What do you think of the new Vancouver Art Gallery design?


  • Bernard Simpson - 7 years ago

    This building is way too square-ish for the area. does NOT fit in !!! Would look much better with more defined rounder shapes OR, .... if in the style of a Japanese Pagoda with the traditional roof lines that would be more pleasing to the eye. Thanks

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    Absolute vomit inducing design!

  • In - 9 years ago

    There is nothing else like the architecture.

  • Steph - 9 years ago

    This is horrible! Please don't build this in the city! It doesn't suit the style of the city, it's ugly and the wood will need so much varnish and treatment to protect it from the months of rain! It's not logical at all! It's a eye sore! It's going to rot in the rain, collapse in a earth quake, and age so fast! If you want to represent our wood, plant trees all around, but don't build a box! This is shocking and embarrassing!!!

  • Felicity - 9 years ago

    I work in commercial valuations and capital asset planning and this whole exterior wood cladding is going to be very expensive to maintain. Wood only lasts 25 years plus you have to stain it every 7 years. While the idea is unique, I agree that the design doesn't suite VanCity. Having wood in RainCity makes me scratch my head...it goes to show that these architects prioritized design over sustainability. Doesn't Vancouver have plans of being the greenest city in the world?

  • Cathryn - 9 years ago

    The artist's renderings of the interior etc are lovely but the outside is ugly and doesn't suit the city at all. Hopefully this design is not a 'done deal'.

  • Lyse lemieux - 9 years ago

    An intelligent, thoughtful and absolutely beautiful design inside and out. Vancouver stop being so afraid of change.Real architecture for a grown up city.

  • James Nelson - 9 years ago

    One word...UGLY.

  • Maximus Meridius - 9 years ago

    I absolutely HATE the design.

    We need to hire an architectural firm to design something that is "Canadian" architecture -not Asian! If someone wants to see Asian architecture, they go to Asia, not Vancouver!

    I hate the design so much, that I hope they don't come up with the rest of the money to find this.

  • Herb - 9 years ago

    First reaction is: shock. But after a while, the features make sense and I begin to like it.

  • sb - 9 years ago

    Great, a Pagoda for an art gallery to go with the Colosseum of a library.

  • Thomas Kyle - 9 years ago

    Its very interesting, in part, because its different, I appreciate that fact, nothing like it in Vancouver.
    However, we need a connection to the landscape. A courtyard perhaps, sculpture courtyard? Like the MOMA . Its sitting on a concrete slab....................... a great building needs a great "surround"

    We are full of design ideas here at M2 Landscape Architecture and would love to share in the expression of opportunity.

    But, great job, Vancouver will be proud.

    Thomas Kyle
    604 553-0044

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