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Owner-operators: What model year is your truck? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,468

  • Ralph M Bohm - 8 years ago

    No ELDs for me. I came out here in '79 for one very good reason. I don't care to be controlled. I know ehen I am safe and when I need to go off duty.
    Maybe more of you who love ELDs have never enjoyed the freedom of making your own decisions and being responsible for them or maybe you don't mind being insulted by the government, well this is a profession that I am going to fight tooth and nail to keep out of government to the best of my ability. Get some courage and fight with me to keep your freedom.

  • Sean - 9 years ago

    I've only been a truck driver two years. I started out running E-logs with Knight Transportation. I didn't know any better being knew. But when I left Knight to go haul water in the oil fields. I felt like the shackles and chains had come off. I mastered the paper log while making good money in North Dakota. Now that the oil boom has died down, I'm back over the road with a small company (10 trucks). We use paper logs, and I feel after learning that I am a more efficient driver on paper logs, I'm thinking about going local or changing professions. RIP OTR

  • Steven - 9 years ago

    Left Socialist bloc in '80s and here I am......socialist U.S.A.
    And until we don' get united under one flag,we will lose even more very shortly.....slave to our masters.
    Sounds like a scary scenario but it's already a reality.

  • Tom Remer - 9 years ago

    The FMCSA keeps talking about safety yet nothing seems to be done about speeding. I still stop at least 3 times a day, if I'm tired I take a nap. Very rarely drive 10 hours a day but since my log book wouldn't work for the government,I quit filling it out. I'm 65 in good health and use my cpap machine every night; if they arrest me I guess I could retire. I love trucking and it's been a great vacation for 20 years

  • Jerome - 9 years ago

    Why don't everyone come clean and truthfully about getting loaded Elds are going to force a whole lot of owner operators out of business due to the actual time it takes to load and unload their frieght the now one day trip is going to turn into two days cutting their profits in half.

  • TSP - 9 years ago

    My 96 Pete 900,000 original miles never been chopped on never been hacked on been sitting in storage for 10 years now everything's been redone and restored I wonder what the price tag on it will be in 2017

  • Matt Leffert - 9 years ago

    90 model KW 900b. Was worried that I would be included in the elog mandate. It would have put me under for sure considering I am a one truck operation. I about jumped out my seat when I read the email that I was exempt. You boys over the road have my sympathy and respect. Glad I stay local.

  • Tommy - 9 years ago

    my 2005 KW will not have a elog.
    I`ll get me a older truck first or better yet,tell them to kiss my ass and keep running
    I am innocent untill proven guilty
    so this gov and all it`s buddies and go to he l l

  • Vic - 9 years ago

    1 million 800 thousand miles on my 1999 century have fun with your def egr trucks.
    While y'all shut down by your robot masters I'll be on the big road throwing ripped up loose leaf out the window in the moonlight ????

  • Juan - 9 years ago

    Before they make rules like the elogs
    They should make rules for shippers
    i will close company before they make me installed this elogs this trucks have my name on the title

  • Danny - 9 years ago

    99 Pete never had elog and not going to put one in it like another driver said not going to be a slave to the government. Hard enough to make money now with all the taxes we pay . Put the elog in your truck see how much money you make. Also there isn't enough places to park a truck now so what do you think is going to happen when all this hogwash comes in to efect

  • Mary - 9 years ago

    Will not sell my Pete, will not insult him or myself by putting an elog on him. He is retiring, so am I . Never had a wreck, never a logbook ticket.
    Will be glad to be away from all the elog wreck creating company drivers, think I-80 winter or summer now

  • Petey Hatfield - 9 years ago

    Never an e-log in my 2006 KW900L truck the title has my name on it not FMCSA

  • Ernesto - 9 years ago

    I will never run on elogs, I guess I will b selling my 2004 freightliner and go back to an older model. Is either that or quit trucking I really don't like this nazis . Is unbelievable got out of Cuba 25 years ago to end up with all this progressives pile of shit

  • Steve - 9 years ago

    There will never b a ELD installed in this or any Truck that I own I will not be a Slave to any Machine. Why don't the Assholes in Government jistvsend us al a Ankle Bracelet just Like they give Prisoners. Their 14 hour rule and their total control will be what will kill more and more people. They are just to Arrogant to realize it at the his time. I will be saying goodbye after 42 years and 1 minor accident.Good Luck to those who wish to be treated like Slaves.

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