Which Mane Pony Had the Best Costume in Scare Master?


  • Tilt - 9 years ago

    Roller Skater?...excuse me I believe you mean STARLIGHT EXPRESS!

  • ZOE BOO - 9 years ago

    Pinkie's was OBVIOUSLY the best. :)

  • catnickfl - 9 years ago

    I'm no expert on armor but Twilight's costume looked more Roman to me. Ether way it looked awesome.

  • Phillie Chi - 9 years ago

    Does nopony notice RD's cool Buzz Lightyear costume?

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    Anon, why the heck are you such a rude jerk? You really need to get a life. Seriously, why is someone like you even watching this show? Haven't you learned anything? Everything you said in these comments are base entirely on opinion, no one has a shit taste, and if they do yours is as shit as theirs. People like you need to grow up. That kind of behavior will only lead to a miserable life. In case you're life are miserable, start changing you bad attitude and it will give you true friends.

  • Mike - 9 years ago

    Rainbow Dash is best pony, but she had second best costume. Have to go with Flutters on this one.

  • anon - 9 years ago

    @WinterStar106 The only fact here is that you have crap taste in ponies. RD is best pony. Everyone with at least half a brain knows best ponies are the jerky ones.

  • AstrumSpark - 9 years ago

    RD was clearly a reference to Buzz Lightyear, by the way. Not just any austronaut XD

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Although her tail vaguely resembles a scorpion point, I doubt that was the intent. Reason: The only manticore we've seen in the show has a red mane and tail and much pointier ears; the designers would have made the costume easily recognizable, so using a more normal lion's mane color indicates that they were going for a normal lion. More importantly, manticores have wings. Her costume didn't have wings. Ergo, not a manticore.

    This was a tough choice between Twilight, AJ, and Spike; but I couldn't resist the adorable kitty-cat.

  • UnCommentator - 9 years ago

    Just a small correction: Applejack was a Manticore, you can tell by her tail.
    Also, I personally would call Pinkie an 80s Roller Disco Dancer.

  • oh boy - 9 years ago

    Twilight? Spartan? I thought she was going for an Athena sort of look...goddess of wisdom and all that jazz

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    i love how spike upgraded from last years a dragon dressed as a dragon
    to this years a dragon with a second head
    it wouldnt surprise me if he just repurposed his last costume to make it

  • Ohmeko Ocampo - 9 years ago

    Pinkie's costume was hot.

  • Bluebreeze - 9 years ago

    @Broken Record If it's a popularity contest then why is Apple Horse winning?

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago

    I'm sorry, there's no fucking excuse for Spike's awesome idea being way at the bottom of this poll. Polls are just a goddamn popularity contest.

    Fuck you, brony fandom. Fuck every last one of you biased little shits.

  • Hakirayleigh - 9 years ago

    I love you Rarity, but yor costume left much to be desired.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    Since I'm only up to Greek Mythology due to MALES WEARING THE SKIRTS N' DRESS ROBES, NOT THE FEMALES (and I mean the humans), I'd say Twilight as a Spartain.

  • WinterStar106 - 9 years ago

    @anon. To YOU, sure. But that's opinion, not fact. To me Rainbow Dash is the worst.

  • anon - 9 years ago

    pfft, applejack can have this poll. still worst mane 6 pony.

  • Element0fKindness - 9 years ago

    No way AJ isn't winning this poll.

  • EmeraldSkies - 9 years ago

    Not even an Applejack fan, but what monster wouldn't pick her? That was the cutest costume ever.

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    You heard it here folks! Spike is officially a pony. :P

  • Flutterpwn3 - 9 years ago

    Sorry but Derpy had the best costume. This poll is unfair.

  • SubrosianDimitri - 9 years ago

    Twiley in what's essentially a guard uniform, combined with my love for the TwiGuard stories, equals my vote going to Twilight's costume.

  • John - 9 years ago


  • John - 9 years ago

    All these weird spellings, and Applejack wasn't a ???

  • Dalzaar - 9 years ago

    I chose Spike...several reasons but lets just say that his costume was the cause of the best facial expression of the episode.

  • Fluttyplushie - 9 years ago

    C'mon you all! Flutterbat wins it, Flutterbat is da best o/

    But if I have to say it honestly... well great job team MLP, that was a wonderful cast of costumes. Preferences go to Skipe / AJ & of course Flutterbat (gosh I love Flutterbat, I should totally buy a Flutterbat plushie), but all the mane cast was great in all these costumes. Tough choice.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Apple Jack had the best costume but Spike & Rarity had the best snuggles !

    And Harry Bear & Flutterbat had best prank!

    Honorable mention to the CMC for best toilet paper job.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    It should be rewritten as Mermare. Come on! (Best costume by the way!)

  • ervc - 9 years ago

    Aw but Fluttershy's simple black dress was the best costume.
    Guess it has to be flutterbat then

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