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Should Canada's spanking law be scrapped?

Total Votes: 14,630

  • Interested Reader - 8 years ago

    Do we have to do this again? April 2009 we had the same discussion, and the arguments to protect parents and teachers are still there. This criminal code is there to protect parents and teachers when they have to take reasonable action to protect themselves and others from "children" or "pupils" who are socially not fitting in at that moment. I doubt if anybody reads my comment, but the most important thing we always have to remind Canadians of again and again - and it seems this comes up every 10 years or so -- is that we should not be so concerned about reasonable parents spanking their unreasonable children. We should Not be hindering parents from disciplining their children as they see it to be necessary; rather than removing tools of discipline, parents need the encouragement, training and modeling by "society" how to discipline properly, even when that includes corporal punishment, and to know what constitutes abuse of a child, and to be ever vigilant when disciplining their children that they don't go overboard and hurt and abuse them. It is important for Canadians to always recognize that they are responsible to parent their children, and that corporal punishment is in fact reasonable (when applied reasonably by reasonable parents), and that this form of discipline has been effective for generations.

    Isolating the problems of the Residential School system and the Truth and Reconciliation report from this discussion for a moment, we know that much of what happened "back then" was perceived by those orchestrating it all, to be "the" reasonable thing to do , and those who did end up in residential had sort of the best and worst of both worlds. We know that some benefited, and others did not. Same as school today. Some children are happy in school. Others are bullied (hopefully not by teachers). Some were well-educated and are able to function in today's society as a result. Others were not treated well, still got an education and can read and write and function, but have emotional and physical scars. We weep for the whole impossible situation that was inflicted upon this wonderful people group. This should not have happened, and we are not "out of the woods" yet in what is happening around Canada still to this day. While education is being provided on reserve, the appreciation for it is limited, and the quality suffers as a result. When we send our kids to school, they should not get "messed up", and when kids get to school each day, they should not be messing up the day for other kids. It's a win win when everyone can get along.

    As we move into 2015, we are getting unwanted sexual education forces on our kindergarteners, unwanted sexual lifestyle choices being taught as "normal" when we all know they are not, and disrespect for the spiritual teachings of the parents by refusing to allow opt out of classes that go against personal belifs. We have a system that okays abortion on demand, and then complains when teachers or parents have to inflict a bit of corporal punishment on the tender bottoms of their children or students.

    You can say what you want about being pro-choice or pro-woman, ultimately, the only right choice is to choose what will lead to life. Education is one answer for many who have no hope in life. Embrace the opportunity. Faith - explore your faith system and get to know the good aspects of it, and make sure you life by what is good, honest and lovely. REcognize the callous injustice inflicted upon the preborn baby through abortion, and the absence of a law to restrict it, making it a viable option for pimps and incestual relationships. Instead of changing laws that actually protect people, make some laws that will prevent people from killing the next generation. A child has needs that are physical, emotional, spiritual and educational. When a school brings those things to the table, parents support that school. When children become unsafe because teachers canno

  • Colleen S. - 8 years ago

    Its a very long stretch to say spanking your child and abusing your child are one and the same, I shake my head. I believe it is another way for the government to "own" our children, and imprision our minds into believing we are not making good choices for our children as parents , change the law, amend it, whatever but to make spanking a crime my mind is blown away ....I mean lets just scrap the whole criminal debate and let them decide who can have them (children) and who cant based on worthy parental knowledge of what works best...make sense? I mean I know the saying goes " it takes a village to raise a child" but this is going way too far....DO YOU REALLY WANT THE GOVERNMENT TELLING YOU HOW TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN!?? (see how that turned out) The system is broken and now this law will take all the power and put it in a childs hand (makes no sense) I am glad I am done, under these circumstances, I probably would not have had children period.
    And, yes I raised a decent, caring, loving, productive in society, human being... and yes they survived and respected a well deserved spank once in a make a parent a criminal because they spanked their child is disgusting.

  • Tim Taylor - 8 years ago

    Is this the biggest issue we have to deal with in Canada, I would like to see no child go hungry or live homeless. Canada is rich and still people live homeless and children go hungry and I keep seeing we need to make it better, when will this happen. Cost of living must be calculated by rich people not the middle class or poor as prices rise and we get less money to take care of our selves or our families.
    When does it start to get better, now the government wants us to give them our tax return to pay for there debt, why do we owe so much money and to who. Canada is rich with resources and still we are in debt where does all the money go. Hunger and homeless should be more important than spanking your child that is why there are so many disrespectful kids today as parents have no say in raising there child or control.

