In Which Role Do You Prefer Steve Burton?


  • Redd V - 8 years ago

    Jason belongs to GH. period. exclamation point! The new Jason can stay because he's a good actor also, but just doesn't have that 'edge' that Steve does. Comeon GH if yall can pay LizzieBeth as much as you do, sure you can take some of that and give it to Steve..lololol or from that Dizzy D.A. lolol

  • Keisha - 9 years ago

    I Love Steve Burton.... I've grown up on GH & YR, I like the fact I can still see him on my 2nd favorite soap & he has great chemistry with Sharon & I even like the role he plays as a husband, father, & now policeman, but I have yo be honest Billy Miller is an exceptionally talented actor & he's doing a fantastic job being Jason, but there's only 1 Jason Morgan & that's Steve Burton noone CAN EVER FILL HIS SHOES PORTRAING that character.... That black leather jacket was made especially for that beautiful body & those baby blue eyes.... His chemistry with Kelly was off the charts HOTT.... I miss JaSam & I wish he would come back I would love to see a reunion with him Carly & Sonny.... We love u Steve & miss u dearly

  • laura - 9 years ago

    I want Steve back as Jason and for GH to tell a Liason love story. Jason loved Elizabeth long before he ever heard the name Sam McCall, and Liason fans have always been cheated out of Liason being together. Let Jason get his Morgan and Quartemain memories back and choose Elizabeth once and for all!!!

  • rosabailey - 9 years ago

    i do not want to see steve burton back on gh let him stay onn


  • patricia zandarski - 9 years ago

    i love the fact that he is paul's son and wants to join the police dept. think this is a better role for his talents

  • Suszie - 9 years ago

    I SOOOO want Steve back on GH, but unless the powers that be have changed their minds and will allow him to only film 4 day of the week at most, that will not happen. HOWEVER, IF some people over there at ABC and GH WERE to get their heads out of their posteriors and let him do fly in shooting, he COULD come back as the REAL Jason, there is a way to keep both him and Billy. The writers will need to remember tha Heather told a story about Jason having a twin, but she said it was Franco. We all know that Franco is NOT his twin, Franco was Heather's son, however how do we know for a fact that she made up the twin birth story??? After all Franco's adopted mother did have a hospital bracelet that did say baby boy Moore and if I recall it had a B on it. What if Heather really DID take Jason's twin and sell him to someone, someone other than Betsy, Franco's mother??? I can see it happening, I can also see a revelation that Nikolas also had Jake's DNA tested against Jason's and did so because he thought he was Jason, not knowing he was Jason's twin brother, that has grown up on the opposite coast and was in the military maybe as a SEAL or a sniper, which would account for his natural instinct with weapons and killing. It would be a GREAT story line because then Sam would be confused and not know which to choose because they are both "Jason" to her. OOOOOHHHHH the story lines I could come up with based on this alone!!!!! I say ABC and GH execs get it together and start bringing back the actors that R.C. ran off and bring the Soap to his former Glory!!!!

  • courtney - 9 years ago

    I love Steve as Jason Morgan

  • Lynda - 9 years ago

    I LOVE Billy Miller as Jake aka Jason Morgan but Steve Burton will always be The #1 Jason Morgan.

  • susan kidwell - 9 years ago

    steve burton is good as dylan,but his real talent is on general hospital,i love both shows.

  • Belinda - 9 years ago

    we want Steve Burton back on GH .

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