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Is Butch Jones on the hot seat if the Vols lose to Arkansas?

Total Votes: 2,913

  • Ferlin - 9 years ago

    Maybe UT can get James Franklin.

  • Lee - 9 years ago

    Doole...err Jones mouth breathers will drop like flies after the ARK loss. While Jones is solid Sunday to Friday, he's shown consistently that he's not good on Saturdays against equal or superior opponents. Same record as Dooley right now.

    Unless Jones gets an upset against GA or AL (fat chance), he's looking at a failed 2015 season and being replaced in a year or two. Suitcase by suitcase...filled with magic potions.

  • Bill Bradske - 9 years ago

    I played D1 football so people can cut the lack of football IQ before commenting. Jones is not a good coach. Bottom line. He can recruit but he can't make big time decisions in big games to put his team in the best spot to win. Yes, sooner or later a player has to make a play, but he still does not execute after a big play is made. How many times this season have big plays resulted in field goal attempts? Too many. That's why teams come back. He leaves points on the field. Soon the recruits will stop coming when they see Jones can't win. However, the program is in such poor shape that firing Jones will actually make things worse bc no decent coach will take the Tennessee job. So the best thing to do is just lower expectations and just put up with Jones losing every single close game until Manning retires. Then fire Jones and build a staff around Manning. Might even be able to convince Gruden to come with Manning as an OC.

  • Bilbobaggins - 9 years ago

    Looks we have another Dooley situation on our hands here. 99 problems and Butch is one.

  • Clarice - 9 years ago

    Bring back Phat Phil!!

  • RC - 9 years ago

    Is Tennessee the only school that plays freshman and sophomores? NO! And that same Ol Tennessee playbook when you have a lead needs to go,there is to much talent here for this to be happening, and it falls on coaching. If any of us went to our jobs with the resources that the Vols coaches have and preformed like this would we be on the hot seat? Everyone knows the answer to that!!!

  • Fan - 9 years ago

    Jones sucks at coaching. Why not go for 2. Who runs the same two plays back to back 17 times in a row. End of story

  • RICHARD - 9 years ago


  • Robert Milner - 9 years ago

    Coach Jones is not on the hot seat. He has had 2 great recruiting years, but these are young kids that have not redshirted. It will take 1 or 2 more years. Another coaching change is the last thing our football program needs. Wake up people.

  • Randy - 9 years ago

    All of you that say that Jones is on the hot seat....seriously, you are all morons. I won't even take the time to explain why, because I know the type of person that you are. And I know your intellect, and certainly can guess your football IQ.

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