Which Pie Sister is the BEST Pie Sister?


  • AAAAHAHAHA - 9 years ago

    So much mad.

  • Chi - 9 years ago

    Marble fans are hypocrites. And I thought Maud fans were, but even she has more character development than Marble.

    In other words, when people like a boring character like Marble and to a lesser degree Maud, they're automatically hypocrites because their excuses not to like certain other characters becomes invalid.

  • BroniesAreGay - 9 years ago

    I should have seen this shit coming. You motherfuckers ruin the fandom when you seriously put Marble, that has so little character, over Maud. We have come to know Maud and though she can be a bit hard to read she actually HAS a character. Marble is nothing but a panda thrown right into the Brony gears. They say "oh she is just like me, an unimportant and bland as fuck person that has nothing to say and no aspirations to speak of... THAT'S JUST LIKE ME".

    To finish a short story: Once upon a time there as a character that was mostly an after thought and had no lines in a show. The fans of that show however, loved her and began furiously clopping over her. Unfortunately for them clopping leads to sterilization and now none of them can reproduce HOORAY!!

  • Limestone Pie - 9 years ago

    just keep those namby-pamby, technicolor ponyville ponies AWAY FROM HOLDER'S BOULDER

  • Stormy Kirchmare - 9 years ago

    UR right 100% Pinkie doesn't belong on this poll...

    but, now that shrewd young businesspony with the ascerbic personality, fierce yellow eyes and stoic devotion to her kin, I love me some Limestone Pie..
    she has chutzpah

  • ScourgeHH - 9 years ago

    Hello, I have a question for everyone who can't believe pinkie isn't winning or that the fandom has failed because they didn't vote for pinkie, did you really ever think pinkie could win? Because, she can't. Let me explain. Pinkie a is main character, people love her and she is important to the show. So why is her sister winning? Because pinkie is a main character, people love her and she is important to the show. It is the under dog effect, pinkie already has the fame and aderation, and Maud a little too, so when two new characters are introduced and stacked up against a main character in a poll, few will vote for the main character because she is a main character. She already gets her amount of love from the fandom. So really this poll is mostly marble vs limestone. So don't get mad or say the fandom has failed, they are just trying to give love to a charcter who hasn't gotten much yet. I'm sure most who voted for marble or the others love pinkie more, they just are using the underdog effect.

  • AnonymousCivilPerson - 9 years ago

    Apparently the voters prefer their ponies to be seen and not heard. *facepalm*

  • ShTHfan1 - 9 years ago

    My personal Pie list is actually the exact opposite of the poll at this point...

    1. Limestone
    2. Maud
    3. Pinkie
    4. Marble

  • A1X - 9 years ago

    Marble Pie... better than Pinkie?... It's ridiculous. It's actually ridiculous. The pony who hasn't even said a proper word is better than one of the 6 ponies that form the heart and soul of this entire show? Just... no...

  • Who dat? - 9 years ago

    Marble, of course. Poor Big Mac deserves to finally get laid.

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    Don't make me choose! T^T Screw this poll. I'm not voting.

  • name - 9 years ago

    Cherry Pie. Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise. Tastes so good makes a grown man cry. Sweet Cherry Pie, yeah.

  • The Master - 9 years ago

    This fandom has failed once again.

  • Angel - 9 years ago

    i have to go with Marble pie she was just so adorable and i ship Marblemac!!!!! and to all the people saying Marble isn't cute or didn't have enough dialouge for a vote eat out a blue waffle you QUEERS.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    Marble Pie: Mmhmm.
    Pinkie Pie: Yay! My baby sister won the poll!
    Maud Pie: I'm proud of her too.
    Limestone Pie: Yeah, Okay, I guess I was a little too mean, but I had a boulder to protect, you know.

  • faithfire - 9 years ago

    option for all pies^^

    i vote for maud,
    all of them are so cute

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    Pinkie is best Pie, of course. But if I have to choose from her sisters, it's definitely Limestone to me. I still didn't grow to love Maud or Marble (since she didn't even speak and her personality didn't show up except for being shy). I somehow fell in love with grumpy types and I liked Limestone the most.

