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Do you think Foxcroft Academy should have made the student cover the Confederate Battle Flag painted on the tailgate of his truck?

Total Votes: 802

  • Chad - 9 years ago

    I think there is a point being missed here. He wasn't asked to take the flag off his truck permanently, he was asked to not display it on school grounds. He can still show his support for the flag out in public. The schools I have gone to have had many rules about displaying many different items on school grounds. I don't think we need to muck it up with controversy. He can still have his freedom to show the flag.

  • Misty Walker - 9 years ago

    Before I go to my job tonight, I would like to say one more thing. Since when was the Confederate flag ever an evil or racist thing? Like it was said by someone, it was the flag of the Confederate army during the Civil War where many died beneath its colors. I am assuming that history is no longer being taught in schools? Why not? For heavens sake, people - wake up and watch what is happening around you--apparently no one is speaking up anymore either!!! Good night all- I have to go to work.

  • Scott - 9 years ago

    Jan the whole reason this flag BS is coming up is because some mentally unstable man shot a bunch of black people and showed support for the confederate flag. If he did not show his support for the flag, I am sure we would not even be talking about it. More than likely you could have cared less about this flag 5 years ago. I bet you never even thought about it 5 years ago. So if I am correct which I sure I am then why do you have a problem with it today? Because you are jumping on a tiny ban wagon and are angry at the world.

  • Don - 9 years ago

    Donj ; are you saying that Confederates aren't American?

  • Reg.guy - 9 years ago

    Scott obviously has a firm grasp on common sense. Keep it up Scott,Brian,Chris,misty,Jeff,Don, Rick.

  • Donj - 9 years ago

    Lots of great comments,and opinions ,,,,,,weather or not he came from the south or tin buct 2 ,,he should have respect,,,,,for not only his class mates but for the time we are in and it is time to get rid of that flag ,and the Nazi flag,and become americans................Don

  • Don - 9 years ago

    Jan YOU don't have a clue- I was born in North Carolina ,and my family always respected our neighbors.This running down a flag is bull shit. And it's people like you that promotes this kind of crap .

  • Rick - 9 years ago

    The thing is that in America we just do what we want. We don't care what others think or whether or not they might get offended. This is obvious in the summer of Trump because like it or not Trump emulates American values. They may not be the best values but that does not matter. We live in a very racist nation even though people like to pretend that somehow we are better than that. One more thing, I think it is fairly safe to say that the FA student is white since I have never seen a black person proudly displaying the rebel flag on their vehicle. So that GOTCHA doesn't really work, but nice try anyway.

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    Don~ "It's as American as apple pie" They removed it down south because even they realized it's DESPICABLE.

  • Don - 9 years ago

    For God's sake-It's a flag that AMERICAN soldiers carried in the Civil War. Yes -they were Americans~ American's with a different idea.They fought bravely ,and lost. IT'S ALL ABOUT HISTORY NOT HATE. What in hell is wrong with the idiots who put this flag down. It's as American as Mom's Apple Pie. Grow up naysayers !

  • Scott - 9 years ago

    Jan let me guess you think guns should be banned, because if they ban them, then the bad guys will give up theirs. You must be offended by the Pledge of Allegiance and Merry Christmas. Transgender people deserve their own bathroom right? HAHA
    Look at the results. You are one of a SMALL group that agrees with Foxcroft Academy. Maybe you should move to Florida and leave us Mainers alone.
    You must not be a real Mainer. If you were you would not be so offended by a painting of a flag on a truck. If you are that offended LOOK AWAY. DO NOT LOOK AT IT!!!! Simple.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    Jan since you know Scott and this young man, and feel like you can judge everyone, what "kind" are they? You have no idea. You have no idea what their beliefs are or what race they are. You have no idea. You appear to be extremely uneducated and feel like your way/beliefs are the only way.

    I wear a cross pendant on my necklace. However, I have only attended church twice in my life. Does that mean I am a religious person because I wear a cross. No. Just because this young man wants to have a Confederate flag painted on his tail gate does not mean he is racist. (By the way he is not flying a flag. It is a painting).

