(Round 1 of 3) Who Was the Best NEW Character of Season 5?


  • SilentBass - 9 years ago

    Where's Gilda?

  • Dumb Dumbs - 9 years ago

    No Tree Hugger??

    Awww well could have been worse. Marble pie didn't get any votes

  • Mike - 9 years ago

    Puts all the easily forgettable, new characters all in the same poll excluding Starlight Glimmer.
    Vote for Starlight the best worst choice.

  • Trailblazer - 9 years ago

    I would totally vote for Coloratura, but shes not in this list, but I'm sure she''ll be added in one of the next 2 rounds I hope.

  • LaceySurprise - 9 years ago

    Um..Twinkleshine has been around since episode one. She is the first non main pony to speak.

  • Zion Kraze - 9 years ago

    Where the hell's Moondancer?!

  • Deremia - 9 years ago

    The Smooze is from all the way back in the original MLP G1 Movie - Not new at all. Can you guys do your research before making these damn polls? The most recent ones have been really misinformed - i don't want you guys to become another Watchmojo, it's happened to too many great sites.

  • SuppliedRelic - 9 years ago

    What the fuck is wrong with you people? Starlight Glimmer is FAR from being the best new character of season 5!

  • I EAT KITTENS - 9 years ago

    Why not Moon Dancer

    she's best waifu

  • That_Pon3_Ruler - 9 years ago

    Fucking seriously, people? How is the absolute worst reformed character in the entire franchise winning this poll? I swear, this fandom is retarded sometimes.

  • Martin Engman - 9 years ago

    Were is ra ra??

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    Ah, it's about time Starlight Glimmer got some praise from us.

  • Fluttyplushie - 9 years ago

    C'mon, Moondancer will be in one of the next two rounds... are you even reading guys?
    For me it's the Smooze who has to win it! Go away Starlight Glimmer! The redemption in the end was good for Twilight's characterization, not you.

  • DarkMelody - 9 years ago

    Why isn't Moon Dancer included? I liked her best screw Starlight

  • Nightmare_Shinigami - 9 years ago

    REALLY? Worst Pony is winning this one?

  • PGNatsu - 9 years ago

    I'd probs vote for one of the Princess Spike ponies (I'm a sucker for the minor ones), but of these choices I think I liked Troubleshoes best. The Hooffields a close second.

  • Krystal - 9 years ago

    Omg...the hell is wrong with everyone? Starlight Glimmer IS NOT the best new character.

    I swear this brony fandom consists of saps who will let a less than 30second flashback that contrbutes nothing to her character, win them over.

  • Dogman15 - 9 years ago

    As I said earlier, Twinkleshine is considered a new character because she received definite, concrete characterization for the first time, and it was given specifically by a writer, and not assigned to her by a layout artist after the script was written.

    Please tell me that makes sense.

  • Richard - 9 years ago

    Way to ensure Starlight Glimmer made it into the second round. You chose all the weakest other characters to go up against her.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    If they took out Twinkleshine and put in Moon Dancer I would've voted for her instead of Starlight.

  • John - 9 years ago

    Why is Twinkleshine onsidered a "new" character?

  • The Master - 9 years ago

    I would have votes Moon Dancer.

  • lksgc - 9 years ago

    Ok is 3 rounds hahaha

  • lksgc - 9 years ago

    Where is moondancer? :S

  • sdfdfdfdf - 9 years ago

    Twinkleshine isn't a new character..

  • stormfront - 9 years ago


  • name - 9 years ago

    @IAMA_Draconequus-AMA: Neither are Twinkleshine or Night Glider.

  • Kranken - 9 years ago

    I read Rich as Reich.
    Time to go to bed.

  • Jason D - 9 years ago

    Haha No one likes Spoiled Rich.

  • IAMA_Draconequus-AMA - 9 years ago

    The Smooze isn't new...

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