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Should Christy Clark raise the carbon tax? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,463

  • keith - 9 years ago

    Raising carbon tax on gasoline to get people to not use their cars is like saying put a tax on food to stop people getting fat. The money already collected is not being spent so why take more. Transit doesn't fill the bill to go to work, visit family, recreation, holidays and a whole lot more. Work harder on getting big trucks off the road during rush hour, The carbon emission from modern cars only will greatly lower carbon concentrations. To suggest that i give you some more of my hard earned money as a punishment for using my vehicle is an insult to my inteligence and very insulting. Clean up the big trucks,the coal port, ferries, trains, diesel busses and heavy industry before you come crying for more money from me.

  • allan - 9 years ago

    I have a small warehouse that I keep as cool as I dare in the cold months. I can't keep it much cooler. I pay an additional almost 25% in carbon tax on my bill. That's crazy.

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