WHICH OF THESE top tier GOP Candidates SHOULD drop out next?


  • Paulestian - 9 years ago

    Rand Paul has been right on every major foreign policy issue of the past decade. The man deserves respect, unlike the NeoCon favorite Jeb Bush.

  • Jack Furst - 9 years ago

    It's just getting very painful watching Jeb Bush thrash around like a beached fish gasping for air. It's just not happening for him, and he should bow out while he still has at least SOME dignity left. He should let his fine performance as a Governor of Florida to be his legacy, not his desperate attempt to gain traction when the writing is clearly on the wall that Americans are moving in a different direction

  • piss on all 3 - 9 years ago

    trump piss on Obama and his pig f ing allah an gayfag muhammad

  • Johnny Nowhere - 9 years ago

    Jeb doesn't even want to be here. He's got cooler things to do.

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