Do You Rewatch Pony Episodes?


  • Tom varner - 9 years ago

    I watch every episode at least once than later rewatch several at random

  • InfinityDash - 9 years ago

    I wasn't really sure what to put for this poll. I have watched all the episodes multiple times (so I did say "I rewatch all the episodes"), but in reality I honestly don't go back and watch episodes that much. I watch each new episode once, sometimes twice. And I'll occasionally go back and re-watch my favorite episodes. Pinkie Pride is probably my most watched episode, and second is probably (and this is a VERY unpopular opinion but I stand by it) Look Before You Sleep*. Third would probably be Sleepless in Ponyville. But other than re watching maybe 4 or 5 other random old episodes a month, not much.

    What I *do* do, is about once a year rewatch the entire series start to finish. Yes, even the "bad episodes," I really enjoy this because, since I don't watch the episodes all that often, I always find something new or laugh at a joke I'd forgotten about in a lot of the eps when I rewatch the whole series. It's also a great way to see how the show has evolved over the past 5 years, both in good and not so good ways.

    So yeah, I'm pretty weird in the way I watch MLP and TV shows in general (since I apply this same viewing pattern to most shows, except the "rewatch whole series" may be slightly longer, like once every 1.5-2 or even 3 or 4 years. But I like it. It allows me to almost recreate the experience of watching it again for the first time. But yeah, whatever.

    *Look Before You Sleep is a great episode, not so much really because of the "conflict" or even the writing (which is still good IMO), but I love the atmosphere of that episode. There's a constant muffled rain sound through the entire episode that I love and the intimate scope of the episode I just find really appealing. Yes it's silly and kind of dumb at times, but I still love it. (Feel free to discredit my opinion though because there has not been an episode I've hated. There are definitely some that are my "least favorites" but that's probably only 4 or 5 total and even those I'm able to find something I enjoy in them. It really kinda bugs me when people talk about how much they "hate" a certain episode, even more so when they tie it to certain writers. If an episode is turning out to be not-so-great, don't get angry because it's not what you wanted, or because it's not as good as it could be, just relax and enjoy the episode for what it is. Sure, you can express your criticisms (as I do), but one of the main reasons I started watching this show is because I found it so... welcoming. I love just sitting back and taking in the characters, the voice acting, the animation. Faust created a fantastic groundwork for the show and although things have changed a bit in ways I'm not really a huge fan of (I'm still very nostalgic for seasons 1 and especially 2 when everything: the show, and the fandom, was simpler), that foundation is still there and DHX and the voice actors still consistently create highly enjoyable content. No, it's not ATLA or [Insert Anime Here], but it' still is own unique fun show that I find relaxing more than anything. I just get drawn int/o warm fuzzy state whenever I watch the show, and it helps me forget about IRL stuff for a little while while I experience the lives of colorful cartoon ponies. And that's all I can ask for.

  • Pass Acheve - 9 years ago

    ive seen every season 5 times

  • Hat - 9 years ago

    I occasionally rewatch a favourite if I think it would be relevant to my thoughts at the time. I would like to rewatch them all, but there are a lot of episodes.

  • Ohmeko Ocampo - 9 years ago

    I've rewatched the episodes several times. I love this show so much. :3 Been a fan since 2011.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    I watch ponies every afternoons on Discovery Family. Which is the only show I watch, cause I don't watch TV

  • Patrick Doogan - 9 years ago

    I put other because i have wacthed each episode at least 6 times now (not counting seanson 5)

  • tinpin - 9 years ago

    I'm no stranger to 'every episode' playlists on repeat

  • Logan Reilly - 9 years ago

    I only rewatch the "Good" episodes.
    There's plenty of them though.