  • Ipsie - 9 years ago

    If I had to be honest, Limestone. Berserk button horse is my favorite. Marble was so cute, it was a hard choice.

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    I like Maud. She likes rocks. I like rocks.

  • Mu Nova - 9 years ago

    Answer's still Maud, but Marble does seem pretty cool.

  • Anna - 9 years ago

    This makes no sense. Marble only had one quote, and it's even less of a quote than Big Mac's. We've barely seen her and she beats Pinkie Pie herself? That makes people seem even more hypocritical than they've been before. They claim characters must have their own episodes, more screen time, an interest or hobby, etc. Marble has none of these, so why is she so popular? And don't give me the 'because she's cute' reason, the actual characters are even cuter because they're more expressed. Pinkie Pie may be far from my favorite and I admit she's not even in my top 10, but SHE should have WON this poll. Pinkie is the cutest of the Pie sisters simply because the situations she gets in makes her cuter. Marble is too typical 'cute' she's not really cute at all, true cute comes from the situations a character is normally not in. Typical cute loses the generic cuteness, it all just gets boring. Marble is like Fluttershy, but even Fluttershy is cuter since we've seen her in several situations.

  • PhonicB∞m - 9 years ago

    Marble is cute, but she's just season 1 Fluttershy minus any personality.
    Limestone is a bitch, and not like Diamond tiara or Trixie where there was something redeemable there; Lime is just relentless.
    Maud has made for some great deadpan humour, but her character needs a little more depth than "everything is about rocks" if I'm going to care about her for anything other than the humour.
    Pinkie, on the other hoof, has a fully realized character. She's had her ups and downs, she is responsible for many of the series' best jokes but also goes deeper than that, and unlike her sisters, she's good for more than just inserting a particular personality trait into a scene. Her sisters are one-dimensional, and that doesn't sit well with me in a show known for its character depth.
    If we get to see some different sides to the rest of the Pies at some point, perhaps I'll end up feeling differently, but for now, I vote Pinkie.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    theyre all so lovable!
    though i especially loved limestone
    why is she so low on the list?

  • Pumpkin Cheesecake - 9 years ago

    I really like both Maud and Marble ahhhhh...
    I'm a lot like both of them in some ways so they just ring with me the most I can't decide...

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Maud could be older than Pinkie in the same way that Marble is younger.
    According to Word of God, Limestone is the oldest. Note that the list given didn't acknowledge Pinkie and Marble as twins, so it could still be consistent with the quadruplets hypothesis.

  • Owlowliscious - 9 years ago

    I was gonna say marble, but then I remembered... MAUD. I pledge my allegiance to the Maud.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    @Badly Drawn Turtle

    Maud is older than Pinkie. Pinkie and Marble are twins, and Limestone I don't know.

  • Dalzaar - 9 years ago

    I decided that since Pinkie is one of the Mane 6 I will leave her out for this poll.

    My choice was really easy:Maud. She has had the most screen time of Pinkies sisters and she is really funny too(in her own dry way).

    Also on a note:Cute alone does not cut it with me,so no vote for Marble from me.

    Cute seems to be enough for the fandom to cast their votes for Marble,to each their own,I guess.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I was the LEET vote and I voted Pinkie. ^_^

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago

    It sure as shit isn't Pinkie Pie.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I'm going to have to go with Pinkie PIe, here. Her sisters are fun, but we haven't seen enough of them for there to be a real competition.

    The real question is, is is just Pinkie and Marble that are twins (as per PInkie's ‘a few minutes younger’ comment in the episode), or are they quadruplets? I'm going with quadruplets until canon says otherwise.

  • Dan - 9 years ago

    I wanted to vote for Marble Pie, because she is adorable.

    But I had to vote for Limestone Pie, because of her attitude.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    I won't vote because there's no option "all of them".

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    Honestly can't decide between Maud or Marble...both awesome in their own way. I love Maud's sweet side, though, and how she smiled when Applebloom gave Boulder a cinnamon bun.

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