What Kind of Original Character Do You Have?


  • Snake_N_Eggs - 9 years ago

    I have a Naga-like thing, because since I cant use a human torso I used a sort of a humanized dragon torso

  • Jfluffy - 9 years ago

    Changeling. When I was initially interacting with people in the fandom, I was in environment that was very hostile toward OC's which gave me the impression that they were see as a taboo or just overall negative thing. But I rather liked the idea of creating a little character so I decided to embody my experience with a changeling in the sense that people(ponies) wouldn't like him because he was an OC(changeling) because reasons(Canterlot Wedding). That and I like shapeshifters...

  • Cdrop - 9 years ago

    Other - Zebra here.

  • name - 9 years ago

    Earth pone master race. Horses don't need faggy wings or horns to be awesome.

  • OddMess - 9 years ago

    No hay changelings T-T

  • Adidea - 9 years ago

    Earth Pony because wings are annoying to draw and it's fun illustrating a pony tackling certain human tasks with nothing more than hooves. It just seemed fitting for my OC.

  • Owl Feather - 9 years ago

    Pegasus all da way :3
    Although, my sis is unicorn and bro is earth pony

  • Fiona Rose - 9 years ago

    I have an OC and she's a Pegasus. But I'm also thinking about making a Centaur oc. YAY!

  • Boardgamebrony - 9 years ago

    I have had a sea pony OC ever since 2011. His name is Mist and he is adorable. :P

  • shudderbrush - 9 years ago

    "Shudderbrush" is an Earth Pony ... because I'm terrified of heights and while I'm fascinated by magic, just having the horn Built-In is too easy. As the good Doctor said, "... Science is the Real Magic".

    Beyond my personal pony avatar though, I have ideas for characters of All Of The Above, including Seaponies and mythological creatures not yet seen in MLP.

  • Red Velvet - 9 years ago

    I have two, actually. One a Unicorn (my username's namesake) who is a cake decorator in Canterlot, and the other an earth pony named Peach Blossom (yes I know there's a flutterpony named that from G1, she was one of my favorites. D:) who has nearly the same coloration as Treehugger (before that fact though. I need to change her now. :/)

  • PhonicB∞m - 9 years ago

    No options for zebras or changelings? Seth, I am disappoint.
    I have two main OCs, one for each music alias. PhonicB∞m (EDM) is a unicorn, and Tony Porture (rock) is a changeling who favors a winged zebra form. Mane/tail colour and style depend on his mood.

  • villimay - 9 years ago

    what about us with multi able i have:
    flame: pega
    mat: pega dragon
    flash: ali ( i know i know.... ) dragon
    my main lillim: uni
    autom: earth
    ice: deer
    and a few others

  • ShTHfan1 - 9 years ago

    Crystal pony not an option? I am disappoint.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    Why would I have an original character anyway?

  • SlowbroNE - 9 years ago

    No option for Zebras? I'm calling racist!

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Don't give any options for those of us with more than one. Nice.

  • Bluebreeze - 9 years ago

    I am a breezy.

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    Unicorns. Me and Starshine are plain old ordinary unicorns. I've liked unicorns since before I started watching MLP.

  • Jana - 9 years ago

    In the last poll, I talked about my OC/ponysona, Novella. She's a unicorn. Makes it easier for her to hold her quill while she writes. Her best friend, Comica, is also a unicorn. Comica belongs to my friend and business partner on dA, krystlekmy.

  • Stardusting - 9 years ago

    She's an Earth pony in the 'past' and in the current, an alicorn. Her story I guess is somewhat like that of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. With the help of her friends, and general life experience, she eventually comes to realize her special talent is in her ability to wish so ardently for 'impossible' things. Her realization of this catalyzes her ascension into Alicornhood, where now she serves Equestria as the patron of hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Wish magic becomes her talent. Though this is something few can appreciate, it's an important way of me becoming more at peace with my own impossible dreams and lack of obvious usable talent.

    Her story and explanation is far from complete. Lately, I've found myself spending more and more time with her Earth pony self, as well as with the characters of her friends, family & idols from her youth/young marehood. Thus, my art/storytelling with her HAS been predominantly Earth pony recently but...

    I chose other.

  • Rei - 9 years ago

    I have some of each kinds, so other.

  • Mr.Uninteresting - 9 years ago

    My OC isn´t exactly a creature, but more of an idea. And idea that can manifest itself in physical form. I was trying very hard to be original.

    Basically, they are Discord´s family.

  • Konami - 9 years ago

    Funny story, actually. My OC was originally intended to be a pegasus, but when I first drew him I just entirely forgot to put the wings on. I decided just to keep it like now, and honestly in retrospect I think he's better off as an earth pony.

  • Mares Fillies - 9 years ago

    Come on you y'all! Earth pony master race. XD Besides they are the most relatable. :3

  • FlameRat - 9 years ago

    My main OC is an alicorn, but my OCs can cover all of the EUPA.

    Okay so there's still a lot of alicorn OCs. Why didn't I spot more before? Still afraid of showing alicorn OCs to others?

    Or is that most people just click that button for fun, or just create a story-less alicorn OC for fun?

  • chris21010 - 9 years ago


  • musicdoodle - 9 years ago

    crystal pony.

  • Alex I. - 9 years ago

    Pegasus master race!

  • Kenchi - 9 years ago

    My Oc is a Unicorn who is/was one of the Original Children of the Night before Luna's banishment. In an Rp me and a friend are plannin on doing, He and his twin Sister are sealed along with Luna when they try to block The Elements of Harmony.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    Although I do love pegasi, I had to go with Unicorn. Why? Well, I'm neither agile or graceful. Instead, my OC epitomizes my passion for science. Although all races should be loved, it is mighty convenient to use magic, I would say.

  • FreakkyDash - 9 years ago

    Yap. I knew even before I voted the Pegasi were the most popular race. I'm a pegasus fan as well. IDK what it is about them but.... I just like Pegasi better than the other races. meh It's all very subjective anyways so... IDK

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