What kind of Feels Did You Get From Crusaders of the Lost Mark?


  • Squeaky Belle - 9 years ago

    We're all really AJs aren't we now? :D Crying on the inside and all that hahaha

  • harazu - 9 years ago

    I was actually pleasantly surprised so I answered other

  • Pumpty Wumpty - 9 years ago

    No feels at all... TBH I was kind of shocked considering I was waiting for this episode since early 2011. I guess I kind of had to wait for too long. Had it happened in 2013 or maybe early 2014, I'd have probably shed manly tears, now I was simply like "Oh, finally?".

  • CinnamonClover - 9 years ago

    I screamed with unhindered glee and bounced around to an extent that I think might have worried even Pinkie Pie.

  • jrex95 - 9 years ago

    I Applejack'ed it.

  • Kimberly Martin - 9 years ago

    So much Liquid Pride

  • Bronze Gear - 9 years ago

    I admit, I did cry but only after the initial viewing. It may have been because I was in public at the time, but I think it was more because I had time to sit down and think of how the show relates a little to my life. I have been with the show for about 4.5 years and it may have also affected me more because it actually feels like I actually did watch these characters grow up.

  • BlueDragonAura - 9 years ago

    I think the most obvious options were:
    Markless forever, no aging.
    Markless forever, chose not to have marks
    Marked, individual talent
    Marked, but their talent is searching/being the CMC.

    I would have been fine with any of these resolutions EXCEPT the first, because that would mean no character progression, which has always been strong part of MLP. (Ex. Fluttershy from shy to not, Twilight learns of Friendship, etc.)
    My personal favorite was always: Markless forever, chose NOT to have marks. Basically, a resolution that the marks are unneccessary, and that they are not bound to any one thing; I imagine the CM magic swirling around them and nothing happening directly after they state they don't want their CM's.
    However, the marks they were given serve almost exactly the same purpose, so moot point.

  • ignite116 - 9 years ago

    even my other brony friends dont quite understand the pure joy i felt at seeing those cutie marks. I HAVE BEEN WAITING 5 YEARS FOR THIS

  • Brandon Viverata - 9 years ago

    @Ebonysdagger More foal-centric episodes are a good thing. From my experience, most of the fandom, myself included, really enjoy Cutie Mark Crusader episodes because they are great characters. I'm not sure what you you have against those little angels.

  • joel - 9 years ago

    there should have been a "cried so hard, with tears of joy and having an overwhelming felling of happiness for things to come" I would have voted on that one.

  • The Master - 9 years ago


  • Smithers - 9 years ago

    Wow, what an episode. I keep listening to the songs over and over and they get more awesome every time.

    I didn't really like Diamond Tiara's heel-face turn. Just another example of 'all antagonists must be reformed'. Damn it, I liked hating Diamond Tiara! On the other hoof, I did enjoy seeing Silver Spoon finally decide she'd taken enough of DT's crap; I always knew she was the better of the two.

    At least we got some more Pipsqueak. Trottingham forever! (Manely because it's a pun on the city where I was born and raised. [And who doesn't love horse puns?])

    Anyway, everyone seems to have missed the important point from this episode, which is that the word 'boy' is now officially canon as a poecilonym for 'colt'.

    @nerd pony: "Is that supposed to be a wing or a lighting bolt?" Trick question; it's both! (All three marks have one symbol inside another within the larger shield shape.)

    This episode actually makes me like "Appleoosa's Most Wanted" more than I did before. I didn't like that episode much the first time. Now I see that it actually makes a good prelude to the CMC finding their special talents of helping others with their cutie marks.

    TL;DR: Yay songs, boo Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon is not the masochist that HamGravy made her out to be in 'Tarnished Silver' and (all together now) "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, YAY!"

  • Danny's Devitos - 9 years ago

    Other. I was cringing so hard at how forced and sudden the Diamond Tiara thing was that them getting their cutie marks was swept along in the "UGH". The parade for something every pony goes through and the recycled bit from the OP didn't help.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    I almost didn't notice it. I vote for "I don't care".

  • nerd pony - 9 years ago

    My only real complaint about the cutiemarks is the coloring wasn't that good.. you could baily see what was in their marks.. Scootaloo being the hardest.. Is that supposed to be a wing or a lighting bolt?.. Could not tell....

  • Hat - 9 years ago

    Lost and confused

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    @Ebonysdagger I'm pretty sure the having Fancy Pants and Fleur walk by was to drive home the point that everything Spoiled Rich was saying about needing to "always think of your social standing" was a complete load of horseapples.
    Fancy isn't being used as an example of the stuck-up social climber stereotype, he's the ultimate subversion of it.

  • name - 9 years ago

    OK, see, I normally detest child characters 'cause their schtick is always "I'm a kid, which automatically makes me adorable and everyone one will love me for doing stupid cutesy kid things." So I fully expected to hate the fillies when they first appeared. Instead, they wound up being part of that huge group of pones I love. I've wanted them to fulfill their dreams for ages now, both because I wanted them to be happy, and because it's the sort of subplot which will get stale sooner or later. But after a while I kinda didn't want them to get their buttmarks just yet 'cause I also love their dynamic together. I wanted them to progress, but I didn't want them to grow up TOO soon either. With characters I didn't care about so much I might be tempted to call this resolution a cheap cop-out. But I can't. I got to see some progression that also salvages the dynamic of three bonded friends doing their stuff together. And I can't really complain that it happened too soon.

