What did you think of Equestria Girls 3: Friendship Games? Do you Want Another Movie?


  • Strangelet - 9 years ago

    I like the Friendship Games pretty much. The whole EG series is fun.
    But I'm more interested in stories of Sunset Shimmer and M6 high school version. Sunset Shimmer is an interesting girl/pony. She is like the main character in the shadow, a dark prince/princess that fell into dark side but come back to the right side. She have more experience than others, and she knows evil things better than others. So, she is more willing to help people who get lost than other girls, and she can be more careful when dealing with evil things.
    I want to see more Sunset Shimmer & M6 (people) series, or we can call them the "New M7". As for the ponies, they can show up just a few minutes. Then we will have 2 series: MLP:EG and MLP:FiM.

  • Shalie - 9 years ago

    Where is the I hate EG option? Is Seth really that biased to MLP that he refuse to accept people hate it? Stop being in denial, people out there hate it too. You just like it because it's MLP related guys, take all the MLP part out and you'd all hate it, believe me! If you'd really like it for what it is and not just because it's MLP a bunch of other things would be more popular, so don't give me that crap.

  • Ghanzza - 9 years ago

    I'm looking forward for a movie were Sunset Realizes that Magic is too dangerous to the "Human" World,than she gathers all magic and go back to Equestria and closes the portal

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    It was alright, nothing close to the first two, but better than what the show has become. I think they've gotten all the mileage out of Equestria Girls as they can without it turning into crap. This reminds me of when The Land Before Time started making a new movie every year, with more songs and less plot every time, and they just kept getting crappier, just to make money. There are too many "characters" and only a couple of them actually do anything or have any personality, there is no plot to speak of, and a great deal of the movie is just a rehash of the first two, only done crappier.

    I'll consider watching the fourth movie, if there's enough excitement left over in me by the time it comes out.

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    It was alright, nothing close to the first two, but better than what the show has become. I think they've gotten all the mileage out of Equestria Girls as they can without it turning into crap. This reminds me of when The Land Before Time started making a new movie every year, with more songs and less plot every time, and they just kept getting crappier, just to make money. There are too many "characters" and only a couple of them actually do anything or have any personality, there is no plot to speak of, and a great deal of the movie is just a rehash of the first two, only done crappier.

    I'll consider watching the fourth movie, if there's enough excitement left over in me by the time it comes out.

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    It was alright, nothing close to the first two, but better than what the show has become. I think they've gotten all the mileage out of Equestria Girls as they can without it turning into crap. This reminds me of when The Land Before Time started making a new movie every year, with more songs and less plot every time, and they just kept getting crappier, just to make money. There are too many "characters" and only a couple of them actually do anything or have any personality, there is no plot to speak of, and a great deal of the movie is just a rehash of the first two, only done crappier.

    I'll consider watching the fourth movie, if there's enough excitement left over in me by the time it comes out.

  • Bobby Dole - 9 years ago

    I voted "other" because I didn't really like or dislike it at all, and I don't care if they make another EqG as long as it doesn't detract from FiM's quality or quantity.

  • Vandroiy - 9 years ago

    If a show is called "My Little PONY," how about having ponies appear in it at least once?

    The personality disorder this show is having is rather incredible. Plus, the "improvement" to the character designs remains a bad joke. The FiM designs are top tier, one of the legendary ones that swept through the net. The EqG designs are so horrid, even among fanatic fans they're rarely used. And what happend to the worldbuilding? Everything is a cheap clone, a mere shadow of FiM. As is the story of the recent movie, a mere repeat with the roles of characters swapped. There is a point where any management should notice they've taken a wrong turn and back-pedal, but Hasbro won't even notice as long as the fanbase still earns them money.

    EqG is to FiM what Endless Eight was to Haruhi, or fillers were to Bleach, or Studio Manglobe to Hayate. You don't have to watch it, it's not the worst thing that could happen, but it can be the beginning of the end of a fandom. A brand is only as good as its image, and a style only valuable if it isn't diluted into oblivion.

    Will I watch another EqG if they make it? I guess. Would I have watched any of them if I hadn't been hooked by FiM beforehand? I don't think so.

