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Total Votes: 680

  • B Vasiljevich - 9 years ago

    It is my understanding that the current ceiling on income is a big reason SS is having financial stress. Why is it that people who make more contribute nothing? We would climb out of SS budget woes if the income ceiling is raised so deductions can be taken, and if folks who are well-off and do not need the help simply do not collect. Does a person making more than $99K a year need a SS benefit on top of it?? The monies previously taken from the SS coffers and used for other purposes must be paid back by the government. And we could all pay a nickel more (in the big picture) to educate our citizen's children, to perpetuate a strong economy for our country's future. Adjustments are sorely needed, but our seniors most certainly deserve a decent life.

  • Zaney - 9 years ago

    The reason the social security bill is so high in this country is because of disability payments ! We have had people on disability for their entire lives ! People who have not even paid a fraction into social security or Medicare ! These disability payments should never have been placed on the backs of people who worked hard & paid in to social security & Medicare which we expected to see returned when we reached old age & could no longer support ourselves ! What about the money that was earned & paid to s.s. & Medicare by people who died before they could collect ? If their children were grown & they had no spouse, who got the money ? I know of many. How about people who paid in but made too much to collect ? My mother who is 80 & still works, had to pay $1500 this year , because she still chooses & fortunately can still work ! What is going to happen to all of the money she paid in ? I'm sure she isn't the only one ! This is our money that was ordered to be Taken out of our hard work for our old age ! Parents should be Paying for their children just as we did ! Disabled people should be

    Helped by the government , not from our savings ! Does not make any sense ! I also heard that the government itself has borrowed money from it & hasn't paid it back !!!! Young women these days don't get married until after having children because they can count on the government to help with the expenses incurred ! Where does it come from ? From working people, that's where ! This government has continued to reward the wrong people for years, it's got to change or we will all be Doomed ! So, let's blame the workers that get too old to work ! Bullying comes in all forms !

  • Jacquie Heffern - 9 years ago

    I too believe that my social security check comes from a trust fund I paid into, and I pay Medicare premiums. I also know that my benefits will probably be in excess of my contributions. I also know that the protection of the elderly will be assured by a well-paid therefore well-educated future work force. For that reason, the well being of seniors should never be at the expense of children. Raising taxes is my preferred alternative.

  • Beverly Poling - 9 years ago

    I'm 68 and have had a job paying into social security since age 16. At age 23 I decided I did not want
    children. I've owned my own home since age 23 and have been paying since for some one els'e
    children to go to school. My current real estate taxes are $12,000/yr, of which 85% are for school taxes,
    It infuriates me when I see 100 illegal kids waiting for the school bus at over $10,000/yr each for their
    education. BUILD THE WALL!!! This country, MY COUNTRY, spends billions on illegals. Cut it out!!TThey come here for all the freebees. Their governments tell them how to work the AMERICAN SYSTEM. Charity begins
    voting for TRUMP!!!

  • Carleen Gazabat - 9 years ago

    Medicare comes out of social security benefits and seniors pay out of pocket for additional medical care. Many seniors still work into their 70's. And do not forget seniors still pay taxes which fund local government and this includes school systems. Many seniors help support their families which can include grandchildren. They paid in over the years and for the most part incoming benefits go right back into the economic system.

  • James - 9 years ago

    Maybe the Washington Post writer should watch the old movie Logan's Run.........what arbitrary age defines a senior?

  • Mark - 9 years ago

    Spending on those aged 65+ has already been paid by our social security withholding taxes over many years of work. What I want to know is where are the parents who created those children allegedly suffering from just $4,900 in govt. spending each year? These parents and not the government should be paying for their own children's care except in dire circumstances where temporary assistance may be necessary. Up with families people...

  • Rondel Stevens - 9 years ago

    When I was in my 40s I tried to find a way to sign away all claims to my Social Security benefits in return for no longer being required to contribute for them. Of course that was not to be allowed. Now that I'm in my 70s I very strongly resent my Social Security benefits being referred to as a government assistance program.

    I didn't want it. The government made me pay for it. Now when I'm drawing my little bit I'm made to feel like I'm a burden to the government. (String of bitter expletives deleted!)

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