Do you agree with the Montana Board of Pardons and Parole decision to deny parole to Brett Byers, a man who was convicted of killing two MSU students in 1990?


  • London Holloway - 9 years ago

    No. I read he was doing well and is involved in many programs. He has learned about the Lord, and is living in his image. I think he would benefit society greatly, and whoever disagrees with me, needs to understand the concept of Second chances. Sure it was a wrong thing that he took full responsibility for, but in America we need to come together as a society and forgive if the prisoner is obviously showing remorse. We are all sons and daughters of Jesus Christ. How unfair for a prisoner if they did something so awful, but never got redemption for a mistake? How terrible for us as a people to allow that. And yet, the fastest growing religion in the world is, "I don't know.)

  • Jean Halvorson - 9 years ago

    The Parole Board has refused parole to Barry Beach who is innocent. They had nothing on him but a coerced confession by an over zealous police officer in Louisiana. He was accused of murdering one person. Brett Byers murdered not one, but two people. Barry Beach has been in jail for 35 years. Brett Byers should have to spend at least twice that.

  • N. Dutchak (please do not publish my name) - 9 years ago

    Our prison system in the United States is archaic, inhumane, and ineffective, and it is even worse in Montana than in many other states. In Oregon, the average prison term for murderers is 16.6 years (13.3 years with good behavior). In Norway, the maximum prison term for any crime, including murder, is 21 years (but time actually served is usually 14 years or less). In Germany and many other European countries, prison is geared toward social reintegration rather than punishment. The primary goal of prison is to enable prisoners to lead a life of of social responsibility free of crime upon release. We have a lot to learn from them about reforming our prison system!

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