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  • Just me - 7 years ago

    Recently, my stepdaughter remarried. She asked her father and I and many others to the wedding, including our daughter. We asked BEFORE going to her wedding, that we would love to meet her soon to be husband.
    And not one effort on her part. No phone calls, no nothing. Our daughter refused to go to her step sisters wedding and didn't even know why she was invited. They do NOT even talk.

    Wedding comes and she is calling asking if we're coming to her wedding and we said no. I got the blame for it. Really? A simple request to meet your soon to be husband. You lived 2 hours away. You haven't made the effort to see your own father in a few years. But, now suddenly I am to blame? That's rich.

    Where were you when your father had a heart attack and triple bypass surgery? Hmmm? Instead, almost a month later, you were calling him and asking him for money! Holy chit!

    And yet, I am to blame. And you wonder why your own sons avoid you.

  • RF - 7 years ago

    The stepfather is not obligated to pay for any part of the wedding. It should be paid by mother and real father. I know this from first hand experience being a step father when real father tried to shaft me into paying $18K for a wedding. Keep all stepparent's out of wedding costs.

  • RF - 7 years ago

    The stepfather is not oblugared to pay for any part of the wedding. It should be paid by mother and real father. I know this from first hand experience being a step father when real father tried to shaft me into paying $18K for a wedding. Keep all stepparent's out of wedding costs.

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