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Is it a good idea to fix some roads well and let others go?

Total Votes: 144

  • kim - 9 years ago

    Tolling roads helps the money stay with the roads that are tolled. A predetermined weight by engineers who understand what the current infrastructure can tolerate should be set for individual roads. Any Over weight vehicle should have to pay a toll. If they want to transport across lasalle, where construction is an annual event, the infrastructure obviously isn't there, a monthly fee/truck should be paid to the Sudbury roads budget. This allows for those who over use the road to pay for the damage.

  • Jennah gauthier - 9 years ago

    Before any decision is made i hope they dig and do some research on why our "high grade" asphalt cant hold up.. cant fix the problem without first understanding the cause. Could be the paving company, could be the transports, good be our giant plows i hear scraping the roads when thers hardly any snow, or maybe its not a high grade and someones lying. All i know is ive been to smaller towns with smaller budgets and they dont have the issues with giant rim bending pot holes. You pretty much need to drive a truck if you want your vehicle to last. Final note is that maybe cuts should be made elsewhere our city is getting bigger and bigger and is not such a small town anymore .. money should be invested into the infrastructure now before it gets out of hand.

  • Margaret J Rabson - 9 years ago

    It is important to prioritize road needs however that shouldn't mean that residential communities' roads are never attended to at all. The issue of doing the work well in the first place when any roads are repaired should be a non issue. It is ridiculous to let a contract for less than the best quality possible. Spending a little less in quality now will only result in more work later. The difference , in my opinion, will cost less in the long run. And we see that throughout the Greater Sudbury area. Prioritizing and looking at the big picture planning when roads are rebuilt/resurfaced is only common sense. That way we aren't seeing the same roadways 'under construction' year after year.

  • Jaime PauzĂ© - 9 years ago

    The city should look into charging the trucking company's on a road fee for carrying over a certain weight. BC has this law and it goes a long way to keep the highways in great and safe conditions. Not only would it help the city financially but allot of the budget could go towards all the smaller roads that are ignored.

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