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    All that think a spanking is violence are the ones turning their children into disrespectful brats.
    Children in grocery stores screaming at the top of their lungs because they can have what they want turn into these type.
    A spanking has done no wrong in the past and has in fact turned children into respectful people. I am one of those.
    No matter if they change the law or not I will still spank my children, that is my right.

  • stephie - 8 years ago

    There's a big difference between spanking and abuse. Those who abuse will continue to do so, even if the laws should be changed! Why attack those who choose simple spanking as a form of discipline.?

  • Stephie - 8 years ago

    Never have I seen the world as bad as it is today? In my day spankings were allowed. Children were respectful to their parents, teachers and neighbors and all autnority. Over the last few years parents are afraid to discipline their kids and it's turning out one rotten bunch that could have learned early on by a single smack on the butt that you don't behave that way. Now parents are cooing over their kids and trying to reason with them while the kids are getting worse by the minute. Many young people nowadays don't even have manners and don't know what respect is?

  • Joanne - 8 years ago

    Parents please take the time to talk to your kids about what they did wrong and what a better response ior action might be. Above all, be consistent. They can know you mean business with a look. Violence is never the best answer!!!

  • Marion - 8 years ago

    Some parents go too far when spanking, because they can't control their anger, the child will learn how to hate. If a child needs to be spanked, it's most likely bad parenting. "Violence begets violence".

  • Ines Hofmann - 8 years ago

    Speaking from experience both as a child who was spanked frequently and a parent who never spanked, spanking does not make a child respectful of anything or anybody. It makes him/ her fearful and teaches nothing but hate for the perpetrator. Parents who spank lack the ability or willingness to deal with problems and these parents resort to spanking as a means of control. So why should a child pay for the inabillity of her parents to do the job right?

  • Eric - 8 years ago

    Case in point, the other day i was riding the bus when i saw out of the corner of my eye a girl throw a candy wrapper to the floor. I gave her a glare and she started in on me with a tirade of profanities to which i responded that she was a pig, upon which she threw her candy at me.

    Another prime example of disrespectful spoiled brats who know they can get away with most anything these days because of our screwed up laws.

  • mawzilla - 8 years ago

    Experienced a couple of my own butt warmings as a kid. Did I deserve them? Dang rights I did! Did I repeat the offense? Not a chance! Only speaking of my own observations, there just seems far to many kids now, that know no fear, have no respect, accept no responsibility, live with no boundaries. Its what some carry with them into adulthood, unless of course, some glorious ah ha moment strikes them in the meantime, and that little known thing called common sense kicks in, to behave as a decent human being. It irks me to no end, to see society expect the government, or laws to do all the decision making, right down to a butt warming. I chose to have children, I accepted as my responsibility to raise them the best way I knew how, not pass off responsibility to some government to dictate to me how or when I can or cannot disapline my kids. Did they get a few biffs on the britches? Dang straight they did! They are responsible, hard working, decent, contributing members of society I am grateful to say. I most certainly do not condone beatings! Jmho!

  • Diane Daniels - 8 years ago

    IF anyone touched my child there would be hell to pay for that adult. I come from a family that did not believe in spanking. My grandchildren are not spanked, my children were not spanked, I was not spanked, my mother, and her mother were not spanked as far back as I know it was not something our family every did. The way I view it is that children are adults in training Now if you did something that another adult did not like should you be spanked? Do you think that would be acceptable?

    I remember a friend thinking I was nuts to not spank, I would speak to my children and reason with them. You might be surprised how intelligent children are even before they can speak themselves. Well she finally had children and decided to try it my way, she could not imagine hitting her daughters and surprise, surprise it worked so she also did not spank and now she has grandchildren. None of our children have ever been in trouble with the law, not a single one of them dropped out of school and they all turned into caring compassionate adults and never had to be spanked.

    I believe if you speak and respect a child's ideas they will and do listen to reason. You want to be respected and listened to even if people do not agree with you and that is all children want too.