  • Brandon Viverata - 9 years ago

    I watch numerous blind commentaries on YouTube therefore I watch every single episode multiple times. Also, there aren't any episodes that I dislike.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    You could watch them at double-speed. Then you can get 5 hours of sleep before doing it again.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    Yukimino: I don't mean "all episodes per day", but "one or a few episodes per day". It makes sense it's impossible to watch all episodes of all seasons per one day. :D

  • Pysiulek - 9 years ago

    Sometimes I rewatch s1 and s2 episodes out of nostalgia, but I pretty much only watched every episode of season 4 and beyond once on YouTube on the day it originally aired.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    If I was, like, 15 years old, I would have rewatched all episodes again and again in a loop. But I'm not anymore. It's not a matter of being true fan, it's a matter of spending my time in a smarter way. Watching again and again the same thing 'till it's written in our DNA is not smart. But creating fanfic, fanart, fangame and so, that is what I call being a true fan.
    And when I think about it, I could write the same critic to those religions with their book to learn by heart.

  • Yukimino - 9 years ago

    @Fluttershy626: It's not possible to watch every single episode each day. There are 105 episodes in all, this makes it almost 39 hours of pony. There is only 24 hours in a day.

  • Medicine Cat - 9 years ago

    Fizyk - Exactly correct! I answered "other" for just that reason.

  • Fizyk - 9 years ago

    I fell like this poll is missing an option of "I rewatch most of episodes"

  • ShTHfan1 - 9 years ago

    I only watch episodes that aren't The Ticket Master more than once.

  • Mojo - 9 years ago

    Iv watched every episode several times over the years, back in the day when Synchtube was still around Im pretty sure I ended up watching the first 2 seasons at least 40+ times in basically their entireity.

  • appleacres82 - 9 years ago

    Would be pretty stupid to buy every season on DVD/Blu-Ray and than only watch every episode once. Wouldn't it?

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    As one of the biggest (if not the biggest) and most obsessed fans I rewatch each episode every single day, even these I don't like that much because I try to understand them and there's no episode I hate so much that I wouldn't be able to watch multiple times. I can't spend a single day without watching my most favorite thing in my life. I rewatched each episode of each season more than hundred times and I still love them as much and find something I haven't noticed before. I love MLP too much to not watch it at least 4-5 times per week since when I'm fan.

  • Sci - 9 years ago

    I have no idea how many times I watched Pinkie Pride. So many times, in one day. Definitely more than ten. It was a lot. All of the s5 episodes I've only seen once, but I keep up with the fandom analysis.

  • Frapparition - 9 years ago

    I tend to watch each episode at least 2 times during the hiatuses. Obviously the episodes I really dislike are exceptions, but there's only three of those. Fortunately for me even if I rewatch episodes they never lose any appeal- in fact, I find it more interesting on the rewatches than the first.

  • Nefarty - 9 years ago

    Well, obviously I avoid episodes I don't like. But the ones I do like, I enjoy watching multiple times anytime I please.

  • shudderbrush - 9 years ago

    I've seen every episode of Season 1 more than a dozen times. With each season after, I rewatch them less and less, since there is so much more to see, and thus less reason to retread familiar ground. In Seasons 4 and 5, I watch every episode 3 times. Once on the livestream, again on upload to Youtube/etc, and one last time in Full 1080p after I purchase it on iTunes. Eventually, I rewatch specific episodes a 4th or 5th time as the whim strikes me. I actually put all of the recent seasons episodes on my tablet to rewatch for reference or just to pass time. Pony is a great time filler at the laundromat. (That and Monster Hunter on my N3DS)

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    As a fanfiction writer (sort of), I watch every episode multiple times, as well as read the comics, in order to catch details and understand the world.

    As a mildly neurotic individual, I rewatch every episode, starting from the beginning, before each season starts. Because my brain likes me to do these things sometimes.

  • Lena - 9 years ago

    True fans re-watch every episode!

    I'm not a true fan yet, still fairly new to the show anyway.

  • don - 9 years ago

    If you're Michael Bain you are viewed multiple times in the same episode!

  • Bronyhub - 9 years ago

    "But what if you watched an episode... and then watched it again?!"

    "Can you do that? Can you watch an episode twice?!"

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