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Do You Have an OC Pony or a "Ponysona"?

Total Votes: 14,697

  • Aperturenc - 9 years ago

    I need the option " I Have an oc " Period.

  • Parallel Black - 9 years ago

    Counting other species like Griffons, Dogs and more... I have an awful lot of characters. I've been coming up with them pretty much since I joined the fandom in 2011, and adding them all into one big world. The current total for how many characters exist in the Triad Verse comes to... 308.

    I literally have over 300 unconfirmed OCs. 90% of them have never seen the light of day.

  • T4wasHere - 9 years ago

    Well, I do play Ponyfinder so duh.

  • Cyclone Dusk - 9 years ago

    My Ponysona is Cyclone Dusk--This "is" me, except in the circumstances of Equestria: born a Pegasus, I predicted I'd be addicted to flight, but use it especially for indulging my scientific curiosity.

    I employ an expanded 'headcanon' about the nature of the Three Kinds' magic, wherein Pegasi have 'wild' (mostly subconscious and reflexive) influence on quantum-level probabilities. Their source of magic is charisma-like, derived from emotional intensity, and therefore quite volatile. Its most obvious manifestation is in distortion of electromagnetic fields. Pegasus wings are natural charge capacitors, and with significant meditative training they can produce multiple electrical phenomena:

    Thermoelectric effects (known as the Seebeck, Peltier, or Thompson effect IRL) allow pegasi to directly modify the temperature of the surrounding air.

    Electromagnetic Repulsion is their primary form of lift, whereas flapping only propels them laterally.

    As a secondary source of thrust, their wings can ionize and channel the the air through induction, creating a crude kind of vector thrust.

    They can also insulate themselves from electrical shock for the purpose of bucking lightning, and create standing electromagnetic fields that can capture and impel uniform masses of matter (e.g. clouds).

    The "Sonic Rainboom" is a combination of an insulation field forming an ultra low-drag shell of superconductive superheated air around the subject and ion vector propulsion. When these effects combine, the shockwave is a ring of air so tightly compressed that it diffracts light and creates the "rainbow" effect we have come to recognize.

    And it's all these tools that I would be using to study the bewildering and unnatural effects of self-replicating weather patterns in the world of Equestria.

  • :v - 9 years ago

    i don't have an OC because its retarded

  • Oliver T Hancock - 9 years ago

    I have my OC Olive Branch, who _mostly_ represents me as a person, or who I would mostly want to be like ideally, so yeah, I suppose I consider them my ponysona. I also have a couple of other OCs, such as my Hardees/Carl's Junior Pony from when I worked at Hardees and commissioned a guy to draw the Hardee's pony getting a blow job behind the cash register. I also have a couple old versions of my mane OC and could change Olive Branch again some other time in the future.

  • Xidphel - 9 years ago

    I don't have a Ponysona.
    I don't think I even know what my arcana is!

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    If by ponysona one means me as a pony, then yes, I do depict myself as such all over the pony webs.

    I also have created one OC in January 2013. Got the idea from doing inventory at 2 AM. I saw this dress with sparkles on it that looked like a field of stars. A bunch of people don't like the design, but I don't care much for them. They can go pound sand. I call her Starshine. I was going to write her into a story as close to a real first/second season episode as possible. She's a young unicorn who's still learning to control her powers and tends to mess things up. This way the story could have a real lesson, just like the show. I never even got started writing the thing.

  • Cccuuupppcake - 9 years ago

    I have one for myself and most of my friends and family!

  • Dylan Fraser Wight - 9 years ago

    I'm an avid tabletop RPG player, so I've created many OCs (not to mention the innumerable characters for DnD), but none of them truly represent what I try to be or what I am. They're merely characters to be used. Heck, I've got preconstructed character sheets for them!

    My ponysona however, is just a direct translation of myself as I would be in the MLP universe. That ponysona is "Strawberry Flowers", which conveniently enough is the direct translation of my middle name. How more pony can you get?

    I've used my middle name for DnD characters before and being able to do this on a much more permanent note is perfect for me. It is however, something I hold very sacred and will not be entirely comfortable using in this way.

    I'm not sure how to say this, but my ponysona is really just who I normally am anyway, the only difference is that it's a pony and only has part of my name. I care about it as much as I care about myself (which is a point of contention among my DnD group seeing as I normally get my OCs blown up, disintegrated, mangled beyond all recognition and brainwashed on a regular basis). I won't allow my ponysona to be used as I do with my OCs. They are just characters to me, but my ponysona is something much more personal. It's me, not as I wish to be, but as I am.

  • Frapparition - 9 years ago

    I have a massive amount of OCs, most of which are trashed almost immediately, and one ponysona (though I don't use it much). I find it impossible to write or draw anything interesting when I'm restricted to the already established ponies.

