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Who do you think is going to win the GOP presidential debate?

Total Votes: 11,596

  • Aurora - 9 years ago

    It is funny that Christie and Trump have schooled Cruz and Rubio , who never answers question, but skirts around them. Go Trump and Christie.

  • Ash - 9 years ago

    Trump is corporatism embodied in a flesh like form anyone who supports him watches way to much reality TV.

    For the last 30 years we have been doing about the same thing in the middle east toppling governments and giving arms to various radical groups. Half of the country's we have destabilized went from being a 1st world country to being a 3rd world country. This is what the war machine wants because it creates an ideal environment for perpetual conflict.

    Rand Paul is the only one who sheds light on this idiotic destructive cycle the media and big money has us locked in. If you cant see that try laying off the brawndo and drinking some water

  • Amer - 9 years ago

    I think no body treat mike hokobe fair he is the only one serious candidate you can count on his character fit as a decent president very wise. I see this person the number one neb bush2 trump 3. And the newjersy government. Forget his name numer 4 this what usa need

  • Emas - 9 years ago



    President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump

  • Brandy - 9 years ago

    Trump 100%
    Rubio did very well as did Carly.
    I love Dr Carson but he wasnt impressive tonight. Rand is an idiot and a joke...are we sure hes a Republican??!! Ha
    Trump, rubio, carson, carly,
    Trump attacks were for ratings. Sadly I dont feel like he really got to answer the most important questions asked! He was mainly asked BS that would spark a childish arguement!

  • Debbie - 9 years ago

    I believe we here in the United States already live in the greatest country in the world, with the most freedoms and greatest opportunities than any other nation on earth. Most of us came from somewhere other than America, unless you are Native Americans, of course, and most humans would love to have what we have. I for one am so very grateful to my great-grandparents for wanting to start a new life here in the USA. I don't understand this rhetoric about trying to "make America great again." We may have some problems, like most countries in the world right now, but if you've ever traveled to another country and see how they live, you cannot come back without an appreciation for this wonderful country. I choose to vote for someone who can logically and intelligently explain how he or she will fix the ills of this country, rather than have someone tell me how great they are and because of their greatness they can solve all our problems. I don't know who that is yet, but I'm listening.

  • Susie - 9 years ago

    Trump is real, and not scripted like all these other fools. Nobody else is asked to provide details, not sure hilary has ever talked about how she is going to pay for free free, or how her husband is out cheating on her with under aged women! Trump nation all the way.

  • Lexie - 9 years ago

    Trump all the way.

  • Karen Macleod - 9 years ago

    Wow! Marco Rubio blew it away with his foreign policy smarts!! I think he would really protect this country and that's what is # 1. The only one that can even speak fluently on our much needed foreign policy!!!

  • David - 9 years ago

    While I respect trump for being real, Rand has been consistently "real" and understands the actual issues. He is wise like Dr Carson, Real like Trump, confident like Rubio, and experienced and kind like Jeb.

  • Mile Smith - 9 years ago

    Some of the questions were horrible and childish. Ratings is what was important and therefore CNN is not a news program. Ratings mean profits.

  • Mike Smith - 9 years ago

    I'll vote for almost anyone who isn't bought and paid for....that leave Bush out for sure.
    The Bush name is poison.
    Most of them are same old, same old....we need a change.

  • Clay - 9 years ago

    Trump or Carson, anyone else would be no different than we have seen for decades

  • Mo Martz - 9 years ago

    Carly and Cruz sound like robots. The only real person with honest answers is Trump. I am voting for him. He is genuine in a very strange way. The others sound rehearsed and talking to please the crown and the voters. Trump says what needs to be said regardless. He is pleasant and has a good sense of humor. He strikes me as an immensely kind man in spite of his public bravado.

  • Elva Newman - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump is what our Country needs to make her great again.

  • Elva Newman - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump is what our Country needs to make her great again.

  • Fabrice - 9 years ago

    All for Rand...

  • Margaret Alford - 9 years ago

    CNN is so obviously biased against the only female Republican candidate. it is a disgrace. Ms. Fiona has been shut out intentionately from putting in her strategies and answers to direct questions. I'm very disappointed in CNN and their approach. Mr. Tapper is a poor facilitator and not a very good representative of this most crucial debate. CNN's bias is noted!!

  • JSMITH - 9 years ago

    Trump all the way. Rand was a joke.

  • Greg - 9 years ago

    CNN has done the worst job of a debate that I seen, this is a joke and why not take control.

  • bb - 9 years ago


  • Brian Heskin - 9 years ago

    A different kind of Republican. I stand with Rand!

  • Felix dominguez - 9 years ago

    Rand Paul 2016, the only Candidate that has a voting record for defending our Constitutional rights. Don't see other candidates help defending our rights.

  • Sharon Dube - 9 years ago

    I am 1 Of Many Standing Beside Mr Donald Trump I love everything you have to say , I Know you can make AMERICA Great Again ..

  • Karen Jackson - 9 years ago

    I stand behind Mr. Trump. I believe that America needs a businessman to make this country successful. He has great plans and ideas and I feel this is what we need and to quote Mr. Trump......MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN......TRUMP 2016. Good luck Mr. Trump ........

  • Marc - 9 years ago


  • Roger - 9 years ago

    I think Hillary or Bernie will be the winner tonight

  • Oyalude Oluwajuwon - 9 years ago

    Only God knows who the winner would be, but i support Ben Carson.

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