Do You Want to See Starlight Glimmer Redeemed?


  • Belly button - 9 years ago

    I remember everyone making fun of G1 few years ago for having reformed at least half of its villains... Now look at MLP:FiM today.

  • lordelliott - 9 years ago

    *** POLL OVER ***

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    Oh well, even though my vote didn't come true, at least Starlight was redeemed in a good way. It felt rushed to me though. I don't think the "short show" excuse works, they had an hour.

    To answer to Burgerbitzz, no, I cannot see Sombra nor Chrysalis being reformed.

    And also, to answer to don, Starlight had a reason for doing what she did; she thought a Cutie Mark would take friends away from her, as she felt abandoned, she wanted to make friends and had good intentions but was using the wrong methods. I feel you and the anon missed the point of the episode.

  • seahorse - 9 years ago

    They did it! The writers did it!

    I did not think it would be possible with the way Starlight Glimmer acted. The first half of the finale confirmed that impression.
    Then we got to see her back-story, to give us a reason to care about her, and then to be reminded that no matter how bad somepony acts, there is always some good within them. A good lesson for us all.

    Yeah, the turn-around seemed rushed, but it is a short show, so that's to be expected.

  • Burgerbitzz - 9 years ago

    King Sombra can redeem back as a villain.
    Discord can redeem back as a villains(in which, he's got a clone apparently)
    Chrysalis can redeem back as a villain and still alive.
    Tirek can redeem back as a villain and must prove his loyalty to Professor Pericles & the Entity and take the bloodoath to be an indomitable force for the good of all humanity against magics for what he'd commissionize of him since he was a boy on his kingdom with his Brother Scoropan.

    Sunset Shimmers still on the side of the good guys which it's a good thing as the new member of the Mane 7.

  • crazcraz3 - 9 years ago

    I think exactly Professor Pericles the parrot and the Evil Entity and the new brand of siren with pointy horns Dazzling's father,Forte Caprius Dazzles will unite Discord, Nightmare Moon,Chrysalis, King Sombra, Starlght Glimmers, Lord Tirek and other villains that's been previously on the Ponies G1 to band together to protect each other from the likes of ponies.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Yeah have to agree with Anon-a-mouse'

    The trip was awesome but the end was "Meh" no consequences for her actions,
    A bad moral = With the right friends in high places you can get away with murder multiple times.

    And poor Spikey is under played once more.

  • Anonymous - 9 years ago

    sorry folks she's been reformed in the most weak way and lazy writing possible... you have been hornswaggled. people will talk more how great Rara's episode was than what they thought about this pile of crap.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    Get real, guys! Only a fool or a crazy overpowered living weapon of mass destruction magical girl (cue Nanoha) can believe anyone can be redeemed (or die in the process).
    And since Glimmer is not so wrong in her way of thinking (equality isn't wrong by itself), it would in fact be harder to make her change to the good ol' merciless capitalism with a small group of healthy nobles living on the hard work of the poor sick citizens. The only way would be to brainwash her. But then, who's the villain?

  • BadGuy - 9 years ago

    Redeeming sucks

  • WestRail642fan - 9 years ago

    what ever the outcome, she is still best purple guy

  • Adagio Dazzle - 9 years ago

    I would love to see Starlight Glimmer reformed.

  • Star-form - 9 years ago

    I think she need to be redeemed, the show teach forgives. Also we can see some thing new. Whatever at least we cant wait for the thing to come. Im so pup! :D

  • brabrun97 - 9 years ago

    season 6 is coming the night after rocking new year eve

  • brabrun97 - 9 years ago

    yes season 6 is comng soon

  • Slizergiy - 9 years ago

    I'd rather see what happenens to Starlight what happened to Kazran Sardick in the Doctor Who Christmas special.
    At some point Twilight interacts with past Starlight and it causes a ripple effect down her timeline. If Starlight does get redeamed that would be a way better way of doing it than just "this thing happenes, and suddenly good". I want to see a gradual change to the light side in a way that makes sence (as much as things involving wibbily wobbaly timey-wimey things get).

  • name - 9 years ago

    Oh sure why not. I'm sure there are more interesting antagonists to keep unreformed.

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    I say no. If someone did a time travel thing like that and ruined a friendship I had, I wouldn't forgive them at all. The only way I could see her being redeemed is if she had a past like being bullied equivalent to CMC and Diamond Tiara.

    Plus not ever villain has to be redeemable.

