Do You Show Off Your Pony Stuff At Home?


  • Reanna - 9 years ago

    I collect MLP generations 1-4, so naturally there's pony stuff everywhere. A few things out in our main living area-- magnets, posters, a few figures, and a framed postcard autographed by the creator of MLP.
    Go in our bedroom and it's decked out in G4, maybe a couple G3s or whatever strikes my fancy. Most of G1-G3 is lined up on shelves in our walk-in closet, so while I have hundreds of ponies and tons of miscellaneous merch, most of it is out of the way and you wouldn't notice it until you went in there.

  • lyricjam - 9 years ago

    I have a tiny figurine of pinkie pie well hidden in my drawers and many pony drawings made by me well hidden in the hard drive of my PC, after 4 years no one suspects anything. No one has any idea that I can draw.

  • mociru - 9 years ago

    My mom is on board with me liking my little pony but my dad makes fun of it. I am at least able to have my stickers and figures in sight and my parents don't care. i am just afraid to hear what my uncle and cousins will say come Christmas. I still need to get more figures to complete my collection. and by that i mean having at least one of every kind of pony/discord

  • Falion - 9 years ago

    I would have a lot of merch if I had the money to buy it. The only piece of merch I have in my room isn't even MLP related, it's a Trafalgar Law figure from One Piece.

  • name - 9 years ago

    I own my home, I'll display whatever the fuck I want. Pone can be found in various places around the house, don't care if guests see 'em.

    Most are from 2011-2012 when I was more enthused, and some are likely bound for thrift shop donations eventually. There are a few I'll keep even if I get bored with the show though, like SDCC Derpy.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    I don't buy pony stuff. And there's nobody to show my stuff off anyway.

  • Twylite-Sparkle - 9 years ago

    I've got shelves, an old round Dunkin' Donuts display shelf, the top of my dresser, & my TV surrounded with Pony merchandise. Wish I could send a picture...

  • Gregory - 9 years ago

    My room at my Grandparents house AND where i live are covered with Pony Merchandise,and everyone's fine with it. I have about 20 prints hung up between both houses along with a bunch of other random merch. Where i live, i also have a display case full of Pony stuff, and i still need to find another shelf for some left over stuff i have yet to put up. If i could post a picture i would.

  • Edward Dunkel - 9 years ago

    I wanted to vote for Pony's all over the place but i gave a majority of mine to my niece who lost access to most of her ponies during her parents divorce.

  • Johan - 9 years ago

    So far I have gotten myself two Hasbro plushies (Twilight and Rainbow Dash) and one "Blind bag" figurine (Rarity), it's a bit hard to get that many here in Sweden, especially if you haven't got a credit card. I've placed them on my alarm clock/cd-player (that I never use, expect to tell the time and have ponies on) in my room, beside my bed.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I have five glass cabinets and a shelf full of pony merch as well as more scattered from my kitchen table to my bed. But as I seldom have visitors, you could also consider my merch somewhat hidden.

  • Soobel - 9 years ago

    Figures and toys lying everywhere, especially if childern not cleared their toys long time. And its not clear, which of the ponies are mine, which daughters and son's. They are here almost 200. Some costly figures like derpy, lyra, bonbon are out of childern range on high shelves, BAB celestia standing on my desk, and sometimes seldom will daughter play with him.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    A single Pinkie Pie plush on my TV, but besides that it's all a bunch of sports stuff and old lego's and such

  • John - 9 years ago

    With the caveats that:

    1. Most of the pony stuff on display is framed art, not toys and such.
    2. I have never had a visitor that wasn't family in the 5 months I've been living here.

  • Taylor - 9 years ago

    Well I have a display case with a lot of stuff, but I wouldn't call it "showing off" since it's hidden in my room and no one goes in there.

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