    So...I...might've gotten a little something in my eye. I'm really hoping this means the characters will continue to grow, and not be eternally the same age like happens in most cartoons.

    As for SS and DT, it would've been cool to see some cracks showing in prior episodes since this turnaround was kind of out of the blue. But like with the CMCs, it was good to also see them progress and gain a bit more depth, even if it meant REFORMED ANTAGONISTS YET AGAIN. So a bit of frustration at so many turning goody-goody, but I think the net effect was good.

    And the Apple parents. :( I left this episode wanting badly to hug some ponies.

    As an aside though, I remember during the uproar over Twilicorn that some were accusing the anti-coronation/ascent faction of "not being able to accept character growth" or something along those lines. I still hate Twilicorn, Cadance, and SA for what they did to canon and continuity (thanks, Hasbrobama!) But those who made those accusations, re-read this post and then BLOW ME, bitches!

  • Ebonysdagger - 9 years ago

    Oh? You meant about the CMC. Uhm... that was nice. I didn't really feel anything about that to be honest. I actually felt it took a backseat to everything else in the episode. I guess they are nice looking but other than this letting them get roped into map shenanigans I don't see it changing too much. They'll just start consulting with those with marks on what they mean and continue to help others who don't..... ugh... this means more foal-centric episodes doesn't it?

  • Ebonysdagger - 9 years ago

    At the risk of, or outright doing so, incriminating myself as a terrible person I was a bit disappointed we got character growth from Diamond. I kind of hoped that to be a more gradual thing. On the other hand, her standing up to her mother and, to me more importantly, Silver Spoon standing up to Diamond were great little moments.

    I'm left with a few questions though. Filthy Rich has been shown to be somewhat reasonable and even nice all things considered and even appears to be somewhat aware it is only because of the Apples that his family has any money so why is it hinted that he also put pressure on Diamond to be a terrible individual? I get that he might cause her pressure to be the best in the hopes she'll take over the business but beyond that, eh? Diamond's mom being like that though was a given I think... though I am surprised she was still alive.

    I've also noted that it used Fancy Pants and Fleur to show stuck up social climber types. I wonder how this meshes with most people's fan interpretation of Fancy as a good noble rather than merely an informed one (which is the one I've always suspected).

  • cutie mark disaster - 9 years ago

    I strongly dislike the final design of the cutie marks.... Who ever designed them did a horrible job...

  • Pone. - 9 years ago

    Just going through blind reaction videos to see grown man cry over pastel cartoon ponies getting buttstamped...

  • HydrusBeta - 9 years ago

    I was at first a bit upset and worried because I had always assumed that the CMC getting their cutie marks would essentially end their entire story arc. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how well-constructed this idea of their cutie marks was. The CMC can still be the Cutie Mark Crusaders, since their special talent is helping others find *their* special talents. I also really appreciate the fact that they got their cutie marks immediately after their attitudes changed from helping themselves to helping others. The second time watching the episode, I cried a bit on the inside. This was a beautiful episode.

    I'm honestly surprised at how positive the fandom's reaction has been to the CMC getting their cutie marks. I thought there would be a lot more anger over broken headcanons and a stronger purist reaction.

  • silvadel - 9 years ago

    Manly tears were shed.

  • AC - 9 years ago

    25 year old male proudly confessing to the physical crying here, and I do mean wiping tears and blowing nose. Tears of joy. That feeling of like, finally reaching a goal and remembering all the hardship it took. Five years. It's like seeing them grow up. So hard to explain but the feels were real.

  • Steve - 9 years ago

    Okay so I didn't CRY perse. I welled up some tears, but nothing fell down my face.

  • don - 9 years ago

    It was like watching your children coming through the door with their report cards full of straight AAAA+++

    Now if they can get Spike & Rarity on that first date!

  • Holly Dash - 9 years ago

    I honestly cried because Diamond Tiara is my favorite pony, and seeing her suffer such breaks my heart ;-;

  • Jana - 9 years ago

    I was so proud! I've been waiting like everyone else for years for this to happen. I was beginning to think them being blank flanks was going to be the status quo for the rest of the show's duration. One can imagine the frustration I had for the past two or three years when they had CMC episodes and knowing that nothing was likely going to change. This past episode easily made my top favorites overall and in regards to the CMC.

  • Bluebreeze - 9 years ago

    I physically cried since Apple Bloom is my best pony, but I didn't like the first half of the episode because I absolutely hate Pipsqueak.

  • Milla The Killa - 9 years ago

    i cried on the inside. iv been waiting years and the warm fuzzy feelings it gave me is still with me ^_^ so happy my crusaders finally got their cutie marks.

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    Conflicted. The actual cutie mark moment was moving, but it came at the tail end of an otherwise lackluster episode. I've been wanting to see them get their marks this season, but I was really disappointed in the way it played out.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    Hard to tell precisely... I can't even describe the feelings I have from this episode and its songs -especially "Light of your cutie mark" and "The pony I want to be". I'm simply stunned and I can't stop having goosebumps how many times I listen to these two songs and watch the episode and even a long time after. I can't describe it... Heck, my sensitiveness. :'( I love it so much. ♥ And when it comes to CMC's cutiemarks, I'm personally excited of them and can see their meaning. I don't have a single complain about this episode. I've got just feels...

  • Kao - 9 years ago

    Where's the option 'Liquid Pride'?

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