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Do you think using Uber is less safe than using a taxi?


  • John - 9 years ago

    The city opposes it only because they want to find a way to profit from it. Its called ride sharing, the city has no place to be getting any profit. If the drivers are licences and insured, there is no difference from simply paying a friend some cash to give you a ride. Taxi driver gonna lose your job? too bad, welcome to reality, nobody has 100% job security. The only thing that is certain in life is change. get used to it

  • loveUBER - 9 years ago

    I've recently moved to Calgary for school & used the taxi service here, I got to say; some of the drivers I've dealt with are nice but many are RUDE! Especially when you don't pay them with CASH! Who really carries cash nowadays? Apparently the card machines somehow, "doesn't work" after a certain time of the night, especially, if it's late at night on weekends. Hmmmm... #suspicious

  • An Uber user - 9 years ago

    I am sick and tired of trying to get a taxi, only to be forced to wait over an hour to get one, or being forced to "plan ahead" to ensure I get a taxi. The service with ALL the companies here in Calgary is often horrible, with so-called "trained drivers" that often break driving laws more than any other drivers currently on the road.

    I've bee in a taxi on two separate occasions where the taxi driver almost caused a collision because of their reckless driving.

    As for safety, knowing that both passengers & drivers won't be using cash makes me feel SAFER.

    And if an Uber driver makes you feel unsafe, Uber actually does get police records on all of their drivers, even the UberX drivers.

    If I had it my way, taxis would become relics of the past, while Uber and Lyft would be the future.

  • UberFan - 9 years ago

    Uber is the same as a taxi in the sense that it's a car with a driver, travelling on the same roads. Drivers are rated and passengers are rated so both driver and passenger have the option of declining through the app before taking the ride. No cash changes hands. Using the app you can see how far away your ride is and how long it will take, allowing you to make alternative plans if the wait is too long. All of the above makes Uber far safer than a taxi.

  • Uber user - 9 years ago

    Risks are greater when patrons are being stuck downtown in -30 weather, at 2/3 am for hours and sometimes alone (young women and men) in areas downtown where recently there has been major crime and fatal incidents.
    I'm not even going to acknowledge drinking and driving ( too frequent and tragic in this city).
    Having used Uber myself I feel the safety is equal if not better than that of a cab.
    Uber also is a no cash transaction, (the transaction is done through the app with the cc on file) which in itself if safer for both parties.

  • RoseBarker - 9 years ago

    Cab charges for a trip between Calgary Airport and Calgary downtown are the highest encountered on this planet! Surely, the Mayor can expedite building the rail service to the airport. The Calgary Transit bus is a very poor alternative compared with transportation provided for air passengers at other cities. For example - Boston Airport - ; transportation is offered by (a) subway,(b) Boston transit and (c) taxi service, and they have convenient regular schedules which meet the needs of the public.

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