Should colleges have mandatory classes on sexual consent?


  • EvieE - 9 years ago

    I voted no only because rape culture is so pervasive that even with these classes I'm not sure if they'll help much. I think if you're in college and you don't understand consent at that point, it's too late. I would however think a consent class would be more effective on the high school or even middle school level when sex ed is taught and more parents need to teach their sons about consent instead of telling their daughters to stop dressing a certain way.

  • Sista Soulja - 9 years ago

    at the very least a consent class should be a part of new student orientation. And every student on campus should be required to attend.

  • Calvin - 9 years ago

    Great episode as always. Just needed to post since I was so pissed off by the consent class story. Kid's too stuck in his own feelings when shit isn't even about him. You'd think after “America's Dad” Bill Cosby was revealed to be a monster, people would stop sticking so steadfastly to this idea that all rapists are hoodie-wearing brutes that slink out of the shadows. If it were that easy, every rapist would already be in jail just by simple profiling. Sometimes people with tattoos are rapists, sometimes your unassuming weedy classmate is a rapist, sometimes your mentor is a rapist, sometimes a police officer is a rapist, and sometimes a kindergarten teacher is. And sometimes rape isn't just holding someone at gunpoint in a dark alley. Sometimes it's an aunt sneaking into her preteen niece's room, sometimes it's a boss blackmailing an employee into sex, sometimes it's a guy with coke bottle glasses taking advantage of his drunk friend. I also barely use gender qualifiers because too many people try to blame feminists for a desire to talk about rape and consent when actually learning about things like consent could help reduce all the situations in which rape happens such as with male perps and male victims, female perps and female victims, as well as female perps and male victims. But instead of taking the class with an open mind and actually learning something, this dude chose to see this as an accusation against him which says a lot about him. It's got nothing to do with the class.

  • KelB - 9 years ago

    Stop raping people then maybe we can stop talking about it. Men AND women need to learn what consent is and what rape really looks like. It should start being taught in high school, if not middle school. Add it to the college-prep curriculum. It's necessary.

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