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Do you believe the story that a high school student was suspended for helping a special needs student who pissed his pants?

Total Votes: 3,433

  • Laughing at the desperation... - 9 years ago

    And whoever anonymous teacher is...I can guarantee you're not a teacher and if you are... You were not one at WB. Anyone will post anything if they are on this little boy Jake's side.. Which is understood. But telling us you're a teacher I knew it was a load right away. Maybe a relative, friend, No need to justify.. Everyone else already did!

  • Anonymous Teacher - 9 years ago

    You have this wrong I have worked for westboylston high school. They treat the kids like there like prisoners. I have seen jake working with special needs kids they love jake. That school suspends jake for anything. Jake wouldn't lie about any of that stuff. Please don't write stuff that's not true.

  • J - 9 years ago

    Whoever "Mother" is... learn how to spell... "strait"... Finally the truth is coming out. Shame on those who are supporting a mother and son like this.

  • Mother - 9 years ago

    You have this all wrong I have know jake for a long time. He loves those kids. The special needs kid did pee him self there's witnesses to prove it stop making lies. Jake did not make those kids fight there into wwe and mma fighting. Get your facts strait before you say stuff.

  • Anonymous - 9 years ago

    This was SO stupid for the mother to do. The poor school has to deal with her mess now. Why would ANYONE ever suspend a student for helping a disabled student out. NOONE. The fact that this kid thinks that this is ok blows my mind. The principal and vice principal come from amazing backgrounds helping people in need. You really think that they are that stupid. What has society come too? People should be praising the administration for kicking a student out like this.

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