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VOTE: Leo's Coney Island High School Game of the Week, Week 6 (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 22,389

  • Petty - 9 years ago

    Wouldn't it be stupid for someone from Ford to publicly admit they cheated? I'm gonna go ahead and say that "Harold" is a walled lake fan and posted that because he/she is upset that Ford won fair and square! We didn't have a popular radio station personality announcing it on the radio or hosting our game, THAT would be grounds for it was ok for you guys to cheat but because we took the lead by not cheating, you're going to make accusations....get over it walled lake and the best of luck in your game tomorrow! FALCONS FLOCK TOGETHER.

  • Cynthia - 9 years ago

    falcons flock together!

  • Ford Forever - 9 years ago

    Yes!! thanks for "voting" everyone . We're very excited about tomorrow night!

  • IF you were watching - 9 years ago

    If you were paying attention to the poll, Terri, you would have seen it a couple times. Late Tuesday night, Stevenson - Ford were up 500 then all of a sudden down 250 to the WL teams. The best thing?? Not one accusation from a Stevenson - Ford fan accusing anyone of cheating that next morning. They just kept voting.

  • Terri - 9 years ago

    that was crazy - from like 9-10pm. we went from 500 down to 200 up I've never seen a vote change that quickly before

  • Great Job Students - 9 years ago

    Great job to the Stevenson and Ford students. Word spread late last night to get on and vote and I guess they did. To the "cheater" group out's already been said but here it is again, someone that goes to or went to Ford has never called it "Utica Ford", EVER. Stop latching on to what some jealous fan obviously posted to make these schools look bad.

  • Bryan - 9 years ago

    that was an interesting vote for sure! Big comeback for Stevenson/Ford during the last 3 hours - that's awesome b/c I thought we were toast! the WL pink out game is still a great event, good luck to those teams over there too.

  • Ford 2 - 9 years ago

    Quit bein butt hurt that we have a not only bigger school, but more students dedicated to the football team. We didn't cheat, you sound dumb if you're gonna say we hacked WXYZ's website. Just accept it, Falcons flock as one baby.

  • idk - 9 years ago

    If you had fun you won, lol @ dls voting

  • steven - 9 years ago

    Its sad that cheaters always win

  • Ford & Stevenson wins gg wp no re ezpz - 9 years ago

    lol rekd

  • Aaron klein - 9 years ago

    We have won every game so far we are 25,000 strong in our district I have no doubt in my mind that we could win.

  • yo - 9 years ago

    relax mark

  • K - 9 years ago

    That's just bc western is your only competition. Look at the scores. Do you think the other schools are so mad about you cheating because they were soooo close to winning. (No offense other schools)

  • Lets Go Pilots!! - 9 years ago

    Come on de la salle pilots were still in this race!! Lets start voting and show some pilot spirit!! Cmon boys and girls lets do it! Wait we dont have any girls...

  • Busted - 9 years ago

    Even if they used a proxy server or spoofed IPs, WXYZ's IT people should be able to see the suspicious voting a mile away. Only question is whether they want to do anything about it. Either way, sad that they had to do it to take attention from a great cause.

  • ¥£€ - 9 years ago

    Thats because theres two henry ford high schools so it says utica ford...but no one from our school says go utica ford EVER and people at western are the only people saying we cheated so you dont have very good credibility

  • Omg - 9 years ago

    Yeah okay I doubt that was actually someone from western but

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    It's cool guys I'm hacking I'm going to make us win. -western. We will win!

  • Your face is dumb - 9 years ago

    How do you expect people to automatically know it's "ford" not "Utica ford" when it says Utica ford. Also I'm not saying that guy is definetly right but they said you were cheating and that's why people are saying that now

  • NO ONE SAYS UTICA FORD - 9 years ago

    You guys are dumb if you think someone who said "my team utica ford" is telling the truth about ford cheating...ignorance

  • Dom - 9 years ago

    We got this! #ForMike -Ford

  • Tiff - 9 years ago

    Waled Lake Western is undefeated and the Pink Out will go on and people will benefit from the donations. News crew or no news crew, this is a fabulous thing for the community. Go Warriors!!

