase. Redsox's have a bunch of selfish, one-sided players. What happened to team work?
package one of Hanram or panda with DeAza and a prospect and trade for a lesser prospect to either the Angels or Giants (both need offense and could over pay now with the playoffs on the line) in a pure $$$ dump ala 2012 Crawford et al. trade. The other one can play 1b/ 3b/part time DH next year and move to dh when Papi retires.
Trade him to the Padres for Melvin Upton Jr. Padres need infielders and Upton is still a decent fielding outfielder.
Ship him to Pawtucket. He has no work ethic, so let him make the big bucks riding a bus. There isn't any team that would take his contract, we're stuck eating it
Bad, bad contract. Hes been an A-Hole everywhere hes been. What were the genius talent evaluators seeing in this selfish individual.
Maybe the Red Sox could bring in Manny Ramirez to counsel Hanley. He saw the light, after his career was over.
Move Hanley to third and move Panda to First Base, Panda has more experience at First base than Hanley does and Hanley has played half a year at third
Trade Ortiz, who still has trade value, and make Ramirez the permanent DH. He's younger and given his poor self-discipline, all he would have to concentrate on batting which he clearly wants to do.
Move him to third and move Sandoval to first.
Panda hasn't played well this year or in the past to deserve his contract. It will also be easier to move him since he's cheaper and less injury prone. Move Hanley to third where he is somewhat comfortable and hope to have more production and more defensive runs saved.
You would have to eat much of his contract anyway. I would suggest he be a DH against left handlers, and Ortiz the DH for right handlers. This would be for one year when Ortiz retires, and then becomes the full time DH
I think moving Hanley to 1B is their best option, given their outfield youth and depth... That said, Hanley's work ethic is despicable, and I could see him negatively affecting the entire infield as a result... If it comes to that, playing Ortiz at first might HAVE to be the end result... he'll have horrible range but he'll at least know what he's doing and actually give it his best, even though his upside as a fielder pales in comparison to Hanley.
The Red Sox and Ramirez deserve each other. As a Dodger fan I watched him for 18-months give 50% on a good day and hope that the Dodgers would pay him the big bucks. To pay him $22 mil for the next three years is a joke and so was the notion that playing him in LF was going to work out was just stupid. To put a sub-par defensive player who doesn't want to get any better and has made his 100's of million of dollars is a bad idea for the Red Sox but great for every other team that hits against them.
Move Panda to 1B and Ramirez to 3B.
He shows no effort in left field, he doesn't take responsibility for the fact that he hasn't gotten any better, and he's not hitting well enough to justify his contract. If they can't find a team to trade him away to, I say just release him. They'll be getting about the same amount of production, and they are winning more with him out of the line-up
He shows no effort in left field, he doesn't take responsibility for the fact that he hasn't gotten any better, and he's not hitting well enough to justify his contract. If they can't find a team to trade him away to, I say just release him. They'll be getting about the same amount of production, and they are winning more with him out of the line-up
Move on from Ortiz, and make Hanley a full-time DH.
The last thing the Sox need to do is move Ramirez to a new position all over again after doing that in the first place. This is the first year he has ever played LF professionally. Let him work on his craft in the winter and give him another year to prove he can do it.