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When was the last time you shot on transparency film? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 419

  • Ben Chapman - 9 years ago

    Ive never shot transparency film. Ive just recently started to shoot a roll of negative film a month and concentrating on how to get the best hybrid digital image of that. Slide film will need to be added to the bucket list.

  • Howard - 9 years ago

    Early 1990's. I shot construction of the London Bridge Development off Tooley Street in the late 1980's. Great back ground images -St Pauls, Tower Bridge, HMS Belfast. Steel frames and steel deck flooring. The Loads a money years! One year we even had to spend excessive profit - bought a third OM2 body and a bunch of additional lenses. Shot mono (for press releases) and colour tranny. Happy bracketing to death days ....

  • Lurcio - 9 years ago

    When I think back to the days of using transparency film I realise just how much simpler and convenient Digital is, and that I don't miss that agonising wait to see if the picture was successful one bit.

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