    And, do I currently spread the word of My Little Pony? No, I don't really feel like it anymore. This has changed from before, before the alicorn master race became a show element, before friendship-is-magic-is-firepower was used to dispose of antagonists whose side we never knew, and before Equestria Girls. Back when this show focused on open-mindedness, worldbuilding, and stellar character designs.

    In the end, posts like this one are but an echo of those hesitating to let go. Because there was something magical here, beyond mere entertainment, or at least some wished there was.

    Of course, I know it was mostly dumb luck. Hasbro has repeatedly demonstrated that they have no clue how they made it happen, and have neither the ability nor the intent to repeat it. But in FiM, they are at least trying to keep the flame burning for a while, while EqG is on a direct route to drown it.

  • Sapphire - 9 years ago

    I absolutely loved the movie and would like to see more. BUT NOT in movie form. I would like to see a full on series.

  • name - 9 years ago

    Where's the "Didn't like, ambivalent about another" option? Just because I'm not interested in another installment doesn't mean that others who enjoy this crap shouldn't have more. I might think EqG fans are pathetic losers, but I support their right to be pathetic losers. 'Merica!

  • Brandon Viverata - 9 years ago

    I can't wait to see what kind of bullshit CMC_Scootaloo comes up with to say that the majority of people hate Equestria Girls after this poll is finished.

  • chris21010 - 9 years ago

    i will not watch it or play my gameloft pony game until after the season is complete. i HATE spoilers.

  • Darius - 9 years ago

    I thought there wasn't going to be anymore movies? Next up is the miniseries focusing on Sunset, and they already have their focus on the main movie in 2017 - Why is everyone expecting another?

  • Pio21 - 9 years ago

    I quess the "other" option was "HOLY SHIT IT CAME OUT ALREADY?"
    That's me right there.

  • Squeaky Belle - 9 years ago

    I wished there was a completely neutral option because I would just pick that. :P I'm neutral to the movie yes, but I'm also neutral towards whether I want another one to come out or not. I'm very "meh" the whole thing really. Doesn't affect my pony enjoyment haha

  • QBB123XX - 9 years ago

    It's quite surprising to see so many people who hadn't watch Friendship Games yet.

  • Delts - 9 years ago

    but I think that*

  • Delts - 9 years ago

    I loved Friendship Games, but I thi it hat there shouldn't be anymore. Ending it at this movie I feel would be a good place to end it.

  • Maxxarcade - 9 years ago

    As long as it never affects the show in any way, bring them on! It's nice filler during show hiatus time.

  • SkyStream - 9 years ago

    I liked Friendship Games, but I'm getting kind of tired of it being movies. As such, I'm gonna go heretic and say: I'd rather see a series next.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I liked Games OK and I'll buy a copy, but if there's another EqG (as I expect there will be), I hope Sunset Shimmer comes home to Equestria. That mirrorverse is a death trap waiting to spring.

  • SubrosianDimitri - 9 years ago

    I actually really loved this movie, and if they do make another EqG for whatever reason, I now have some really high standards.

    Whether they do or don't make another one is fine by me. I'm assuming they're saving the movie that actually has ponies for the 2017 movie. So if they make another EqG, I'll be perfectly fine as long as it has the same story quality as Friendship Games.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I like this poll: The people who haven't seen it don't get to say whether they want another one. That's as it should be.

    Personally, I think this movie was only okay. They tried to do this thing with an anti-main cast, but there wasn't nearly enough time for that to develop and all it ended up doing was taking away from the primary focus of the story: The interaction of Twilight and Sunset.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    Equestria Girls is bad for pony. It's just a spin-off to turn my favorite pony people into cunts

  • Tavilicious - 9 years ago

    Well, I do have to say that this is a much better written poll then the last EqG one. Seems to have a fairly balanced list of options for once. Nicely done.

    I still would be perfectly happy not to see another 'My Little Monster High' movie made. or to follow in the footsteps of their inspiration 'Monster High' and 'Bratz' and just release the occasional straight-to-DVD title with little fanfare.

    I think that five years and three movies later, is is well past time work on creating an actual pony content movie for a franchise promoted as 'My Little Pony'.

    'My Little Monster High' has unquestionably had its time in the sun with a movie trilogy under its belt. Now, it would be nice to see Hasbro finally concentrating on creating some feature length movie love for the parent property at long last.

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