  • shudderbrush - 9 years ago

    Yes ... no ... kinda?

    Shudderbrush is technically my Pony OC ... except I don't really know what he looks like or what his story is. I know He's an Earth Pony, but I keep changing what I imagine his special talent is, and I know I want to change the cutie mark I made for him.

    Then there is a cast of half-developed characters rattling around in my head like WhistleStop, Shin-Hen, Rosie Rails, and a number of other unnamed, conceptual characters I've been dreaming up, but never do anything with. There does not exist an image of any one of them, as I've not even thought about their colors.

    So ... kinda at least 4 ... but also, kinda None ...

  • Qbe Root - 9 years ago

    I have a ponysona, but I changed his design like 6 times since I created him. Does that count as several OCs?

  • hifibrony - 9 years ago

    My avatar, drawn by my old pal Tim Kangaroo, from a pony created on Zoi's Pony Creator, is my only OC and my longstanding ponysona. His name's Golden Ear, his cutie mark is an amplifying power tube and his backstory is that he is the nerdy, music-and-stereo obsessed uncle who introduced Vinyl Scratch to electronic music. And Octavia to classical if they are the sisters some think they are in their headcanons.

  • FlameRat - 9 years ago

    I have a whole bunch of OCs, but I don't quite have time to write proper story for them yet, some even don't have final shape.

    I said that I would like to try creating 100 OCs. Don't know how long will it take, maybe several years I think.

    And, for ponysona, I have an alicorn (then many people just saying that it's mary sue without reading the backstory). But I create other OC for role playing. By far I have only took part in one role playing yet, so only one OC for role playing. If I have time I would join other role playing with a different OC. Reason? Because I would never have to nerf any OC at all. They can all have their individual story, which is what I want.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I have a few OCs that I mostly keep to myself. Some are part of a superhero fantasy setting that I never plan on writing down, a couple are for my sexual enjoyment (I can feel people shuddering through the Internet. This is fun.), and a Breezy and Changeling pair float around with no real purpose but to exist.

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    What? No "Each of my split personalities has their own ponysona, except for Fred, 'cause he doesn't like MLP, but he does have a couple of Ferengi OCs" option? This poll is obviously flawed.

  • ShowtimeandCoal - 9 years ago

    I design OCs and Ponysas for people for free :3

  • Bluebreeze - 9 years ago

    I am not a pony, I am a breezie!

  • GrimWolf001 - 9 years ago

    I have a ponysona (GrimWolf) and an OC called Mocking Skull. I used both of them Rarely

  • Firelight - 9 years ago

    I have an OC that I loosely consider to be my ponysona. Some aspects of him are based on my own character, but others are completely different.

    "I don't have a ponysona or OC pony" is winning?! I'm kinda surprised.

  • Lia - 9 years ago

    I have no idea what to vote! I have a ponysona, but no pony OCs... And I don't consider a ponysona an OC, they're two completely different things.

  • OneOverTwo aka Skiskir - 9 years ago

    Where's the option for "I have 2 pony OCs"?
    Specifically a pony who naturally had the equal sign mark for a joke & a Power Ponies villain named "Ho-ho-horrible" created to make a joke about ridiculous hostess fruit pies villains.

    The poll goes from 0 to several without a stop at a small amount like "less than 5" or something.
    & I don't have a ponysona so I can't use the vagueness of "& more", (more being like 2 or 3 more) to give a proper answer.

    & I don't think anything less than 5 can really be considered "several" in this case.

  • Jana - 9 years ago

    I have a ponysona who is also an OC pony who was created for me by my close friend on Deviantart. Her name is Novella. You can see her in my dA ID. I haven't done anything really with her but she's me all the same.

  • Groudon199 - 9 years ago

    I have an OC pony (and his EG counterpart), and while I don't have a "ponysona" I use on any sites, I know what I'd look like as a pony.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I have a morph and colour combination preference for the avatar I walk around in the Legends of Equestria environment, but I don't have a "ponysona" or an anything-sona. Just avatars. Sure, it would be cool to be able to change morphs into something non-human, but I don't go so far as to role play as an OC pony while in discussions on this or any other forum. I go the other direction and maintain a certain level of anonymity and ambiguity.

  • Lt. M'Ress - 9 years ago

    I had a ponysona that I used on FimFiction. I stopped caring about it like 2 years ago though.

  • DaftMink - 9 years ago

    Poll needs more options like Griffon/Donkey/Etc pony characters.
    I have a ferret OC for the pony world, as whats more fun then being able to ride in Fluttershys satchel.
    Voted no in the poll though as i don't consider my OC a pony.

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