  • Wtf - 9 years ago

    Utica were not just accusing you someone legit said that you cheated -western

  • Walled Lake real life hurt - 9 years ago

    We didnt cheat...we just finessed the game of the week from y'all #LetsFalconGo

  • Sparkle - 9 years ago

    We don't have to cheat to win ... We are doing it he old fashioned way -western go ahead Utica. Cheat.

  • Yo - 9 years ago

    I hope that no matter who wins there's no hard feelings tho -western

  • lala - 9 years ago

    Some guy who went to ford said they found out how to auto vote it

  • Charlie - 9 years ago

    Yes but earlier today I refreshed after two minutes and you gained like 300-400 votes, yet we didn't say anything what-so-ever

  • Haha - 9 years ago

    Okay but it says Utica ford what do we know. And also your definetly cheating I'm refreshing it every 2 seconds and you just gained 40 in like 2 seconds @ford

  • Rachael - 9 years ago

    How is Utica ford cheating

  • Rachael - 9 years ago

    How is Utica ford cheating

  • Haha - 9 years ago

    Walled lake jealousy at its finest

  • Busted - 9 years ago

    Maybe someone should call the Fox2 Problem Solvers to address the Utica cheating!

  • Nick - 9 years ago

    Think about it they're gonna cheat and blame themselves I just think that's dumb for you guys believing a comment on an Internet page

  • Wow - 9 years ago

    This is where you're all morons, I haven't heard anyone sound more idiotic than that, going to ford I've never heard one person that goes here say "Utica Ford" plus I think the "to help my team Utica Ford" sounds a bit obvious it's not someone that goes here, nice try though

  • Haha - 9 years ago

    I think it's sad that Utica is cheating yet we're still so close to beating them. #votewestern we deserve it

  • Tiff - 9 years ago

    Cheating to win? Wow, that is not ok. I hope WXYZ looks into this.

  • Garrett - 9 years ago

    I think thats crazy hows utica cheated even worse that the wxyz lets them

  • Busted - 9 years ago

    Yep. Looks like Utica found a way to cheat. Really pathetic that the would stoop that low. Worse that WXYZ would allow it!

  • Harold - 9 years ago

    Someone in our school found out how to auto vote while changing IP addresses -- I don't condone this but it's helping my team Utica Ford!

  • Kim - 9 years ago

    I would just like to say that Macomb Dakota is having our Homecoming, and we don't need the spotlight to showcase our Football players. They are some of the BEST in Michigan, and they prove it year after year. Being the game of the week would be nice, but not needed. We are the Largest High School in Michigan, and our Football Fans are always our Football Teams Best support. Once a Cougar Always a Cougar. Go Cougars and Cougar nation!!

  • Sparkle - 9 years ago

    Walled lake western has one of the largest pink out games in the state. We raise over 100,000 for breast cancer and have had national attention from the NFL for this game. There are over 6,000 people that attend people that aren't even residents of walled lake. They deserve game of the week. End of story.

  • Geez - 9 years ago

    Ellen, what exactly are you "educating" me on? I never said anything about the other sports teams. Again, ALL teams at pretty much all schools do something special for Breast Cancer Awareness month. It's not something the great city of Walled Lake came up with. My district finished 4th in this poll so I don't know what numbers you're pulling. I was merely commenting that nearly every school does a "pink out". Then you wanted us to feel sorry for you because your two teams are in the same district. I then pointed out that Stevenson and Ford are also in the same district then you went in some other direction. I sort of feel like I'm the one "educating" you. At any rate, this is going nowhere so I'm bowing out. Good luck to all teams this weekend.

  • Ellen - 9 years ago

    Also Geez, your district has 29000 + students compared to Walled Lakes 14000+ sooooooo..........

