Oh sure -- let's give the government more stuff to do. Like they aren't big enough already? Who do we think pays for all this bureaucracy?
HIT Geek - 9 years ago
The hard-to-explain distinctions in current privacy regulations, the crazy quilt among the states' regulations, and institutional policy differences all beg for a common and simple nationwide privacy regime.
Make it equally understandable to 5th graders and octogenarians. And make it simple enough to be enforced built-in smart phone and tablet security controls.
Oh sure -- let's give the government more stuff to do. Like they aren't big enough already? Who do we think pays for all this bureaucracy?
The hard-to-explain distinctions in current privacy regulations, the crazy quilt among the states' regulations, and institutional policy differences all beg for a common and simple nationwide privacy regime.
Make it equally understandable to 5th graders and octogenarians. And make it simple enough to be enforced built-in smart phone and tablet security controls.