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    Scott...low mentality in the way of social graces, consideration and MANNERS. But I couldn't expect this kid and your kind to understand these things.

  • Scott - 9 years ago

    Jan only low mentality types would assume because he wants to fly the Confederate flag that he must be racist. I assume you know him? Maybe he is a straight A student. Just because he flies the Confederate flag has nothing to do with him being of low mentality.

    So I will connect the dots for you Jan. This means you have a low mentality. I can draw a picture if it helps you.

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    In answer to Bob...I agree with you! To the others who like this flag, you should realize it's not only a symbol of HATE, but it's actually a symbol of one's PRIDE in their hatred and racists beliefs! Again, only low mentality types would display this flag!

  • brian - 9 years ago

    Misty you are right on the money way to go need more like you who understands the mess we are in.

  • Misty Walker - 9 years ago

    This flag is all part of the history of this great country. If it is to be remembered, then it should be left alone. We are losing a lot of historical things, because some people are offended by them, and that is SO wrong! Prayer in (most) schools is gone, no more Pledge of Allegiance, Christmas is now considered to be Happy Holidays, no longer Merry Christmas. I never buy a Christmas card that says Happy Holidays. In fact, Marden's recently had Christmas cards for sale and I was able to get 10 boxes - all saying Merry Christmas. I have been hearing that some people are "offended" by a lot of these things. Please stop destroying our history just because a FEW people are "offended" and hopefully we can look to see WHO is being offended and HOW it affects the rest of the country--maybe some of these things can be taken care of at the local level and not be mandated to the rest of the population.

  • chris - 9 years ago

    Can anybody see the first amendment being shot right out the window here, it's a flag, like it or not its history its united states history.
    So jan dose picking on a kid makes you feel better about your self? why don't you try living in a country where you have no right's or freedoms, then be thankful YOU live in the united states ! where what you say and do are protected by the constitution!

  • brian - 9 years ago

    Here we go again with some cry baby's telling other people what they can or cannot express, we have all these Muslim flags flying all over this country, why are we not going after them instead of trashing our American history, but that is what this is all about people wake up before its to late, yes no flag should ever be flown over the best Flag in the world, and I will tell you won thing if I want to paint a flag on my truck nobody is going to tell me I can't that is my private property, and also I have a concealed weapon's permit and carry a gun at all times so go ahead and try. If we continue down this path America as we know it is doomed.

  • MOPANG - 9 years ago


  • Bob - 9 years ago

    I guess i shouldn't be surprised by the results so far, i have always thought that Maine is pretty much a closet racist state.

  • Rocky - 9 years ago

    I think maybe FA admin. should open up their history books and then check the constitution and read about freedom of speech before they fall into the PC trap. Maybe some of those high dollar foreign students could assist them......

  • prgrmr - 9 years ago

    The stars and bars is a historical flag. It is part of our heritage. 90 percent of the confederacy didn't even fight to save slavery, they died for states rights. More than 30,000 AMERICANS died for that flag. They were mislead into a war that could have split our country, but thanks to that war slavery was ended. That flag should be flown if someone wanted to, just not above the American flag.

  • Sean - 9 years ago

    This is a very interesting question. First of all I believe that this flag is certainly not a symbol of racism in all circumstances and is a source of pride to some. First ammendment does protect all forms of speach that does not incite violence. As far as that goes I don't see how people openly calling for the killing of police aren't arrested but that is another topic.
    Secondly school is a training ground for youth to learn to conduct themselves in the work related environment. Schools should put out clear policy on what is appropriate instead of jumping to new policies when something comes up, especially when it is something prevalent in society as this issue is. We need to first as parents teach our children how to express themse;ves completely without making a specticle of ourselves.
    Finally since this is a learning institution maybe they could provide a bulletin board in the hall where students can post there own views with thought out writing. The student could then post a picture of the flag and outline his beliefs. This would generate discussion among the students on the pros and cons of an issue as you would expect in a learning institution.

  • Scott - 9 years ago

    Confederate flag lives matter. I didn't know Jan was a black name.

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    I'm glad to see that Foxcroft Academy does not tolerate this kind of low mentality. If he wants to fly his racist flag let him go back to Florida.

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