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Do you agree with Taylor that his flag protest is free speech?

Total Votes: 1,543

  • Mark Lewis - 8 years ago

    To believe that disrespecting the American flag by flying ANY other above as a sign of 1st Amendment right is to condone the destruction of the flag by burning or other means. Regardless of the faith one follows, the Founding Fathers meant there to be a clear separation of Church and State. Knowing one of the basic tenets of the US' founding was religious freedom, I can only imagine they expected each individual's, man or woman, to guide them to the correct choices.

    Unfortunately, many decisions made by politicians in this country are self-serving, pandering to personal selfishness and greed and/or the fears of their constituents.

    As a spiritual person myself, I ascribe to the principles of Judeo-Christian ethics and believe "In G-d we trust" fits our country well. However, neither "your" specific religious doctrine (Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, agnostic or Atheist) or mine should determine the Law of the Land. To do so will ALWAYS be repressive to some.

  • OneStrega - 9 years ago

    Worked for steve for quite a few years. Makes his employees lie to clients and will rob a man of his last dollar knowing full well he cant or wont help him with a legal issue. Christianity is a marketing ploy for him and this was free marketing nationwide.

  • Kimberly Newbert - 9 years ago

    Though the Law is not enforced...according to the Law it's illegal! Just saying and stating a fact! Not cool to me for a lawyer to be allowed to break the law!

  • Lawabidingcitizen - 9 years ago

    There are some who believe it's a right to fly any flag above our nations flag. Some will argue its constitutional to do so. When in reality, we actually have laws and ordinances for flag protocol. Flying any flag above our nations flag is violation of law and flag ettiquet
    Some have said on here that rhere isnt anything wrong with flying the christian flag and they would be correct. But they seem to not realize the flag is over the Stars and Stripes which is wrong.
    Some have said our country was founded on religion. Jamestown was not colonized in the name of religion. The Pilgrims at Plymouth wanted a theocracy, the very reason they were kicked out of Holland. Read the Federalist Papers to understand more of our founding fathers intent.
    Thirdly, this is not free speech. It is however putting a stumbling block on a brother, i see vets are vexed. A true Christian would not put a stumbling block on his brother or vex him to wrath.
    I say fix the issue, and write an oped in the paper for all to read. Freedom of the press

  • Corey Jones - 9 years ago

    I agree he should have the Christian Flag on top of the American Flag. American is Not American Anymore. Why doesnt matter what the federal law says? Look what happen I believe it was in California at one of the high school when The Spanish person Got offended When American Caucasian Male Representing American flag on his t-shirt and he got suspended for having it on. I don't have anything against no one, But look at the Foreign people Come to the United States and change a lot of stuff here but soon we change, we go to Jail / Prison. But I Guarantee If it was any other religion, United States will not have any problem flying their flag on top of the American Flag. (That is Antichrist).

  • Living for Christ - 9 years ago

    Wow! I am truly disappointed at the blasphemy (the only unforgivable sin) displayed here by the unbelievers commenting on this page. The fact remains that God will have the final say with the return of Jesus Christ. America can live in doubt and act ignorant all it wants, but because we are ALL God's people we ALL know the truth. Those who choose to disregard it have made temporary friends with the devil until he betrays you. This Christian flag over American flag issue is only existent because the devil has made a mark on the hearts of the USA. Its people like Taylor that I am grateful for, as he stands for Christ and opens the eyes of a blind country once again.

  • Donald Mills - 9 years ago

    I am the chaplain of the law firm where the flags are flying. The fact that there are many different religions and religious ideas does not mean that we do not have the constitutional right and freedom to fly the flags in this manner, and to communicate to our country that God must come first. Sure, it might upset people. That is not the issue. We have the freedom to do that. The role God has played in the founding and the continuing of our nation is a matter of historical fact, and I would be happy to point that out to anyone who doubts that. People have the freedom to fly gay pride flags; some have even flown from the White House and US embassies. And so I am not sure why folks are upset that we are flying the Christian flag above our property.

  • VB Surfer - 9 years ago

    Free Speech is not in displaying a flag or burning one. The writers of our government made sure we were able VOICE our grevences against a government that opreeses us. They also made sure we could WRITE about the government in the press without any recourse
    I am a vereran who is proud to serve under our nations flag. It saddens me to see it didregareded and being used for protest. BTW, flag burning isnt speech. Its arson

  • C. Veteran - 9 years ago

    This _is_ free speech, and also DEEPLY disrespectful, unpatriotic, and un-Christian. Christianity, patriotism, and respect are about doing what's right and kind because of your own internal compass, or more often NOT doing that which is harmful and mean, as opposed to respecting external dictate. This gentleman could choose to make his point in many other ways, but he chooses to disregard the sacrifice and valor of our veterans, as symbolized by our reverence of our nation's flag, in order to make his point on a very specific and divisive issue. Yes, it is absolutely his right and privilege as an American citizen to do so, but it is also his responsibility as a citizen to show more respect.

  • Lois - 9 years ago

    ISIS and the Taliban fly their own religious flags over all other flags too. We are not a theocracy. YOUR religion does not overrule the laws of OUR country. And, may Jesus, Allah, Tao, Bodhidharma, Ganesha, and all the rest always keep it so. As the Pope and past Zen masters have reminded us, "fundamentalism of any sort is wrong." You may be free to worship as you please only so long as you allow others to do the same. If your religion is valid, others will come to you and ask you for guidance. If you have to legislate your beliefs through force, you're doing it wrong.

  • keyser - 9 years ago

    This is no different than burning the American flag. Disrespect is disrespect, regardless of the protestor and they claim to stand for. US Constitution over religion. Democracy over theocracy. Freedom over dogma.

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    I think I will get me a flag pole at my business and do the same thing God is always first. And hey Grant dumbass Satan is the dead one !!

  • Grant - 9 years ago

    You dumb righteous Christian assholeS. God is dead ! All heil the might SATAN

  • Joe - 9 years ago

    Being a retired US Navy CPO, I salute you sir! America could sure use more leaders like you. Press on!

  • Geoff - 9 years ago

    Mr. Taylor has a right to his opinion but errs on how the country was founded. Not all of our founding fathers were in agreement on religion and made sure the Government was not a theocracy. However most had the same morals and exoected those attributes to continue in scociety. As a veteran, i do find this disrespectful and Mr. Taylor should to find another form of protest. As a bible believing Christian, God is number one and i dont need a flag to show it.

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    Don't let this guy mislead you all. I have used the services of Mr Taylor and by no means do they act Christian. I think this is a way of Mr Taylor to gain interest in his firm. I would not waste my time in reporting the acts of Mr Taylor

  • Leatherman1 - 9 years ago

    It's free speech but it's also thumbing his nose at the secular federal government as there is a federal law that addresses flag display. Some so-called christians think that they should be exempt from federal/secular law. That movement is being marketed under the "religious freedom/liberty" banner. This is not, never has been and should not be a christian theocracy.

  • Victoria - 9 years ago

    I certainly do agree. Without God, we would not even have a Country to freely express ourselves in. It's Laws, which are being misinterpreted today were written by men who honored God's Word! Anyone who disagrees should take a look at the original documents, not today's Re-written texts. God first always! Today a Christian cannot even run a Business, or hold a job unless they violate their conscience and bend to please others! Wrong, that is not in our Constitution!

  • Christina Knight - 9 years ago

    Mr. Taylor's protest does qualify as free speech. Nevertheless, his protest is misguided at best. Christians like Mr. Taylor are unable to accept that this country is becoming more inclusive, and that Christians have no right to deny civil rights to those who do not share their anachronistic religious beliefs.

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