Would you eat a McWhopper?


  • KelB - 10 years ago

    This sounds McNasty and I will have it NO way. Isn't it about time for BK to go out of business? I pass a couple on my way to work everyday and those drive-thrus stay empty. Did they just buy all McD's discontinued pink glue patties and throw it on their classic buns? Trying to act brand new.

  • Joe Spacely - 10 years ago

    So McDonald's appears to get top billing, but which of its fried grease concoctions is combined with the "smells like day old garbage" burger from BK, to make this limited time mutant?

    The fact that I can't think of anyone who has thought to just do this little experiment on their own should be a giveaway that no one wants this. Back when I did prefer it (before my eyes were opened about the smell), I MIGHT have gone for a Whopper + McD fries combo. But I haven't liked anything from the arch since when people would call it "Mickey Ds".

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