What Was Your Favorite Episode of Season 5?


  • Muffin_Spectacles - 9 years ago

    Well, finally put up my Top 5 list for the season:


  • name - 9 years ago

    Bloom & Gloom didn't have Twilight in it, and it's one of the lowest ranked eps. Now I feel bad for not picking it over Magic Sheep. Maybe it's been overlooked because it was so long ago, before the hiatus and all.

  • brabrun97 - 9 years ago

    yes hasbro will this

  • Who dat? - 9 years ago

    @Opal: Yea, Twi's just annoying these days. She and her extended family can fuck off forever, I wouldn't miss 'em. Hell, have Moon Dancer take Twi's place in the mane6 as the nerdy unicorn and even out the species again. How about it Hasbro? Or are you AFRAID OF CHANGE?

  • Opal - 9 years ago

    @Auditormadness9: But they're all about Twilight, so boring! If there were nonTwil twoparts too I'd like them more.

  • mike - 9 years ago

    The Mane Attraction would have been a better season ender. The Cutie-Remark had to be the worst of the 2 parters ever. Though they seem to have difficulty in producing a 2 parter that doesn't seem rushed really :D

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    im shocked that coco pommels episode is so low
    but i can understand with as many amazing episodes there were

  • Auditormadness9 - 9 years ago

    It's obvious that I'm always gonna choose the finales. I don't like the inner episodes that much. I only like the outer ones (Premiere/Finale) cuz they develop great story and interest.

  • BillErak - 9 years ago


  • PandaFunkey - 9 years ago

    Crusaders of the lost mark because it was the episode that finally made me a brony..... I'm not even kidding, I've seen every season and started watching around the start of season 4 (i think a week or 2 before it started but definitely not after), became a megafan of fallout equestria, and spent god knows how many hours watching fan animations and playing on the tf2 servers but STILL WAS NOT A BRONY. (and no, i was not a closet brony because I liked the show but was not in denial about whether or not I was a fan). Then crusaders of the lost mark came out. When something can make me geek out and go absolutely nuts almost tearing my head in half by simply smiling, you can bet your ass I'm a fan of it! Unnecessarily said, I was a brony tried and true upon that day. I don't care if anyone out there thinks I was a closet brony or an outright brony beforehand, that is by your standards, not mine. To be a brony is something you decide, not some title forced upon you whether you think of yourself by it or not.

  • name - 9 years ago

    Do Princesses Dream.
    Luna's guilt being so severe that she had the Tantabus torment her was a weird and over-the-top plot device, but once you get over that the episode is just plain fun. Though that sort of silliness is best in moderation. Without going back and rewatching everything again, this one's my pick.

    Hmm, now that I think about it, Luna's self-punishment fetish is kind of kinky. I suppose that would make NMM more of a dominatrix. I, uh...I'm gonna go take a cold shower now.

  • DarkMelody - 9 years ago

    Oh man this season was all over but in my personal opinion here's the best episodes:
    Amending Fences — my favorite episode this season
    The Cutie Map — enjoyable, not my favorite season opener but still good
    The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone — I liked seeing the griffon kingdom
    Heartbreakers — I really enjoyed seeing the rest of Pinkies family
    Tanks for the Memories — awwww so sweet
    Carterlot Boutique — idk I liked it
    The Mane Attraction — I liked the first song she did in Ponyville not much else really
    The Cutie Re-Mark part one — awesome start to a disappointing end
    I didn't care for the remaining episodes. They were either too slow aka boring, not interesting to me aka I didn't care what happened or just painful to sit through aka Brotherhooves Social and Princess Spike.

  • appleacres82 - 9 years ago

    "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" was a decent episode, but personally I think it's overrated and far from perfect. The pacing of the episode was way too fast for my taste (it's basically "Magical Mystery Cure 2.0"). "Canterlot Boutique" "Made in Manhattan" and "What about Discord" on the other hand were too slow paced. I thought those episodes were boring, and almost nothing interesting happened.
    "Princess Spike" is very underrated IMO. It was a funny entertaining episode. At least I enjoyed it. However it's not one of the season's top episodes.

    My Top 10 list:

    - Slice of Life
    - Do Princesses dream of magic Sheep?
    - The Mane Attraction
    - Brotherhooves Social
    - The Cutie Remark (1&2)
    - Tanks for the Memories
    - Make new friends but keep Discord
    - Amending Fences
    - The One where Pinkie Pie knows

  • Fluttyplushie - 9 years ago

    The comment tool ate the end of my comm' :'( Not the first time.
    For those who have not enough reading me (:D) here you go http://puu.sh/lIXgf/f0a51e2869.txt

  • Fluttyplushie - 9 years ago

    Well, that is one hard choice. Many episodes are really great...

    - Crusaders of the Lost Mark: just to tell how I disagree with the majority of you guys. I didn't really like the CMC, and the only reason why I wanted them to have their cutie marks is not having any other "we are doing stupid stuff to get our cutie marks" episodes. Despite that, I still found it great, and I loved the redemption of Diamond Tiara. Even with those weird faces she made. But clearly not my top.

    - Slice of Life: well, the fandom episode, but with an awesome conclusion. The easy one to like I guess, and maybe the one which required not that much of work. But great. And I love Octavia.

    - Castle Sweet Castle: oh gosh... the library is destroyed, the castle is empty... and that gift from Twi's friend... made me cry. I really loved this episode. The plot was easy to guess in the first place, but the conclusion was wonderful. I would have voted for that one if not the following.

    - Tanks for the memories: one wonderful episode with RD. I voted for this one, cuz' she wasn't like we could have seen her before. Of course there was that episode discovering Daring Do, but that was not the same fragility. And I loved this... That proved that her character evolved since the beginning, and she's really attached to her turtle buddy, how nice to see.
    Well all the season proved that all characters grew up.

    - Canterlot Boutique (less), Rarity Investigates, Made in Manehattan: wow, three Rarity episodes in a row, I loved! I'm now a fan of Rarity, I love her

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    @Cloud Racer
    Different person the second time. I'd put Princess Spike barely above COTLM myself.

  • Lissa - 9 years ago

    Princess Spike is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I definitely prefer it over Appleloosa's Most Wanted, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, What About Discord?, Bloom and Gloom, and The Hooffields and McColts. Those all just rubbed me the wrong way, and I found a couple of them boring.

  • Cloud Racer - 9 years ago

    @Chris @Sirhc
    Of course, writing your name backwards is the best way to not let others know that both is the same person. Smart guy, but no one likes to hear your "repeating" opinion.

  • Kicks_McGee - 9 years ago

    Thank God something is beating Slice of Life. That's all I ask.

  • Troubleshoes Clyde - 9 years ago

    Just my luck no one likes my episode...

  • Sirhc - 9 years ago

    Of course, the best episode of the season is the one in the bottom.

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    Of course, the worst episode of the season is the one in the lead.

  • Brandon Viverata - 9 years ago

    Crusaders of the Lost Mark. That episode hits my feels every time I watch it. We have been waiting SO long for Diamond Tiara to be redeemed and for the CMC to finally get their marks.

  • Princess Otaku - 9 years ago

    Amending Fences. Oh god, the feels ;-;

  • Kurayami20XX - 9 years ago

    I'd think that Apaloosa's Most Wanted would at least get one. It definitely had really good character development there even though the new character wasn't the most popular.

  • aibr - 9 years ago

    This Season was weird for me, because I don't have any clear top episode this time. This Season have been constantly good, but there haven't been really awesome episodes for me. I just don't know what to vote, so I don't vote any. Sorry Season 5.

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