    I'm also worried this may cause another big outburst and split in the fanbase.... :(

  • LightPhoenix - 9 years ago

    Plz Keep her a Villain
    No h8 M80, but I like Evil and stuff
    And she's almost perfect

  • Darius - 9 years ago

    I picked other because we have no say in what will happen in the finale, she will be redeemed just like Sunset Shimmer, and most likely will be taken under Twilight's wing as a student (she has no idea what true friendship is and it'll give Twilight more chances for character development beyond her princesshood). I don't get why this is a poll, it's pretty obvious what'll happen. People wanting her to stay a villain will be disappointed, so who's to say?

  • Emptybee - 9 years ago

    I voted yes because I think Starlight is the type of villain for whom redemption is possible.

    That said I'd like to point out that redeeming actual villains—not just antagonists—isn't actually the show's norm. Luna may have been restored right away, but Discord got turned back into stone. It took him two more episodes to actually count as reformed. Tirek got tossed back into Tartarus, while both Chrysalis and Sombra got blasted away by magic (and word of god says Sombra at least is kaput). The show's actually pretty hard on true villains.

  • Devouring One - 9 years ago

    I picked other because I kinda want her to but I kinda don't, she should still hold on to her ideals and her goals, but maybe approach them at a more civil way, instead of forcing others into her way of life and society.

  • seahorse - 9 years ago

    On the bright side of redemptions, it seems Sunset Shimmer turned out well, something we gradually came to accept.
    Diamond Tierra was the Best surprise and turn around ever, because she was just a foal, the image of her parents, because of the emotional attachment we have had with the CMC, and her story struck a deep chord.
    I don't have any such investment with Starlight Glimmer, so let the writers do what they will. However, Starlight did not present the appearance of a good candidate for redemption. Also it would be unrealistic to fix every villian that comes along.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    id be happy either way
    i just need more starlight glimmer

  • Gravityguardian29 - 9 years ago

    instead of a poll for starlight being redeemed, lets do a poll of which character we'd like to see return for whatever reason (redemption, revenge, ongoing rivalry, ect...) Starlight, Nightmare Moon, Trixie?, Tirek, Sunset Shimmer, Dazzlings.

    I'm really hoping they eventually give us a reoccuring villain, personally i thought discord should have been left evil for a few seasons to develop him more and have a mxyzptlk (google it) style villain to come in every so often. Then they wouldn't have to force a new villain every time.

    other options:
    if we could have an episode dedicated to the backstory or daily life focused on one character who would it be? Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, Luna

    Would you like to see discord go back to his old ways? Yes as a reoccuring villain, yes but only in one or two episodes, no keep him reformed

    What would you like the focus for season 6 to be? Stronger character development and backstory (main and/or background ponies, more world discovery, more goal oriented season (similar to season 4 with collecting the keys), returning characters/reoccuring villains

    How is everyone going to watch the pony movie 2017? See it in theaters, watch the youtube movie cam rip, buy it when it comes out, i will not watch it, most likely with younger sibling/family members.

    Best Unicorn?

    Best Pegasus?

    Best Earth Pony?

    Would you like another shoutout episode to the fandom like slice of life, someday in the future? Yes, loved that episode, Maybe one more but not past that, no once was enough and it would be too much, they should have never created that monstrosity.

    Hope this helps

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    Is it just me, or do you guys REALLY hate Starlight Glimmer?

  • Nolan Slover - 9 years ago

    Man, I don't know... we've had too many "simple" conversions. The double-edged sword is this: she thinks that what she's doing is right, and is so zealous about it that even telling her ad nauseum may not make her change her perspective. On the other side, she's got the potential to have some sort of story told. Consider the last two villains that Twilight's had to deal with. Sombra's horn got sheared off as he was explodified into little bits. Tirek got sent back to JAIL. As much as I'd like to believe it, there are some individuals that you can't redeem, and more to the point, some individuals who don't WANT to be redeemed.

  • Awesome Villager - 9 years ago

    I really hope that she doesn't get redeemed.

  • don - 9 years ago

    JAMES BOND had bad guys

    Why not ponies?

  • Brandon Viverata - 9 years ago

    I really wished that we wouldn't see anymore of Starlight Glimmer after the season 5 finale. This does not seem to be the case unfortunately.

  • Bryce Stewart - 9 years ago

    Heck to the no! I don't want this chick in my life, and I mean EVER

  • unknown - 9 years ago

    wow really, you guys want another sunset shimmer? as if tirek wasn't enough for you fans is it?

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