Do you think it's time for Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan to end?


  • Rachel amruthaluri - 9 years ago

    no way! i think de show shouldn't go off air coz MTV will start getting less TRP wen KYY will end n am sure dat only bcoz of KYY few pple started watching MTV. This is just so unfair. There is no reason also for this epic n marvelous show to END!

  • Abree - 9 years ago

    Thats not fair. can u tell mtv india that if u dot release kaisi yeh yaariyan the life is boring, Parth is doing a film at the moment so u guys could at least plan season 3, then teel them to come, plz plz save my life.

  • Livelovelive - 9 years ago

    This show is so remarkable, amazing.. Very enjoyable Niti N Parth. Please come up with same kinda a show.. All the teams were just amazing.. Thank you????

  • deepapandey - 9 years ago

    happey birth day parth
    and please back
    imisss u

  • pratiksha jaju - 9 years ago

    please , dont let the show end. it is the only show i watch on tv.manan hv an awessome chemistrty n love btwn then. please keep the show on.missing u manan . parth please drop ur thought abt leaving hte show. please come bck..

  • shiruba - 9 years ago

    Listen u ....whoever thinks dat manan is boring... dnt even feel manan dats y u r saying dis if u really want to increase ur readers na..plz write somethin gud about it......or else d loyal fans of ky2 will make ur pieces for dos bloody reasons

  • vanshikha - 9 years ago

    plss dont end the show.....................i no that its becoming boring bt its ok..................i luv to see manan and manik too

  • tiwari pooja - 9 years ago

    yarr serial boring hota ja raha hai please do somthing ya fir really time for end of the show miss you manan and i still miss kyy lot

  • tiwari pooja - 9 years ago


  • manans fan - 9 years ago

    Just plz tell us the reasons why cabir left the serial and plz do something to kyy2 before lots of people starts to dislike it even tho it has been start it already so the manan scene are too much we dont even see friendship anymore it's all abt that harshad or whatever and aryman guy problem with manik like aryman likes nandi now and all tht shit so stop making things crap like rght now i don't even whats happen with yaariyan anymore

  • shanvi singh - 9 years ago

    seriously the show has been stretched .i suppose it should end.lot of manan sceans are becoming boring. earlier we used to wait for this show but now no interest.we used to see this show for friendship,fun and love but now no friendship,the friendship part is missing.

  • thenha zubair - 9 years ago

    please no cant think itself ky2 ending...guys give sometime everything will be fine..
    just missing ayaz(cabir) alot....missing him badly..just hope he may comeback as his twin please dont think of ending the show..

  • naomi - 9 years ago

    Its really boring... Com guys manna love is de same thing natin has changed.the absence of cabir has really cause everytin....we never knew wat happen to his mom.she didnt accepted de way he was...i mean dis guy went looking for a jod just de help navja n de baby n he just died now u cnt see wat she doing, de fab 4 too dull only de love birds .cabir was very funny n makes dem happy.n alia's bro is still in de show wat is he doing
    We hav som victims like cabir who r watching it
    N where is cabir's twin bro!!!! Do somtin plss.
    I love dis show .... Greetings from Belgium

  • strawberry - 9 years ago

    Lyk to an end!!!! No.....not at all!!! The show is amazing and will be......❤️❤️❤️Ppl are just jealous as this show is going soooo well.....if u want to shut, shut those typical Saas bahu seriels......not these amazing teen shows.....

  • Rizz - 9 years ago

    So it's interesting you gave us 5 reasons to end the show.Seems to be hardwork.But i think there are many serials which need to be shutdown. You guys want to write about this because this show has a huge and crazy fan following.

    Have u seen the hardwork they put to make each manan scene so real. NO, u people only look for reasons to blame it. Atleast we are seeing any promotions anymore hatsoff. Every show many people have left due to some reasons , it doesn't mean we need to end the show.
    Don't play with fans emotions by writing such creep articles.

  • Kritika - 9 years ago

    I know guyz ..... Serial is becoming boring day by day. I have a hope that soon,serial kyy season2 become more interesting than kyy season1. So guyz plzzzz don't left ur hope. Soon serial will become interesting and u all guyz will LoVe it. Really........

  • Kritika - 9 years ago

    I know guyz ..... Serial is becoming boring day by day. I have a hope that soon,serial kyy season2 become more interesting than kyy season1. So guyz plzzzz don't left ur hope. Soon serial become

  • nimra2820 - 9 years ago

    If you don't wanna see don't see na...but there are people who love the everything same can't happen as it was in season 1..and so far as the manan scenes are concerned when after parth returned to the show people wanted manan please who dont wanna see don't see..don't post such things..

  • Arya Salin - 9 years ago

    I think it time to end ..........bcz now it doesn't have any proper story line .............its flowing only with its previous popularity plzzzz windup with o good and happy nod

  • Shriti kumari - 9 years ago

    Yr.. Serial booring hota ja rha h.. Bt still, I dnt wanna miss it... Pehle wala tashan nai h ic serial me.. Plzz tashm fir se Lao ic serial me..manik is lyk our prince Jo sb thik kr deta h hr trh se perfct h.. Serial me pehle jaisa tashn chahiye.. Hr day ak new twist nd new luv wid cute fighting scene. ND touching songs..

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