    There are other much more effective forms of discipline that you can use if talking is not working, taking away privileges works wonders. For example, if my children did not clean their rooms after being asked repeatedly I would go into their room with several green garbage bags and everything they owned that was on the floor would go into the bag and they had to earn their things back. One item at a time, they could either do extras around the house or they could have one item per week, amazing how quickly they would do extras rather than wait.

  • Holly Klitch - 8 years ago

    I don't see anything wrong with a spanking. I was spanked as a child and I learned from it. My children were spanked and they would be the first ones to tell you that it didn't hurt them at all, and without spankings they may not be the respectful people they are today. They are raising their children with the same beliefs.
    What people need to understand is that there is a big difference between a spanking and a beating. Period.

  • Carmen Richardson - 8 years ago

    I was born in 1949 and wish spanking was all I got. Instead, I got my ears twisted, my face slapped, my hair pulled, screamed at, made to stand outside in the cold, had my pets murdered, told I was many rude things (unprintable here) ..... If spanking is made illegal the parents will simply find other ways to discipline children. I never spanked my kids, never hit them. I knew how to discipline them by teaching. However they did get little slaps on their butts occasionally but never caused pain, just let them know. All in all, it's the verbal abuse that causes the most damage.

  • Jeff - 8 years ago

    Would you like hitting small children to be illegal in Canada?

  • Adub - 8 years ago

    People who think that violence is synonymous with discipline should perhaps do some research. Parenting is super important and yet most parents do shockingly little work to improve their performance and do better by their children. And those suggesting that school shootings and such are a result of kids not being spanked- is there even a shred of evidence to suggest that those perpetrating those crimes were not spanked? If there is any link, it's likely to be in the other direction since violence begets violence (and that HAS been proven).

  • Alan Jones - 8 years ago

    Why is there so many kids doing crime? why are there kids killing kids? why is there kids out at night, like 3 am?

    I'll tell you why,, they are not afraid of anything "Adults" can do to them any more. because we can't lay a woop a$$ on them when they do something very bad. that's why.

    and i don't give a flying "F" what the law says i will spank my kids, and i will continue to do so until they learn, you do the crime, your going to get punished.

    If you don't teach them early, when they grow into adults, there going to do even worse, look at our jails, there almost full. more an more "Young Adults" then ever before are doing crime because there not afraid of being punished !!!!!!!!!!

  • Cora Schmidt - 8 years ago

    It should be stated that a disciplinary spanking does not leave bruises. If there are bruises from a spanking, then it is abuse. Too many children are not disciplined properly and the issue of spanking is misconstrewed as abuse. If stated the difference between abuse spanking and discipline spanking is discipline spanking does not create bruises and is a good corrective tool when needed.

  • Bob Robertson - 8 years ago

    have you ever run across a dog who was not disciplined as a puppy...a total disaster. A REASONABLE spanking when things are really out of hand works quite well for puppies and poppets. I was spanked twice. Both times I deserved it, and didn't need another lesson. The country is in the disrespectful, unsympathetic, rude condition it is in now because of the lack of consequence for ANY action. There has to be lots of love, but kids have to know there is a limit.

  • Tracy - 8 years ago

    I was born in 1966, I was brought up respecting my elders, if i opened my mouth before i was asked to or if i was disrespectful a hand across the mouth was the call made by one of my parents. When i see kids today there are a few kids i would not hesitate in giving a bar of soap in the mouth to chew on for about 30 seconds. If you take away the right to discipline their kids you have no right to criticize the parents for the way the child turns out. In most cases the child will be disciplined only once or twice before they get the message. What are we supposed to do if the child is beating the crap out of you because that child is mad and refuses to take a time out. or if the child gets sent to their room and turns the room upside down and breaks most of the furniture in the room. Now i am just talking about a 3 year old here. What would the federal Government want us to do then. tell them its ok to be mad but you don't throw your room in disarray then give him or her a treat. Give us back the power to discipline our kids it is totally unacceptable to do anything less. This is why there is an increase in elder abuse, this is the reason all the bullies out there can do what they do and even drive another child to kill themselves in total frustration. This is why there has been a rise in home invasions and beatings to the occupants and even the increase of deaths due to the invasions. You take away the rights from the parents to correct certain behavior you are asking for trouble. Check the statistics of the escalated robberies violence towards women and men in some cases. The figures are there all you have to do is the homework to find out how and why it is that these figures, match the time of the law being issued and the figures will speak for themselves. I dare the Federal Government to call me a liar. Its time for change Give parents the right to discipline their kids or you take the consequence's Not the Tax payer's.

