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Will increasing the price of tobacco deter teen smoking?


  • George - 9 years ago

    Robert may have the right idea...$5./pack however to call teenagers "generally ignorant and stupid" shows his lack of maturity. There are a lot of great teenagers out there just as there were when we grew up.

  • Patty - 9 years ago

    The government should use the tax money they are receiving from cigarettes and offer people free stop smoking aids?

  • Grace - 9 years ago

    I don't agree with increasing the prices again; they did in March! Les Hagen should try & target obesity in youth if he really cares so much. Always raising cigarette prices is getting old & it don't work. We're already one of the highest taxed countries in the world and in a recession as well.

  • Eileen - 9 years ago

    I just bought a carton of cigarettes in Ottawa last month & they where $10.00 cheaper. We get a lot of misinformation from Les Hagen. Raising taxes will just cause more crime. The government taxes the people far to much as it is.

  • brenda - 9 years ago

    they will just steal them and the world is ugly enough

  • Mona Hill - 9 years ago

    Why don't you target the fast food places, I'm always having to collect their garbage out of my ditch.

  • robert dunning - 9 years ago

    a buck increase maybe not, but 5.00 more a pack would certainly make teenagers think about starting or continuing. then again teenagers are generally ignorant and stupid.

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