  • Ellen - 9 years ago

    Geez, when is your Pink Out Game then? And just to educate you, the other sports teams do it here as well.

  • Geez - 9 years ago

    Stevenson and Ford are also in the same district, three miles apart.

  • Ellen - 9 years ago

    Geez, well maybe it is unfair for Walled Lake because it is a in district game so it's a disadvantage for us not to have 2 districts voting.

  • Geez - 9 years ago

    With all due respect, you don't think these other schools aren't having a "pink out" game that raise money for cancer research? This happens all over the country in October. Nice to see that Spike is using his status as a radio personality to try and sway the vote to an event that HE'S hosting. Shocking.

  • Natalie - 9 years ago

    Nobody went to this school. But I do and I'm spikes daughter. He's also the host for our pinkout game which raises money for cancer. That's why he posted that

  • John - 9 years ago

    Vote for WL Western, raise money for breast cancer research - sponsor a pink jersey from one of the players!

  • Dominick - 9 years ago

    Vote for Ford!! It is our homecoming and we could use some positivity.

  • Emily - 9 years ago

    Vote for Ford Vs Stevenson!! do it #ForMike

  • Noah - 9 years ago


  • Cynthia reager - 9 years ago

    Please please please vote for Ford and stevenson for game of the week!! The UCS boys could really use something positive after all the tradigity this past year.

  • Ellen - 9 years ago

    Or it could be that Walled Lake Schools has around 13000 students and around 1000 staff members. Or maybe because the money from this game goes to cancer centers.

  • ... - 9 years ago

    Well... Mojo in the morning made a post on the walled lake game, that's the reason they're winning is Bc someone on the radio helped you out, you're lucky he went there as a kid

  • Janine Williams - 9 years ago

    Line starts behind ...Harper Woods!!

  • ann - 9 years ago

    Voting for Stevenson

  • Beah - 9 years ago

    I am a Northville Mom and my vote will go To Walled Lake Western . It's there PINK OUT game and they raise a lot of money for CANCER . These boys wear Jerseys in honor of cancer patients. Please vote WALLED LAKE WESTERN !!!!!!!!

  • Ellen - 9 years ago

    It's Walled Lake Westerns Pink Out Game! They raise money for Cancer! Hands down should be game of the week! GO WARRIORS!

  • Shawn Stephens - 9 years ago

    Our undefeated Walled Lake Western Warriors are playing a "Pink Out" game this Friday . Tens of thousands of dollars will be raised for Breast Cancer. Please help us shine. Go Blue !

  • Tiffany - 9 years ago

    Gooo Harper Woods

  • Panthers - 9 years ago

    Lets vote Panthers until we Win! !! Keep voting

  • Renita - 9 years ago

    Harper Woods.....ALL THE WAY! 4-0

  • PANTHERS - 9 years ago

    And please please please keep on voting for HARPER WODDS at RIVER ROUGE until they're in the lead and its River Rouge's home coming game!!!!!!

  • PANTHERS - 9 years ago


  • PANTHERS - 9 years ago

    Vote for ROUGE

  • Amoni - 9 years ago

    Vote For River Rouge vs. Harper Woods Game!!!
    Friday's Homecoming Game!!

  • Panthers - 9 years ago

    Vote For Rouge Muwahhh

  • Gino - 9 years ago

    Dakota all the way

  • Briana - 9 years ago

    Vote For Harper Woods @ River Rouge .

  • Shelly - 9 years ago

    Vote for Stevenson VS Ford...its battle of the TURF and Fords Homecoming.... VOTE VOTE

  • Matthew - 9 years ago

    And please please please keep on voting for Romeo at macomb Dakota until they in the lead and its macomb Dakota home coming game too so we want wxyz tv channel 7 the best tv sation to come to this great game

  • Matthew - 9 years ago

    Vote vote vote vote for Romeo at macomb Dakota and its macomb Dakota home coming too so people vote vote vote and tell your family and friends to vote vote vote too

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