  • Barb - 8 years ago

    I voted yes my mistake...I meant no. I to grew up in the 50's and believe me we grew up respecting authority. We knew the boundaries of correct behavior and we got invited to many functions and visits because of our upbringing. Plus the fact :
    Proverbs 22: Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a boy (child), But the rod of discipline will remove it far from him (the child).
    Keep it in moderation not to the extreme of going beyond what is necessary, not to be done in a state of anger or drugged or intoxicated; from the one who is doing the disciplining.

  • Stewart Payne - 8 years ago

    "force by way of correction" does not mean spanking or abuse of any kind. Parents or teachers or anyone who is in a position to "correct" a child must have the authority to use force or apply a force when needed. We all know verbal commands are easily ignored. If that section of the Criminal Code (which has been deceitfully labelled 'the spanking law') was removed some, if not most, children will not accept correction and society will further decay. The law must stay. Abuse should never be tolerated, but let's stop sensationalizing the misinterpretation of force as spanking.

  • Jacquie Blake - 8 years ago

    I was born in 1954 so grew up in a period of time where spanking was a form of discipline for younger children and grounding and losing privileges was used for teenagers. The strap was the discipline in schools, or being suspended and having to write all your exams. I grew up respecting my elders and all people in authority and I never received the strap at school and didn't need too many spankings growing up. I turned out just fine and did the same raising my kids. I only spanked my son once and he is a smart and very respectful human being. He is a military man, married with a son of his own. Kids today scare me as they have no respect for anyone, not even themselves. Spanking is necessary and I think they need to bring the strap back in schools.

  • Judy - 8 years ago

    I believe spanking is okay....don't beat a child but a good, old-fashioned spanking never hurt anyone. I received a few growing up and the only thing that was hurt was my pride. I grew up knowing good manners, how to show respect to my elders, etc. We need to allow spanking by parents...not so with teachers...if child is totally out of control in school, call the parents in and let them deal with their child.

  • Tanita sampson - 8 years ago

    Yes you should be able to spank your kids, maybe we wouldn't have all these kids shooting up schools and stuff.

  • Debbie - 8 years ago

    I don't think a spanking hurt any child that's the problem now a days with children in the citys that took that law away hey have no up bringing NO RESPECT for no one which is so sad...I was spanked as a child and I grew up with lots of respent...

  • Malcolm Dutchak - 8 years ago

    I made a wrong bote by mistake, voted yes when ment to vote no, spanking is ok as fsr as I am concernrd, big difference between a spank and abuse, I know as had both growing up, spanking did not hurt me mentally growing up I deserved them, if there was more spanking we would not have near the problems in society that we are seeing today, today everyone thinks they are entitled to everything no matter weather it's right or wrong

  • Malcolm Dutchak - 8 years ago

    I made a wrong bote by mistake, voted yes when ment to vote no, spanking is ok as fsr as I am concernrd, big difference between a spank and abuse, I know as had both growing up, spanking did not hurt me mentally growing up I deserved them, if there was more spanking we would not have near the problems in society that we are seeing today, today everyone thinks they are entitled to everything no matter weather it's right or wrong

  • Malcolm Dutchak - 8 years ago

    I made a wrong bote by mistake, voted yes when ment to vote no, spanking is ok as fsr as I am concernrd, big difference between a spank and abuse, I know as had both growing up, spanking did not hurt me mentally growing up I deserved them, if there was more spanking we would not have near the problems in society that we are seeing today, today everyone thinks they are entitled to everything no matter weather it's right or wrong

  • Joanne - 8 years ago

    I think if more parents spanked their children we would not have the huge undisciplined children of today. I don't believe in beating but a spanking on the backside might make a huge difference in our society.

  • - 8 years ago

    Its should be the parents for teachers.....they should leave it up to the parents.....i wouldnt want anyone else to discipline my children....

  • Rudy Hiebert - 8 years ago

    Good parenting should always include appropriate discipline, ie for age, deviant behavior, teaching & correction. Sometimes spanking is more than necessary and appropriate other times it may be too late, ie child is too old to be effective.

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