Do You Still Have Pony Wallpapers On Things?


  • gejomir - 9 years ago

    What do you mean "still"???

  • Element0fKindness - 9 years ago

    Pinkie Pie Live on the cell phone, Fluttertrain ringtone, and HowXu Fluttershy wallpaper on the PC.

    I also have a simple app I wrote with MIT App Inventor, that when you shake the phone, it plays Pinkie's giggle-snort sound, but I want it to run as a background service, but can't figure out how to make that happen. Actually, I'd like it to play a random sound file from a designated folder, but didn't figure that out either. :-(

  • Flamerat - 9 years ago

    I may or may not put a pony wallpaper on my cellphone.

    For now, as I'm using dual-screen on my laptop, I use two different wallpapers for each screen.

    In the future, after TFH official wallpapers are out I might change the wallpaper of one or both of my screens.

  • Alpacapella - 9 years ago

    Never had pony wallpaper on anything, so "other."

  • Chumpy - 9 years ago

    I think my iPod Touch that I never use has a Rainbow Dash wallpaper.

  • Golliat - 9 years ago

    I hope you just forgot the 'no' option.

    If not, you're the cause of wars.

  • Frieda Von Steuben - 9 years ago

    I have hundreds of images from Luna to Horse-Wife. All on a rotating basis.

  • ZOE BOO - 9 years ago


  • Invader TAK - 9 years ago

    Almost forgot my PSP 3000 has a pony wallpaper as well.

  • Invader TAK - 9 years ago

    On my computer. But I use Windows 7's Slideshow feature to alternate wallpapers every 10 minutes, and not all of the wallpapers are Pony (the one at the time of this comment is, though!).

  • Princess Otaku - 9 years ago

    No "no" option? Seth... You know what, I think you know what I'm going to say.

  • Solarwuff - 9 years ago

    Only on my PS3 for the moment, but i used to have it on anything and everything

  • Austrian_Discord - 9 years ago

    Does Discord count? Because Every of my PC's has the same Picture of Discord

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    They. Are. Everywhere.
    All my personal devices have pony wallpapers. Even a few of my work machines have (subtle) pony-themed wallpapers.
    Heck, as the admin in charge of the domain controller at my company, it's taking all the willpower and professionalism I can muster to not push out a mandatory group policy full of MLP wallpapers and Desktop Ponies to every Windows machine on our network just to see the reaction. ;)

  • Smithers - 9 years ago

    "Just my phone"

    Although "have pony wallpaper" is a bit of an understatement for "I spent many hours writing an Android live wallpaper that animates a bunch of ponies walking around my screen."

    If you think it looks like a cheap rip-off of Desktop Ponies, that's because it is.

    If anyone's interested:

    [In case anyone do give this a go and leaves a comment here, I'll try and check back in a few days to see if anyone has used it / complained that it doesn't work.]

  • TroMo - 9 years ago

    It's on my e-book

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I would think your coworkers would know if you were a pediatrician.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    I found a nice phone-size wallpaper of Luna's cutie mark. What's great is that won't embarass me, since only the people who know would recognize it. Otherwise it looks like a standard pretty vector background. And at home I made a montage of a standard blue background and the mane 6. And I find it pretty neat and not too fancy.

  • Metemponychosis - 9 years ago

    My co-workers think I'm crazy or that I'm a pediatrician.

  • Fiona Rose - 9 years ago

    Yes. I have pony wallpapers on EVERYTHING. They're mostly Discord wallpapers though. XD

  • name - 9 years ago

    Nah. There's some amazing artwork out there, just never really got back to feeling very connected to the show since Derpygate and the canon-busting season 2 finale. So not much in the way of pone decorations anymore.

  • Kicks_McGee - 9 years ago

    Seth, you forgot the "none" option.

  • badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I only really have a computer. (And a flip phone that I carry around but never use.)

    I keep my pony wallpapers on rotate. Sometimes a depiction of Apple Bloom from the bad end of Story of the Blanks pops up, and I have to stare at it until it goes away.

  • Otterax - 9 years ago

    I try never to miss a wallpaper post. There is some outstanding graphic artistry at work there, and it often gives me good ideas I can translate to other art forms. But I keep what I download in an archive; I don't really install them anywhere.

    No, wait, there is one I have used for the last years as my standard desktop wallpaper: one of Nightmare Moon on a dark-blue, night-time landscape. Why? Because when I wake up at 4am and can't get back to sleep immediately, I'll rev up the computer to be greeted by a wallpaper that doesn't destroy my adjusting eyesight with painful whiteness and vibrancy.

  • Gregory - 9 years ago

    By Everything has a wallpaper, just my Phone and Laptop (Only electronic devices i use and have constant access to). Before i graduated High School, my assigned computer in my Graphic Design classes had one too since i was at those computers every day.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    even my bedroom

  • Green Codes - 9 years ago

    Jeez, for me pony wallpapers are everywhere. Even all my Raspberry Pis have mane 6 wallpapers on 'em, not to mention all computers, phone and tablet…

  • AverageP. - 9 years ago

    I just have a chrysalis wallpaper on my phone. I would like one on my computer but I like my cs:go wallpaper

  • Alienpope - 9 years ago

    My pc,
    my mac,
    my laptop,
    my phone,
    my web browser,
    my steam,
    my work computer,
    and my ipad

    I have too many things... NOT TOO MANY PONY WALLPAPERS THOUGH

  • Bluebreeze - 9 years ago

    I'm surprised there's no "no" option.

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