Which of these would you support as an eventual replacement for the gas tax? (Pick 1 or more.)


  • M Metzger - 9 years ago

    So are they going to tax all the trees and plants too because they emit carbon ! And don't let them try to confuse people with the difference between Dioxide and Monoxide either because they do try to twist it as if the public does not know the difference and if you ask much of the public they will tell you by their answers that they have no clue . This is how well our education has taught our children . So bad that a lot of people do not even know where the Capital of the US is nor can most people even tell you how many branches of government we have .

  • Dale Amberson - 9 years ago

    If we could get wsdot to make some reforms how they do business, their $$ would go miles farther. Until then, I will never vote for any new transportation $$. Even if I have to move my family and our small business to a state that has a wiser approach how to spend our $$.

    Running on empty
    Dale Amberson

  • Dennis Burns - 9 years ago

    The gas tax is paid by everyone who drives in the state if they buy gas here. Lots of out of state truckers etc.
    Pay by the mile would only track Washington licensed drivers. Also by-the-mile rates may not take into account vehicle size and weight.

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